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Staff My Six Months as Staff!


Jun 15, 2015
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So, around 7 or 8 months ago, I had this crazy idea to try and become staff on this amazing server! I have been apart of this community since about mid 2012, and it never occurred to me to apply for staff. However a while ago I tried applying and time after time I failed. I applied 13 times before I was moved to the pending stage but I never lost the motivation to keep trying. It was in the motions of happening for a little while because I wanted to mold myself into a better person from the standpoint of MCGamer, and familiarize myself more with other platforms such as the forums. So after about a month and a half of doing that I applied for my first time, and wrote what I believed to be the best application that I could write. But sadly I was declined, and tweaking my application here and there to make it better I was accepted 13 attempts later!

But now that I was staff, there was a lot to be done. For the first few weeks I had to get to know the staff members that I was going to be working with. Also within the first month or so I had training to be worrying about. There are 3 separate training sessions that moderators have to attend in order to be considered a fully trained moderator. Once training was out of the way, it was smooth sailing for me, just working my hardest to what I needed to do!

About 3 months into my moderation, I was gone for a full month, because I got one of those stages where Minecraft was just not appealing to me at all and I didn't want to go near the game. But another 3 months later I am here making this thread. Along the way there have been a few people that have really helped me make it as long as I have and been huge role models for me..
Yannick - Yannick, I got mod just around a month after you did, and look at you now! You're an admin, and you're all grown up. You have been a huge role model for me demonstrating that if you put the work in, you will move up in the world. :)

SoupSalad - Blocked user, you're overall just an amazing person, and I am so glad that I have you as a friend on the team. Not to mention you're an amazing skin maker. ;) You're still very young on the team though so keep up the great work you're doing.

Levi - Levi, I am honestly not too sure as to what I can even say about you! xD All I can say is that you're a great friend and you need to keep up the great work you're doing! Just unplug the router and walk away! ;)

Giggums & Techaton - Glad I could be you're dog ;)

TheLichBD - Lich you are hands down my best friend that there ever was on the staff team. You are honestly the one who supported me the most through these crazy 6 months here. But I want to thank you for being an amazing friend and moderator with me and for being there when I need you! I cant wait for you to come back to the team :)

I could honestly list off dozen of more people that have supported me and helped me to this day, but to keep it short I named the major people who really supported, and made a big difference in who I am. I feel like I missed someone very big so if I did I am sorry. But that's it! My 6 months here has been amazing through its ups and downs and I can't wait for the next 6 with everyone on the team! Have a great day everyone, I love you all! <3​
Last edited:


Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score
Good work on 6 months. You are a very good Moderator, don't stop what you are doing. Here's to another 6 months!


Aug 20, 2012
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"Oh no! Chris hit six months! Brb resigning" - ceror



District 13
May 14, 2015
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Congrats Chris! Keep up the great work! :)


Apr 19, 2015
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ApexMC those words apply for you as well I really like talking with you and I really want to thank you for all the support while I was a Moderator and After I was a moderator and thanks for all those nice moments together not just as a team as my Best Friend on the Staff thanks man your the best <3

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