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Meet The Community - ItsArdaQG


District 13
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
1. Name: My name is Arda and my surname is Toprak.
2. Nickname: I don't have a nickname ;-; Just call me Arda
3. IGN:
4. Age: 15 but i am really close to 16.
5. Which region do you play on?: Only EU
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: I actually really love forums and teamspeak. Mcg's forums is so much better than other forums i think. Also i love teamspeak because you can meet with so many different peoples around the world and you can join so many different activities like OMN or Gamemode Spotlight and that's really enjoyable :)
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: 1 month ago , i was in OMN and i was singing a song. After that so many peoples like my voices and my performance and i get Audience rank. I wasn't know you can open your microphone and my microphone was open. When i get Audience rank i said ''Mom how was it , did you like it '' to my mother. Ohh gosh that's really embarrassing ;-;
8. One cool fact about yourself?: In minecraft , i killed Huahwi in SgHeroes. In real life , i can say i am very popular in my school :)
9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: Getix Vigilo KaanTN Exzone DuruFTW @Jojo and Jazza
10. When did you join MCGamer?:
11. How did you find out about MCGamer?: I was playing in crack servers at the begining. But ItsCagatayQG -my cousin- suggest me to play in mcsg and i bought a premium account.
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: I am really good at Bow/Defensive rod but i am really bad at sword.
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: Survival Games
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: For 3 years.
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Vigilo - Yannick
16. What is your favorite SG map?: Inertia
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: ''Do i really look like a guy with a plan?''
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: BiboyQG <333333
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: Open Mic Night
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: I killed team of 5 turk team :')


District 13
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
It seems like we have a same favorite MCSG youtuber. :p
PS. Thanks for a tag kanka! <3

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