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MCSG "Pun" Thread

Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys Dunnett here and im here to give you yet another forum game :D
How this works is you put a pun related to MCSG or a certain persons username!
Famous puns will go in the top 10 MCSG pun list :eek:!

Top 10 MCSG Puns
  1. Here, we see the remnants of a long lost civilization. They initially inhabited a region known as the "Red Forest," which was named for the colors you see during the fall. It is now a fallen empire, but at it's peak, it was a power to be reckoned with.

    Before they set up their civilization as the powerhouse it became, they had to fight wyverns, demons, and dragons for control of the land. In the wake of those battles, they had to face solar eclipses that plunged the land into darkness for days at a time. During those times, Frost settled on everything and fire was one of the few means of survival. Slowly, they created their kingdom. They set up a Fortress and used it as their capitol. It would later be run by Baron Pyke in the great war for the throne.

    They had many great artists and songwriters. One of their best known works is the Requiem of Origins. In this empire was a large ocean with island scattered about. Some were well known for supposedly having a hidden fortune. There was always a breeze, so sailers could get about quite easily. Education was important to the inhabitants of the empire. One of their most prestigious universities, located in a valley, is known throughout the world. During the holiday season, people would travel to their equivalent of resorts to relax. The landscape is beautiful. Lakes are scattered here and there. They reflect the moonlight in a beautiful fashion. Their religion was a compilation of multiple. They worshiped gods like Apollo, famous persons like Icarus, and great kings like Pharaoh KharMun of Rah.

    Over time, they conquered lands in all directions. Their conquests ground to a halt when the reached multiple regions that were very dangerous. They sent an Elite team into the rugged landscape before them. They faced howling mountains, and treacherous heights. Many on the expedition died. Later teams would find their dry bones buried in shallow graves, and marked with crude wooden crosses.

    One man returned from the original team. He had become a raving lunatic by something he had seen in his travels. He talked of a place where enormous monsters guarded a colossal fallen statue. He spoke of a futuristic city, run by an evil man named Rici Ava. According to his tales, they were so technologically advanced, they had over 9 bases on various extraterrestrial areas, including the moon. His tales were dismissed, and he was imprisoned as a madman.

    Rici's armies swooped in a few days after the man returned. They had silently followed him for months as he travelled back. The civilization was destroyed in a matter of days. Mystics and prophets, who could sense destiny, shivered as they felt centuries of knowledge and art die. Thankfully, Rici knew the power of history and attempted to keep history of this proud empire. - Pun by Lively

  2. Do you NoahSailer that could lend me a hand on my boat? - Pun by Pro_H1j4ker2345MCSG
  3. Devon_Mines trees with his Tomahawk. Blamph.

    Be careful, iMightTroll SumBoDeee in my Life855 timeSumBoDeee in my Life855 time - Pun by Operdasher
  4. You guys are krackan me up.
    You all need to go get a life855.
    Some of these are brilliantos though.
    But you're just making me Dizzy.
    Oooo....that was a good one... GetPwned by my epic pun skill
    Don't get me Wron,
    SumBoDee with good talent is always welcome.
    But most of these are just Drybear.
    Then again some of them are just iPureGold.
    Virtualy humorless.
    All these good puns, YouKnowItsMe.
    I'm getting a little Rusty at this.
    Think I need some Fresh_Aire - Pun by @krackan
  5. Admins locking this thread? I highly Anticipate it. - Pun by @Cubes
  6. When someone is hacking. Most people might not nodus it, however, I do. When I'm drinking LeafyGreenTea and killed a by hacker I get very MrMad2000 so I dig a gravey4rd for them. - Pun by MrMad2000
  7. I'm going to holiday report you :3 That was breezy! - Pun by Wagtail
  8. I just @Sneeze7d, can someone give me a tissue? - Pun by chockadlad
  9. I'm going to grab me some Ohjay(x) [orange juice xD] - Pun by Ohjay
  10. I hack, but nobody noduses it. :p - Pun by Revengefull
Last edited:


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
This thread is so bad you should go bacc to the corner and cry.


May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Oh great, I'm not that clever... I guess I'll have to anatoliFISHer one out of the internet. My jokes are not even HALFsquirrel as good as I think they are. I mean sure, I may be able to THEORETICALLYy think of one from time to time, but now that I think about it, I may only ever matt_the DREAMer of being accepted as a funny person... FORairan what ever reason I am just not witty... Great, I'll never VeeZa funny person I want TOBY22... (LeafyGreenTea joke) (Mario Joke) THE END.

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