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My opinion on the MCGamer nowadays


Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hello MCGamer community. This is a thread where I would like to express something I wanted for about a week now and just tell everything I feel about the MCGamer Network.

First of all, this is my honest opinion and my point of view. Feel free to share your opinions below this thread.

I would first like to start off with my personal opinion on the MCGamer nowadays. Everyone saw that the devs have made a summer update, releasing two of the most popular gamemodes in Minecraft nowadays. Honestly when I saw that thread I thought that this will help the Network to at least get back some players online, but apparently it didn't. This server has an owner that makes four posts a year, this isn't acceptable at all. Sometimes I just think that being a Staff here does not make any sense, it's just a waste of time for nothing as this Network is never going to be as it was around two years ago. MCGamer is slowly loosing players, and the community is getting smaller every day. I honestly see nothing in about half a year.

Next up we have a question on how to make this server great again? The answer isn't really simple. From one part, Chad can just hire a new owner that will either help him or Chad can just resign and that new owner will be the only one who's going to lead the community. Lots of people wanted Dave to comeback, but then everyone started to remember what he did back when he was an Admin on here. Alright, no Dave. If not him, then who? I can't seem to be able to find an answer to this question, as I really don't know who not only deserves this position, but also has the ability to at least help this Network get as big as it was years ago.
From another part, Chad can just one day close the server and that's it. Everyone will forget it and join other communities, play new games on new servers and that's it. This is what I would go for as there is no way this server can improve.

Now the situation with the current Staff team. Just a few days ago there was yet another wave of resignations, as you may have already noticed by the bunch of resignation threads posted on the forums and farewell messages on profiles. MCGamer is not only going downhill with the community, but also with the Staff team. Now people leave the staff team more often than people join it. Even though you have around fifty less mods than you had last year, you guys still have to get some more Sr.Mods, and maybe even admins. Everyone should remember, in my opinion, the best four Admins there were here a year ago, Col, CAm, Alpaka and Raz. These guys have been doing a great job, and to see the administrative team now makes this look sad for real. I still can not understand how come did Col. got 3rd place in the 8th MCG Awards when he truly deserves to be the first one.

This server also needs to give people a second chance. You guys have lots of banned people who are still around the community. Come on guys, just give a second chance to those who got permanently punished and those who were demoted from the Staff team and have no chance to come back. This is just strict in my opinion. Yes I know, you broke the rule, you got punished for doing so, but don't you think that a second chance can be given, even if you know the rules and yes you did not follow them? A chance where you may improve yourself and learn not to do this again. It really seems fair enough for me.

We have servers like Hypixel, Hive, Mineplex that make updates everyday, but not MCGamer. Wasn't MCSG a very successful server and everyone was playing on it for hours and hours? It was of course, but a long time ago. MCGamer is improving nothing. I can assure that if this server wouldn't have the CA, AS and AU networks, that have been dropped down, if this server would have an owner like for example one of the Hive, that knows what is actually going on around here and that gives 24/7 on managing the server and making more that one hundred posts a year, if this server would have a Staff team that dedicates their time improving the network everyday, this server would be one of the most successful ones right now.

Writing this I know that lots of people are going to say that I might be fool or sptd, and that's obviously because there are lots of people that always dislike other's opinions and expressions that are different from theirs.
MCGamer needs to get rid of these people too, and how can they do it? Well, first of all get a Staff team that is friendly and nice to the rest of the community, next, get an Owner that cares about the network and get some gamemodes that aren't competitive. That's the least thing you need to do now.

You see there are tons of posts where people give their opinions on how to improve the Network, and they are all associated with Chad. Some people are saying that Chad has to get a new owner, or a second owner, or just close this thing forever. At the end of the day that's what everyone wants to see, either a new leader or nothing. But I'm sure that Chad doesn't even know the amount of posts of this topic there are on these forums and that he did not even try to read at least of them.

As said before, this is my opinion, so please don't start arguing with me as I know that it wil most probably happen, just tell your own opinions below if you would like to. Thank you very much for reading, I really hope that the Staff and Chad will finally get what the entire community is trying to get to you.


Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Hello MCGamer community. This is a thread where I would like to express something I wanted for about a week now and just tell everything I feel about the MCGamer Network.

First of all, this is my honest opinion and my point of view. Feel free to share your opinions below this thread.

I would first like to start off with my personal opinion on the MCGamer nowadays. Everyone saw that the devs have made a summer update, releasing two of the most popular gamemodes in Minecraft nowadays. Honestly when I saw that thread I thought that this will help the Network to at least get back some players online, but apparently it didn't. This server has an owner that makes four posts a year, this isn't acceptable at all. Sometimes I just think that being a Staff here does not make any sense, it's just a waste of time for nothing as this Network is never going to be as it was around two years ago. MCGamer is slowly loosing players, and the community is getting smaller every day. I honestly see nothing in about half a year.

