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MJ's Guide on What Strategies You DON'T Want To Use in MCSG.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
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So, instead of going on about strategies that you elite tributes should be using, I'm gonna make a guide on what strategies you noobs SHOULDN'T use in Survival Games. Some of these strategies are for the new folk who probably don't know what's bad or good, and some are for pros who might learn something new today.

(This post is going to be quite long, so if you don't feel like reading in depth, I have a list at the bottom of all the strategies)

Alright, let's get cracking:

Punching People at Start:

This is the most common thing people will do on this list. I don't know what they accomplish out of this, but let me explain how this is a bad strategy:

-Punching people will do nothing but frustrate them and want to kill you more, and having somebody want to kill you is a bad thing.
-If you do end up killing somebody, your hunger is going to be extremely low due to you punching and possibly sprinting.
-You won't get good items out of it, since if you were able to kill somebody, chances are they didn't have armor, or a sword.
-You will be low on health, because the person you're punching is probably going to fight back. If they're good enough, they might kill you. Which, is kind of humiliating.

Block Hitting:

This is also another common strategy, I don't get why people try to block hit, cause there just isn't a reason for it. Reasons why this is bad:

-When you try to block hit, your hitting speed decreases majorly and you will get significantly less hits on your opponent, which is the main goal of PVP.
-Blocking makes your movement speed slow, which makes you vulnerable to your opponent.
-Unless if you're very accurate with your blocks, blocking really doesn't deflect much damage since you can't keep the blocking position on. Unless you want to die, of course.

Camping at Cornucopia with Bad Stuff: (Or camping in general)

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you're going to sit at the cornucopia, or any other hotspot, somebody with better stuff is going to come along sooner or later and kill you.
-You could spend your time looking for better items, rather than waiting at a dangerous location for them.
-Camping doesn't accomplish anything.

Getting in Large Teams Without Some Form of Vocal Communication:

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you set up a large team of people you don't know, you have a high chance of somebody going berserk and betraying you.
-A team that can't communicate well is usually very sloppy and can split up easily, then the team later gets picked off one by one.
-There's only one winner, more people you have, less of a chance you get to be a winner.

Going Down Chest Routes that are Very Popular:

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you go down a chest route that people already have, versus one that nobody has, your chance of getting a good amount of chests decreases when you go down the popular route.
-More people on a route, the more people you have to be careful around.
-You can still make a route that has good chests that aren't very popular. Trust me, there's a lot. (Example: Survival Games 4 crashed plane route)

That's all I can think of as of now, I'll add more on this thread if I come up with any. Hope you guys found this useful.

Oh yeah, here's the list for you lazy readers:

Punching People at Start- Frustrates players, accomplishes nothing.
Block Hitting- Makes you open to your enemy and accomplishes nothing.
Camping- If you're at a popular place, you're going to die. Accomplishes nothing.
Getting in Large Teams Without Vocal Communication- Higher chance of team dying or getting betrayed. Accomplishes nothing.
Going Down Routes that are Popular- Other good routes that aren't popular, lower chance of getting a good chest, and, it still accomplishes nothing.



District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Punching People: Negative
Block Hitting: Positive in some ways

For Example: You are in a corner. A guy with Chain and Iron sword comes to you. You have Leather and Stone sword. There is a chance of killing him if you try block hitting. Also if you are PvPing and you get to low health, it's a bit healthy if you block hit there so you don't die.

Camping: Positive in some ways

Guy that's decked at corn waiting for refill. You camp at your chest route until refill the you can get all your chests including all the other tier 2 and you can be equal with your opponent.

Getting in Type Teams: Both

It's kind of bad cause it can tell your location and if something is urgent you can't type it fast. But it isn't really game changing. Only team with people IRL or trustworthy.

Going down popular Routes: Both

Go there first. Don't try to get corn. It can game change.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Camping: Positive in some ways

Guy that's decked at corn waiting for refill. You camp at your chest route until refill the you can get all your chests including all the other tier 2 and you can be equal with your opponent.
When I say camping, I mean just sitting in a tree doing nothing the whole game. :p

I agree with your points, these are just general ideas that you wouldn't really want to do constantly. And situations like these can happen.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
It is sometimes useful to punch people out of the way, so I think that it is a worthwhile strategy.

Blockhitting is effective in water. Nuff said.

I have gotten corn when two stacked players were fighting when I had leather armor, talking refill was better than talking a guaranteed loss.

Agreed on large teams, unless you are the betrayer.

Popular chest routes usually have good loots. You won't get the loots all the time, but you have a good chance at a win if you do.


Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
Block hitting can be VERY effective if your opponent is in a team or has alot better armor than you. I mainly use it when someone else is blockhitting me or when im in a close quarter situation. Also if i see someone i want to kill and another person coming for me in the distance i will block hit so i have a good amount of hearts for the second person. Its not useless but when its a normal 1v1 fight i wouldn't recommend it. That is unless you are a pro at it like ThatOneTomahawk.:p


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Just gonna tell you this now, there aren't many noobs browsing these forums that are gonna: A. Read this whole post (of course they might check that lazy thing, but that won't help much) B. Not know these things at least C. Be willing to change.
Punching People at Start:

This is the most common thing people will do on this list. I don't know what they accomplish out of this, but let me explain how this is a bad strategy:

-Punching people will do nothing but frustrate them and want to kill you more, and having somebody want to kill you is a bad thing.
-If you do end up killing somebody, your hunger is going to be extremely low due to you punching and possibly sprinting.
-You won't get good items out of it, since if you were able to kill somebody, chances are they didn't have armor, or a sword.
-You will be low on health, because the person you're punching is probably going to fight back. If they're good enough, they might kill you. Which, is kind of humiliating.
Punching people to death is a bad strategy. However, punching people away from your route a bit or punching people away from a chest at corn is strategic. I probably could have made a paragraph on this, but I think this is really all that needs to be said.

Block Hitting:

This is also another common strategy, I don't get why people try to block hit, cause there just isn't a reason for it. Reasons why this is bad:

-When you try to block hit, your hitting speed decreases majorly and you will get significantly less hits on your opponent, which is the main goal of PVP.
-Blocking makes your movement speed slow, which makes you vulnerable to your opponent.
-Unless if you're very accurate with your blocks, blocking really doesn't deflect much damage since you can't keep the blocking position on. Unless you want to die, of course.
There are pros to block hitting. Someone said in a post that I saw earlier today that there is that small period of time when the person is invincible (very small) which is when it's worth blocking. Of course it's frowned upon by many forummers, it's still not a bad thing to do if you're good at it.

Camping at Cornucopia with Bad Stuff: (Or camping in general)

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you're going to sit at the cornucopia, or any other hotspot, somebody with better stuff is going to come along sooner or later and kill you.
-You could spend your time looking for better items, rather than waiting at a dangerous location for them.
-Camping doesn't accomplish anything.
Well, if you feel like you would have an advantage camping and you know you stand a chance at winning with your item set and skill set, then there is nothing against it other than you're letting other people get the other chests that could have good stuff in it.

Getting in Large Teams Without Some Form of Vocal Communication:

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you set up a large team of people you don't know, you have a high chance of somebody going berserk and betraying you.
-A team that can't communicate well is usually very sloppy and can split up easily, then the team later gets picked off one by one.
-There's only one winner, more people you have, less of a chance you get to be a winner.
You don't necessarily need vocal communication, you just need a good trust between you guys. The real thing you shouldn't do is ask random people to team in a big team. As long as you've played with the person/people before, and you trust them, you should be fine in a big team.

Going Down Chest Routes that are Very Popular:

Reasons why this is bad:

-If you go down a chest route that people already have, versus one that nobody has, your chance of getting a good amount of chests decreases when you go down the popular route.
-More people on a route, the more people you have to be careful around.
-You can still make a route that has good chests that aren't very popular. Trust me, there's a lot. (Example: Survival Games 4 crashed plane route)
There are some cases when this is wrong. As long as you know what chests are more important to go for first, and strategies that can get you ahead of other people in a situation where you can't get those chests you are always good going on a popular chest route. On SG4, there are many good chest routes so it's really no use going on a popular one, but on other maps, there are chest routes more worth getting than other so it can be better to go for that one.


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Do you know why blockhitting is frowned upon? I've seen many people dislike blockhitting but never really giving any reasons.


Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
Do you know why blockhitting is frowned upon? I've seen many people dislike blockhitting but never really giving any reasons.
Well he just gave them. It significantly speeds down your hits per second, and it makes movement really hard. It's really only useful in enclosed areas, like the SG4 sewers or 1x2 tunnels.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Well he just gave them. It significantly speeds down your hits per second, and it makes movement really hard. It's really only useful in enclosed areas, like the SG4 sewers or 1x2 tunnels.
No, that's not why it's frowned upon that's why it's not good to use. It's frowned upon more because it's unfair to the players that don't and some players just find that to be rude I guess. Don't really have an amazing explanation for it :p


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
It's frowned upon because it's so useless if you're bad at it, and so incredibly annoying to fight against if they'd good at it.
Yeah, this sounds like the better reason, plus you aren't supposed to be using at all times. "All" pvp strategies have their pros and cons.

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