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Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: StephOP
Okay so mcsg has a few bugs that I would like to put on my Christmas list to be fixed
1. Plz plz plzzzzz fix the fns glitch it used to be so fun when u used to be able to actually light players on fire by doing 360s but now when ever I do them they don't place.
2. Bow and rod. The bow is sometimes not shooting and it takes away an arrow from not shooting which I see as a unfair advantage to the player but from the other players perspective he sees just 1 less arrow to bow spam him with. Rod sometimes it doesn't go out and it's pretty annoying tbh I would rather the bow not shooting then the rod.
3. Ncp. The no cheat plus or NCP was one of my favorites on mcsg the hit detection is just do beautiful it makes bad lion combo ladder look bad. All I'm saying is to just not make it ping based make it fair for the people that have bad ping.
4. The maps. I used to love getting that free stone sword from valley side but now when I open the chest there's nothing. Same as all the other maps as demons breeze no more master sword. Rip master sword. All I'm saying is just to add back the things that made the game more interesting.
5. Mods..... Ily guys. Plz don't hurt me.
6. So many mcsg hackers like I can't tell anymore if they use smooth aim or not like it's very hard to tell now maybe do like a judgement day it would really be funny who would get banned. (Ivoric) we won't go there.
7. Make all these wishes come true and You will have a more satisfying server.

Plz don't hurt me i love mcsg it's like mostly my life but sometimes it can get frustrating with all the glitches that happen. Hint: It's like 11:00pm and I am tried so most of the things I said I didn't read over because I'm a lazy person.

I know u guys are probably working on most of this stuff trying to fix the rod the fns and the bow and I understand that it will take awhile but I just want one of the Sr. Mods or developers to at least say we are doing this to improve the server or at least make people hype for these changes if they will happen

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