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My Opinion/Guide on Ping/Clicking Speed

Do you think ping effects as much as people say?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Not sure/Depends

    Votes: 5 12.8%

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Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
So recently I've been thinking a lot on how ping and clicking speed actually effects pvp.
Lets start off with some definitions

Ping- Your connection time to the server, basically how long it takes packets of data sent from your computer to reach the host server and come back.
Limiting factors- The distance from your computer to your router
Limiting factors- The strength of your router/internet
Limiting factors- The distance between your router/internet and the server you're trying to connect to
Limiting factors- The strength of the servers signal you're attempting to connect to
Misconceptions- Lower ping does not give you better reach, this is only a side effect/illusion of the server having a better idea of where you are.

Ticks (from minecraft wiki)- Nearly all video games (including Minecraft) are driven by one big program loop. Just as every gear in a clock is synchronized with the pendulum, every task involved in advancing a game simulation is synchronized with the game loop. Appropriately, one cycle of the game loop is called a Tick.
Minecraft's game loop normally runs at a fixed rate of 20 cycles per second,
so one tick happens every 1/20th of a second. An in-game day lasts exactly 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes. Redstone ticks happen every 1/10th of a second.

Clicking Speed- Pretty much how fast you can click.
Keep in mind- There is a red cool down phase after you hit someone and during that phase you cannot hit them a second time. All knockback is also negated, causing the effect where you don't take knockback while standing in fire or in double hits only the first hit will register knockback.
Keep in mind- Someone in minecraft can only take a damage about 3-4 times a second (I believe)
Keep in mind- If you click faster it doesn't allow you to the kill the other person more quickly

How Clicking Speed really effects pvp- As I previously stated, clicking speed does not allow you to hit someone faster up to a point, but what it does allow you to do is get first hits slightly before the opponent can.
Faster clicking speed also allows you to get more double/triple hits, I'm not really gonna go into this here because its a rather complicated topic.

Okay now off to the completely theoretical part which I might be completely wrong on >.>
Remember this game runs by ticks happening 20 times every second, I don't believe you can have half a tick, if you can please comment down below. If there is only 20 ticks in a second, then by logic you can figure that clicking speed only effects things (lets you get first hits) up to 20 clicks per second. So there is no difference between 25cps and 20cps. I do however believe if you were to graph the effects of clicking speed it would begin to level out after about 12cps, but not completely level out until 20. I believe a similar idea can be applied to ping. When someone has lower ping, their connection time is lower and it allows them to get first hits and sometimes combos (another rather complicated topic I'm not going to get into). There are 1000 milliseconds in a second, and 20 ticks in a second. So if you take 1000/20 you will get 50. If I am correct and you cannot have half a game tick (not a redstone tick) then ping would settle into 20 different ping zones. Essentially meaning that 5 ping causes the same advantage that 45 ping does, however 45 ping has a different advantage then say... 80.
Ping Zones
Zone 1- 0-50, perfect connection time, no noticeable different in pvp (however some people might see a difference cause of the placebo effect- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo)
Zone 2- 50-100, more of a delay, still fine if you can click fast
Zone 3- 100-150, now this is where things get bad, this will be lowering your delay time by two ticks which might not sound like a lot but trust me it is. For every extra ping zone it subtracts one cps from your clicking, like if you had 20cps and were in zone 2, it would only be registering as quickly as 19cps cause of the delay. If you jitter click at 12cps, you can only get first hits like you were clicking at 10. So someone with 12cps and 0-50ms vs someone with 12cps but 100-150ms has an advantage by 2cps. Also towards the top of this zone (130-150) players begin to lag on your screen which is a major disadvantage.
Zone 4- 150-200, this is very very very bad, its very difficult to even tell where someone is because your delay time is so bad.
Zone 5- 200-250, this can be somewhat good, your connection time is so bad that people can't hit you. I can personally get these insane combos on au because my connection time is so horrible.
Zone 6+- 250+, This is where its likely you will time out.
Hypothetically if you click 22 times a second and played with 100-150ms there would be no difference in the first hits/combos you can get because of the way ticks work.
Proof (I can personally click 20-22cps)-

Thank you and have a nice day.


Hello everyone!
So recently I've been thinking a lot on how ping and clicking speed actually effects pvp.
Lets start off with some definitions

Ping- Your connection time to the server, basically how long it takes packets of data sent from your computer to reach the host server and come back.
Limiting factors- The distance from your computer to your router
Limiting factors- The strength of your router/internet
Limiting factors- The distance between your router/internet and the server you're trying to connect to
Limiting factors- The strength of the servers signal you're attempting to connect to
Misconceptions- Lower ping does not give you better reach, this is only a side effect/illusion of the server having a better idea of where you are.

