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My MCGamer Experience


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hey everyone!
So a quick disclaimer before starting this thread, this is not a goodbye thread, in the contrary its a helllooooo, its me, type a thread. (*badoumts*). So let's get started!

I was in a pretty dank mood today so I wanted to make a thread with my experiences and friend I made. And there may have been rumours going around about me applying somewhere else and me quitting mcgamer, well I ain't leaving kids you'll have to put up with me.

Anywho lets start!
Back in around 2012-2013 ( don't have a precise date ) my friend Chris introduced me to mcgamer when we first started to play minecraft, and it was back in the day when you would have to go on the website and manually choose a server and write in the ip. We played and played.. And played. Litterally 24/7.

Later on I introduced my friend Liza or liza3346 to the servers. This was later when we had that hub where there was like two levels if any of you guys remember. It was like the hub where you would run onto sg and there would be two floors and the bottom floor well the servers were almost never played. Anyways, I started to do youtube with my really high pitched voice ( youtube.com/IceGemton ---> watch the first vid called "the magic fountain or something )
We had a lot of fun, like a lot!

Later on I was intrigued with these redstone ranks. I knew about iron gold and diamond ( this was back when platinum didnt exist ). I later found out redstone ranks were Moderator ranks. I looked it up on the forums and decided to apply! Took me a few tries and a few computer crashes and restarting to finally get to the interview stage. When I finished a day of school I legit screamed in the bus "I GOT PENDING" everyone looked at me like wtf lunatic.

So I get on ts and wait 1month 18days to finally get my first interview. I passed it, obviously :p one of my main waiting buds: GetRidaHim , were still real good friends and we should chill sometime!

So I work hard on mod blabla all that happened my account got hacked by a russian ect ect.

Then I resign and about a month later I already come back and get my interview and pass ( obviously again )

Now this story brings us to a few months back. I get promoted to senior mod and well hehe 3 days later get demoted, from my point of view, I didn't do anything, but I mean that doesn't matter. I cried a bit and well up to today still think back and hate myself for doing something that I didn't do if that makes any sense.

Early on today I got onto ts and I had the most fun i've had in a while. A lot of friends were on including obviously the fabulous Yannick and Vigilo . These guys are the real things. We've been friends for quite a while and even if other seniors think if I don't have a rank I'm not worth anything, but these guys stick with my and we still real buds.

So many more people still stick with me as friends, Axanite | Liam, me and him are good buds, we go back a lot!

I'd also like to say something I have never said that even he probably doesn't know, but TotalDramaTony was basically someone I looked upto the most in the staff team. My first few days he taught me what not and what to do. Didn't get mad at the new kid and stood by my mistakes while keeping his calm!

Nephilim : me and this guy... Well all I need to say is he built me a frikin tardis in the hub... But seriously I dmd him on the forums and literally 2 minutes later he's on the teamspeak ready to talk, the real bro.

Col_StaR : I don't even know what to say, you were so supportive of round table review and I can't than you enough. If ever you get the chance to read this thread and tell me a quick hi, would make my day. I remember this one time my friend got stuck in the staff only place on the hub because he was glitchinf in with horses and you mistakenly moved me up with ChadTheDJ and Dave and I couldn't stop laughing it was so embarrssing. And this other time I moved you out of training by mistakes. Yikes haha!

Miner9823 : Miner like you're the nicest person evarr! You like wanted to participate in rtr so fast, you helped me with stuff whenever I needed it, and literally I saw you on ts 2 days back and was in tears I missed you so much!!

Ceroria : Ceroria you're like the best, you keep me as a friend even though I don't have the swords, you host teh events, you helped me try to prove myself innocent, you're a real bro!

Razzledgirl : Hey razz! We never do get to talk often but I was with you in a chat today and can you change my forums name please? I'm kidding! But you're a really nice person, maybe should talk so more, I know you always respond to my annoying DMs and are always willing to help!

AlpakaWhacker : oi jamie! ( did i do the scottish thing right? ) I'm the m8 on steam, you're so chill and always talk to me about your life when I need it, I send my respect!

CAmadeusA : Welp I'm tagging you yet again and sending you yet another notification. It gets annoying aye? But i'm persistent! I hope that we can get threw all of this none sense and become even friends if that's possible, would be cool! You're pretty chill, you skateboard on ts so you're weird.

Giggity69Goo : Bruh now you are! Haha I forgot u again geeze. Andreas ur da swag ( cause I can't swear ) we've been such good friends and always told me to stop doing stupid things

Nick : Nick nick nick, man you're so amazing, introduced me to sherlock, took me in as a friend so fast, I really love you m8

I'm probably forgetting so many people but I love you all!! Good night everyone! Thanks for reading
Last edited:


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Bruh I ain't even tagged should I be commenting on this?


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Omg whattt, Hector! I had no idea I was your inspiration/role model omg. I feel really honored. A lot of people always say they look up to an admin, or to someone really influential like Col, so whenever people chose me, I really felt special like you have no idea. Thank you so much for appreciating me, and I am very happy I could've been there for you as a mod. I do remember us talking when we were on that Invictus trial server world, lol, we do go far back, and no matter what happens/ happened, I will always be someone that would love to talk to you, and I am still a friend you can come to, even if we have not talked in a long time. I like seeing you at OMN, and just around in general. I'll see you around boo <3


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
"Got hacked by a russian" just made my day. And omg, I know of this YT channel called "CrazyRussianHacker" (I'm not advertising pls I phne, no ben) and it kinda reminded me of that for some reason. Wuuuut. xD

But seriously though, Hector, Ily so much, just being here keeps our sistahood aliiiive, and I wanna take this time to express my gratitude for you having been here in everyone's hearts. And when the waiting time is finally up, I seriously cannot wait 'till we can actually get Round-table review rolling in again.

Good news, by the way! A couple moderators are willing to come help us out with planning it too, we just need you to come back now, it doesn't feel the same like it should when you're not here. So we're waiting baee! <3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ceroria : Ceroria you're like the best, you keep me as a friend even though I don't have the swords, you host teh events, you helped me try to prove myself innocent, you're a real bro
Hector, you're a really cool dude. It was great being a trial buddy with you, and it's cool hanging out with ya on TS c:


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Col_StaR : I don't even know what to say, you were so supportive of round table review and I can't than you enough. If ever you get the chance to read this thread and tell me a quick hi, would make my day. I remember this one time my friend got stuck in the staff only place on the hub because he was glitchinf in with horses and you mistakenly moved me up with ChadTheDJ and Dave and I couldn't stop laughing it was so embarrssing. And this other time I moved you out of training by mistakes. Yikes haha!
I remember all of those events too. You were always a fun guy, Hector.
I'm happy to have helped you in your efforts with the community, and I'm definitely happy this isn't a Goodbye post.

(Sorry for late response, just found it now. 3 days ain't too old anyways.)

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