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Meet The Staff - Mason/masond123


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone! My name is Mason, and I am a Moderator on the MCGamer Network.
I am doing this thread for two reasons:
1. It was my 3-month anniversary of being a staff member 2 days ago, and I wanted to do something special for it. So, this is my 3-month anniversary big surprise :p.
2. I know I may not be that well known in the community right now, but I want to get to know as many people as I can :D. Staff, you are not exempt from this :p
So, here we go!
One Cool Fact: I have been playing MCSG since mid-2012, but I only joined the forums 3 days before I got mod!
One Embarrassing Fact: I slept with a stuffed bear until last year... :/ What can I say, Sleepy Bear was important to me xD
One Fact that makes you proud: That I was ranked #1 in Southern California Boys 14 Satellite Tennis Rankings, and that I received the Moderator rank on MCG!
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I am 6' 2" and only only like 135 lbs but I eat so much o_O
Most Common question you get asked: Are you a mod?
Favorite Animal: Cats :D Oh my god too cute. Except the hairless ones of course.
Favorite Plant: Sourgrass! Tastes so good mmmmmmm :p
Favorite Color: Blue! It's a pretty relaxing color.
Favorite Food: ETHIOPIAN OH MY GOD. It makes my mouth feel like heaven.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When people scrape their fingers on Styrofoam. It makes my skin crawl :/
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Personal Catchphrase: "Never look back, always keep yourself pointed forwards"
Heard about MCG by: The interwebz, where else?
Ever Bring someone to MCG: A few of my IRL friends, that didn't turn out so well.
First friend in the community: Hmmmm... hard to say. I think Equalitee probably, but if I am forgetting someone please let me know.
MCG role-model: I don't really have one person who I look up to, I look up to certain aspects of many different people.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I don't want to brag publicly :p but I have a few.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Even if I was about to win, he would just /ban me from life, so Chad for sure. Let's be honest though, his cat would beat both of us.
Call me maybe? Not if you are Carly Rae Jepsen
Do you team in game: Occasionally, but only if I am on TS or Skype with them.
Have you been backstabbed: A few too many times </3
Ever Broken a bone: I fractured my wrist when I was 5 years old... funny story about that, ask me on TS sometime if you want to hear it.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: A bird, I would love to be able to fly.
Personal Skills: Hmm... I don't even know xD
Computer specs: HP Inspiron 15z i7... that's about all I know xD It's a laptop.
Computer operating system: Windows 8.1... I am not a fan of it. I wish I had chose 7 instead.
Program I use to record: FRAPS
Favorite movie: It basically changes every time I see a new movie :p
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Wow, I really listen to anything... I am just getting into Dubstep, I like some Pop and some Rock... if I hear it on the radio and like it, then I buy it!
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): To be honest, I don't really game besides Minecraft... I sort of enjoy the game OSU.
Favorite character from fiction: Let me hear you say "Katniss!" xD
What does a fox say? Moo? Or is that a cow?
Terrified of: I have had so many awful experiences with bees, so yeah.
Personal website: I don't have one...
Favorite website (Other than these forums): YouTube! Or maybe ask.fm, that site is really fun also.
Dream job: Professional tennis player! I would give anything to be able to walk out onto Centre Court at Wimbledon.
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I currently don't have a job, but I am trying to do a lot of community service this summer.
Favorite thing about the community: All of the supportive people that made me feel right at home when I joined. Love you all <3

When I am online: I am online usually from 3PM PST to about 8PM PST. The time varies a lot.
Previous moderating experience: I have been a moderator on two previous servers, both of which I will not name in order to not advertise ;). I learned a lot from those experiences, and I am applying as much as I can to moderating on MCG.
Been a member of staff since: 4/13/14
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): I am often on Creative, but you will always find me on TeamSpeak. I love moderating on there so much for some reason.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: To make the community a better place, and to get to know as many people as I can.

And that's it! I hope you all have enjoyed learning more about me, and if you ever want to chat, just PM me on the forums or poke me on TeamSpeak! If I am not busy, I would love to chat.
Peace out!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Nice to know more about you c:

I have a friend who's about 6 feet tall and weighs about 130 as well. And let me tell you, he eats more than anyone I've ever met (possibly besides me). So you aren't alone on that road aha

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