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Staff Meet Mauro! [A New MCGamer Staff Member (Moderator)]

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Sep 15, 2012
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Hi everyone! It has been a week or so that I got my moderator rank.
With this thread I want to share my story of becoming an MCGamer moderator.

How far in the past should I go?
Well.. let's go all the way back.

How did I got into minecraft?

A long time ago when minecraft was just about to hit beta state my friend told me about this game. He came to my window and said "Hey dude you must check out this cool small game, you should come to my place tomorow after school. I was like okay, but I had no idea what was actually coming that day. As I said that day, I came to his house and he showed me the game. The game was called Minecraft. He started by showing me the main menu and all other thing including the gameplay of the game. We spend a lot of times at his place while he was playing minecraft and I was only watching him. I still felt great about the game and we both loved the game so much. After a month or so we finally realized that we could play multiplayer together and playing multiplayer at that time was something amazing becauase it was still mostly under construction. I finally decided to buy minecraft and I finally did. I have called myself "maurofabijanic" and I really did not care about my username that much because I just wanted to play the game with my friend. We played so much and we actually started to understand the game, we learned almost every bit of it. As time was passing we joined MCGamer Network or at that time it was just a normal MCSG server for our very first time. It was just after the first hunger game movie. We spend a lot of great times there including one more of mine friends. Eventually my friend who actually showed me minecraft decided not to play anymore. But my new friend that I said him about minecraft still plays till today. And so on..

How did I got into MCGamer Network?
Well as I said after the first hunger games movie we went to play survival games because at that time it was such a big thing. Me and my new friend played for very long time on MCGamer Network. As time passed I met so many other people that wanted to play on MCGamer Network and we played it for a very long time. It was a time to make a move.

How did I become an MCGamer Moderator?

Becoming a moderator for me was a whole 1 year journey for me. My first time I tried to apply for a moderator did not go so well. I got declined because I did not put any effort in my Application.
I tried so hard and did not make it to an Interview stage. I got a private message from a Sr.Staff that told me that my application was really great and that I need to go just a little bit further. I was really depressed at that time and I just did not feel like reapplying again. I decided to improve myself, my English. After a while I said to myself " I am going to make this application worth looking and I will try to combine everything I learned from Movies,Games,School etc. And so I did. I wrote so much that I needed 2 days to complete it. I finally got to an interview stage which was like super nervous for me. I went to MCGamer Network TeamSpeak server where I was with my waiting buddies. I waited a week for my interview and it was finally time for me to go get interviewed. While answering the question they asked me, I was saying repeatedly to myself "Just be calm and answer questions with a good point and right decisions". After we have been done with the interview I was send back to an waiting room. Honestly I could do way better then I did that day. But I was to nervous at that moment. They moved me up and said their decisions and they said I passed the interview and I felt so happy :). Day after that I got trained and I was so happy to be a part of the MCGamer Network staff team.

What do I plan for the future?

No one can know the future will bring but I have set some goals for the future.

Be the best or at least one of the best Staff Members on MCGamer Network so I can leave my trail when I leave.
Making an youtube channel that will be big and very helpful to everyone.
Making an successful life that I will enjoy living.

Being an second Croatian Moderator feels great!

I would like to thank anyone who had been there for me. And most importantly NEVER GIVE UP!
If you ever guys need me I will be on McGamer Network TeamSpeak server to help you all as much as I can!
Thanks so much guys for accepting me!
By the way my favorite color is blue!

Thanks so much for your time! :)
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Just wondering... Why do you say MCSg instead of MCSG?
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