Ticks (from minecraft wiki)- Nearly all video games (including Minecraft) are driven by one big program loop. Just as every gear in a clock is synchronized with the pendulum, every task involved in advancing a game simulation is synchronized with the game loop. Appropriately, one cycle of the game loop is called a Tick.
Minecraft's game loop normally runs at a fixed rate of 20 cycles per second,
so one tick happens every 1/20th of a second. An in-game day lasts exactly 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes. Redstone ticks happen every 1/10th of a second.

Clicking Speed- Pretty much how fast you can click.
Keep in mind- There is a red cool down phase after you hit someone and during that phase you cannot hit them a second time. All knockback is also negated, causing the effect where you don't take knockback while standing in fire or in double hits only the first hit will register knockback.
Keep in mind- Someone in minecraft can only take a damage about 3-4 times a second (I believe)
Keep in mind- If you click faster it doesn't allow you to the kill the other person more quickly

How Clicking Speed really effects pvp- As I previously stated, clicking speed does not allow you to hit someone faster up to a point, but what it does allow you to do is get first hits slightly before the opponent can.
Faster clicking speed also allows you to get more double/triple hits, I'm not really gonna go into this here because its a rather complicated topic.

Okay now off to the completely theoretical part which I might be completely wrong on >.>
Remember this game runs by ticks happening 20 times every second, I don't believe you can have half a tick, if you can please comment down below. If there is only 20 ticks in a second, then by logic you can figure that clicking speed only effects things (lets you get first hits) up to 20 clicks per second. So there is no difference between 25cps and 20cps. I do however believe if you were to graph the effects of clicking speed it would begin to level out after about 12cps, but not completely level out until 20. I believe a similar idea can be applied to ping. When someone has lower ping, their connection time is lower and it allows them to get first hits and sometimes combos (another rather complicated topic I'm not going to get into). There are 1000 milliseconds in a second, and 20 ticks in a second. So if you take 1000/20 you will get 50. If I am correct and you cannot have half a game tick (not a redstone tick) then ping would settle into 20 different ping zones. Essentially meaning that 5 ping causes the same advantage that 45 ping does, however 45 ping has a different advantage then say... 80.
Ping Zones
Zone 1- 0-50, perfect connection time, no noticeable different in pvp (however some people might see a difference cause of the placebo effect- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo)
Zone 2- 50-100, more of a delay, still fine if you can click fast
Zone 3- 100-150, now this is where things get bad, this will be lowering your delay time by two ticks which might not sound like a lot but trust me it is. For every extra ping zone it subtracts one cps from your clicking, like if you had 20cps and were in zone 2, it would only be registering as quickly as 19cps cause of the delay. If you jitter click at 12cps, you can only get first hits like you were clicking at 10. So someone with 12cps and 0-50ms vs someone with 12cps but 100-150ms has an advantage by 2cps. Also towards the top of this zone (130-150) players begin to lag on your screen which is a major disadvantage.
Zone 4- 150-200, this is very very very bad, its very difficult to even tell where someone is because your delay time is so bad.
Zone 5- 200-250, this can be somewhat good, your connection time is so bad that people can't hit you. I can personally get these insane combos on au because my connection time is so horrible.
Zone 6+- 250+, This is where its likely you will time out.
Hypothetically if you click 22 times a second and played with 100-150ms there would be no difference in the first hits/combos you can get because of the way ticks work.
Proof (I can personally click 20-22cps)-

Thank you and have a nice day.
ok but seriously though, people with ping get better combos, farther hits, and more first hits... -.-

Damien // Teepwn

That's some seriously interesting thoughts and probably the most accurate explanation of ping and its effects.

I'm not sure if this is pretty much what you said, but to my understanding the reason people have the misconception that ping affects your reach is due to delay time.

To elaborate, if you're getting good/great ping (0-100ms), your client information (such as position) is being sent between the server and your client much faster. Therefore, this creates a near-perfect positioning accuracy that's in real time.

If you have average to bad ping (101-300ms), it takes significantly more time for the server to relay information between itself and your client.

This leads to ghosting and having your position being 0.1-0.3 seconds behind where you are on your client (same for display other people; them showing 0.1-0.3 seconds behind on your client to where they actually are on the server).

Now this doesn't seem like much, but if a Minecraft player can sprint at 5.612m/s (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Sprinting), in 15 seconds you could've run ~17 blocks, but due to having 300ms, for example, according to the server you've only run 11.8 blocks.

Other problems this theoretically leads to is delayed knockback (allowing you to easily get comboed and die without being able to run away), delayed damage, chest opening, etc.
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
ok since 4nonskrubmans made a video, by his logic, and this theory, someone with 200 ping has no advantage over someone with 20 ping -.-

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