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My Goodbye


May 8, 2015
Reaction score
mods keep this in clan section.

Yes this day has finally arrived. I'm quitting mcsg. A lot of people are probably happy rn and laughing while reading this and making funny of me but at this point I don't care anymore. Day after day I get more hate in the mcsg communtiy and people continue to make fun of me. Calling me a squeaker, call me trash and many other things. I am moving to the UHC community because recently it has been more fun for me. Anyways goodbye mcsg. Before I leave I gotta give all my homies shoutouts.

SupaHamful You deserve to be at the top of the list over anyone else. You are my best friend online and no one can take your spot. Even though you aren't known in the community at all your still awesome. Sucks that you got perm banned for opening a chest lmao. Some mod plz unban him.

Roluctive I remember when we first met in Forbidden when you and jake were the owners. I gave you the 20-0 smack on badlion and you gave me auto member. After a couple days you kicked me because I had no mic :( after that you invited to your new clan Logic and I am glad I joined! We instantly became best friends and it was all fun and games from there. Gl in Forbidden Ryan.

begging aye my niqqa victor! I remember the day we met better than any other day in my life. I applied for your clan Voltage and you gave me member. I'm like it was a troll app (which it was) and then left. After that you called me a hopper and we didn't speak again. Then we became friends on the forums and we both joined Cringed. Ever since then you've been a great friend and one of the chilliest people I know. gl my dude.

UserAlpha I met you the same day I met Ryan and we were pretty good friends. At first I thought you were kinda annoying because you followed me into TS channels when I just wanted to play with Supa lol. Then we kept talking and became really close. gl in Forbidden!

IrisUS this was my first ever mcsg clan. I loved anyone who was in this clan. People may have called us randoms or trash but that didn't bother me. Heirokos Hika loved u 2 the most <3 no homo. Also you two have what it takes to get into high tiered clans. idk why you don't try to lmao.

Other people who deserve shoutouts.
GucciRose RyyzingGod Foopy RealExtremeA45 @Spatial @xUnjustified SaltyStrafe Tridz (when you actually liked me lmao) Heirokos Hika Airlifts MrCrafty1v2 RockstarFilms ajmoney99 Slac Kooky Flixzy Twuaty MCunbreakable Twotwoboo Tryanizard prestomesto Megssii ncwattlesnake GhostArtz Colton' Ceroria demonsushi

Goodbye MCSG -RetroRain

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