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MoLoToV - Meet the Staff


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
First name: Paul
IGN(s): PM_MoLoToV
Nickname(s): PM, Molo, Momo and my new one... Cocktail?
Age: 18
Region: EU Of course :)

One Cool Fact: I've been number 3 on the EU leaderboards back in June 2012 ( Yes! We had seperated leaderboard for EU and US back then! )
One Embarrassing Fact: I talk to my cat, like... alot
One Fact that makes you proud: Becoming a moderator!
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I'm secretly part of the Men in Black organisation... Now before moving on to the next qeustion *Put sunglasses on* Please look here *Points at the neuralyzer and flashes*. Good, you have never read this question.
Most Common question you get asked:Where are you? I tend to get lost quick :(
Favorite Animal: Cat :3
Favorite Plant: Err... Never really though about that... I'm going for a bonsai tree, I used to have one... but it died because I always forgot to give it water...
Favorite Color: Orange!
Favorite Food: There is so much delicious food... I don't really have a favorite, but just to answer the qeustion I'll go with Apple Pie!

Biggest Pet Peeve: People who ride on their bicycles without light at night! It's like you are asking to get hit by a car...
Astrological Sign: Archer! That's probably why I'm good with a bow!
Personal Catchphrase: Let's do this! Yes, it's unoriginal :p
Heard about MCG by: I saw a random youtube video about a few people screwing around on SG1 and I figured that be fun to do! So I started searching for a hunger games server right away after! Google lead my way to here :3
Ever Bring someone to MCG: I would bring... Frondome
First friend in the community: My very first friend on MCSG was another Dutch guy, Jangetjeboy. I haven't spoken to him in years though :(
MCG role-model: Back in the days I was always looking up to Logstone A former Sr. Mod
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Graduating with a 5 for the Dutch language! I'm so bad at it ;-;
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Chad, he is the almighty god of MCSG... I can't do anything to him with my simple mortal powers
Call me maybe? Sure my number is : zero-zero-thirty one-twelve-twenty three-forty five-seventy eight
Do you team in game: Yes, it's way more fun!
Have you been backstabbed: Unfortunately, yes
Ever Broken a bone: Thanks god I haven't.... yet!
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: A bird of course, I would be able to fly every where I want to go! And annoy people by pooping on their cars!
Personal Skills: I'm good with a bow and arrow in real life too!
Computer specs: Dell XPS 8300, I7-2600 @ 3,4 Ghz, 8GB ram, GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1 TB harddrive
Computer operating system: Windows 7 64 bit!
Program I use to record: Dxtory is the best :D
Favorite movie: Electro, hardstyle, dubstep... Yep that's what I like
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Don't really have one, i usually listen to random mixes
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Battlefield, Call of Duty, Terarria, Hearthstone, Chivalry Medieval Warfare
What does a fox say? Ask Fox
Terrified of: iFroxFTW Teije 3Crowns
Personal website: I've a youtube channel, that's all :p
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Youtube duhhh
Dream job: Haven't figured this one out yet
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I work in a local supermarket :oops:
Favorite thing about the community: The people! If it weren't for you, this whole server wouldn't have existed And the developers too of course <3

When I am online: Whenever I'm not at work, or asleep!

Previous moderating experience: Smaller sized community's nothing this big!
Been a member of staff since: 16-2-2014
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG!
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: Taking out the bad nuggets of this community!


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
:O 3crowns, what a old No 1 of EU beauty or it was 2crowns, too long ago to remember...


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Welcome to the staff team!


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats on mod m8! Am looking forward for what you have to offer to our community!

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