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Meet Winston! [1,000 Posts]


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
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Meet Winston & 1,000 posts!
Hey everyone! So after nearly three years of being on the forums, I have finally gotten 1,000 posts. About half of them are mod apps, but hey, it still counts. I am so grateful to be apart of this community and I'm looking to the next 1,000! So when thinking of what to do for my 1k posts, I was a bit stumped for a bit. I could do an AMA, but that's been done a lot, I've already done my MCSG story, I've done a meet the staff, and people already know what I look like. So I present to you a thread about my pug, Winston Giggums.

About the Pug:
Winston Giggums is around 4 years old. We got him nearly a year ago now, and he is such an amazing dog. He was previously owned by two other families, but they gave him away for various reasons. [though I can't understand why because he is literally perfection, like Chandelle] Recently after I got him, he also became Giggums son and is now referred to as Winston Giggums (at least by me). Now onto some pictures!

Here is a picture of Winston:

Here is him being MLG with doritos:

He likes to contemplate life a lot:

He likes to sleep in weird positions:

He sleeps a lot:

And the occasional time he turns into a demon

And we can't forget my other pug Cookie Dough. I don't have as much pictures of her, but here is one. She's a bit older and smaller, but still just as amazing and weird.

It's getting a bit crowded in this thread, so I won't put all of the pictures in here (I'll stick some more in a spoiler at the end. Be warned, there are a lot). I would like to be on a more serious note for a second though to thank you guys for making this so memorable. I wouldn't be where I am or or who I am now without this community, and I thank you guys for that. :love:
Feel free to ask any questions who have about my pugs in the comments.


Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score
My dog does the exact same thing, sleeping on his back!
Does he ever start to move his paws, my dog does it all the team (it means they're having a dream)
Cute Dog as well, pug right? I have a boxer!


Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Wanna swap dogs? OMG they are so cute!


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