Next up we have a question on how to make this server great again? The answer isn't really simple. From one part, Chad can just hire a new owner that will either help him or Chad can just resign and that new owner will be the only one who's going to lead the community. Lots of people wanted Dave to comeback, but then everyone started to remember what he did back when he was an Admin on here. Alright, no Dave. If not him, then who? I can't seem to be able to find an answer to this question, as I really don't know who not only deserves this position, but also has the ability to at least help this Network get as big as it was years ago.
From another part, Chad can just one day close the server and that's it. Everyone will forget it and join other communities, play new games on new servers and that's it. This is what I would go for as there is no way this server can improve.

Now the situation with the current Staff team. Just a few days ago there was yet another wave of resignations, as you may have already noticed by the bunch of resignation threads posted on the forums and farewell messages on profiles. MCGamer is not only going downhill with the community, but also with the Staff team. Now people leave the staff team more often than people join it. Even though you have around fifty less mods than you had last year, you guys still have to get some more Sr.Mods, and maybe even admins. Everyone should remember, in my opinion, the best four Admins there were here a year ago, Col, CAm, Alpaka and Raz. These guys have been doing a great job, and to see the administrative team now makes this look sad for real. I still can not understand how come did Col. got 3rd place in the 8th MCG Awards when he truly deserves to be the first one.

This server also needs to give people a second chance. You guys have lots of banned people who are still around the community. Come on guys, just give a second chance to those who got permanently punished and those who were demoted from the Staff team and have no chance to come back. This is just strict in my opinion. Yes I know, you broke the rule, you got punished for doing so, but don't you think that a second chance can be given, even if you know the rules and yes you did not follow them? A chance where you may improve yourself and learn not to do this again. It really seems fair enough for me.

We have servers like Hypixel, Hive, Mineplex that make updates everyday, but not MCGamer. Wasn't MCSG a very successful server and everyone was playing on it for hours and hours? It was of course, but a long time ago. MCGamer is improving nothing. I can assure that if this server wouldn't have the CA, AS and AU networks, that have been dropped down, if this server would have an owner like for example one of the Hive, that knows what is actually going on around here and that gives 24/7 on managing the server and making more that one hundred posts a year, if this server would have a Staff team that dedicates their time improving the network everyday, this server would be one of the most successful ones right now.

Writing this I know that lots of people are going to say that I might be fool or sptd, and that's obviously because there are lots of people that always dislike other's opinions and expressions that are different from theirs.
MCGamer needs to get rid of these people too, and how can they do it? Well, first of all get a Staff team that is friendly and nice to the rest of the community, next, get an Owner that cares about the network and get some gamemodes that aren't competitive. That's the least thing you need to do now.

You see there are tons of posts where people give their opinions on how to improve the Network, and they are all associated with Chad. Some people are saying that Chad has to get a new owner, or a second owner, or just close this thing forever. At the end of the day that's what everyone wants to see, either a new leader or nothing. But I'm sure that Chad doesn't even know the amount of posts of this topic there are on these forums and that he did not even try to read at least of them.

As said before, this is my opinion, so please don't start arguing with me as I know that it wil most probably happen, just tell your own opinions below if you would like to. Thank you very much for reading, I really hope that the Staff and Chad will finally get what the entire community is trying to get to you.


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
I mean, Hypixel does also get 700k+ logins per day, you seriously can't compare them to us, it's just not an even comparison. Hive is the closest comparable server in my opinion.


Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Yes I believe chad should not be the owner as he is inactive and he is the main problem of the servers down fall. The staff team does need improvement as well, for example there were about 3 mods in the lobby all running around and I was trying to get them to listen about a hacker but they just kept running and didn't really care. Maybe there should be two owners instead of Chad resigning?


Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
MCSG is dead and will NEVER be replenished. MCSG está muerto y nunca se repone.


Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yes I believe chad should not be the owner as he is inactive and he is the main problem of the servers down fall. The staff team does need improvement as well, for example there were about 3 mods in the lobby all running around and I was trying to get them to listen about a hacker but they just kept running and didn't really care. Maybe there should be two owners instead of Chad resigning?
Chad isnt really necessary, the server basically is in hands of Admins and Sr. Mods. Chad just owns the server.


Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
I mean, Hypixel does also get 700k+ logins per day, you seriously can't compare them to us, it's just not an even comparison. Hive is the closest comparable server in my opinion.
Well, MCGamer could have been like Hypixel, but it apparently it isn't. Same with Mineplex.


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Think about MCGamer which is a company. Some companies have an owner, who is basically the owner as in he owns said ''shares'' of the company. So some companies have an owner and board of directors who chose the high positioned people, they get some bills payed, vote on important topics etc. And there there's the employees (so mods) and higher employees such as CEOs and VPs ect. (snr staff). The CEO and VPs and all of them control the company and make the descisions for it. The owner just takes in the money and spends it how it needs to be spent, or he hires someone to do that aswell.

Now I'm not saying Chad is just taking the money because at this point MCG isn't an extremely profitable company. I'm saying he gets the server's bills payed and highers the high senior staff. From there it's the admin's jobs to keep the server alive.

So I mean, it's really not all Chad's fault. He's the owner who deals with finances and now we should look at the admins.

Edit: If we look back at the company statement, a lot of companies' owners DO control the company. I'm just saying there are a handful who basically enjoy the money and vote on high topics.

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