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Need good routes!!


Jul 22, 2012
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Please answear. How do I get a signature like yours? With victories and bounty and stuff. Do I have to make one on my own or... Help me! ;)
find it in search type signature or something and find a threath that says that


May 4, 2012
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it might sound cheap, but a friend of mine got a really good route by using nodus in singleplayer after downloading the map, and finding all the chests along a route. He memorises his route well, and doesn't use the nodus client in multiplayer. He has a chest route of 10+ chests, some tier 2. He hasn't given away much about the chest route, so i don't know what it is exactly. He stopped playing a while ago though, and never played much, and he hasn't been apart of the forums. But it was a good route.


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
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it might sound cheap, but a friend of mine got a really good route by using nodus in singleplayer after downloading the map, and finding all the chests along a route. He memorises his route well, and doesn't use the nodus client in multiplayer. He has a chest route of 10+ chests, some tier 2. He hasn't given away much about the chest route, so i don't know what it is exactly. He stopped playing a while ago though, and never played much, and he hasn't been apart of the forums. But it was a good route.
Wooow... Good to know... -.-


Aug 8, 2012
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Just like people above me, I'm not able to provide a video right now, however I will be doing something similar to strategies in the future, but right now I can give you a route that I used to use on all three maps (my routes are different now)
This is more of a mini guide than a chest route, as I created this for a friend initially but I'm pasting it here for you and others to see (this is my chest route that I created on the 11th of August, 2012. It's not as great as my current chest route (which is much better)):

Best thing I find to do is rush the corn, loot a chest (with this there are really two scenarios, a scenario where you get a sword, and one where you don't, if you do manage to get a sword, the most effective strategy is to kill whoever is around other chests, as likely they are carrying loot that you can use. If there is no sword, however, just proceed with the rest of the route) from there head to the building (the building is something I use a landmark, I note that to the right of the building, is the pirate ship, the prison, aswell as various chests, but call the building the ''North Building'' as for me, it signifies that way is north, and I know which way to go everytime I see it, a sort of.. compass if you will.) Go to the right of the building, heading in a sort of ''north-eastern'' direction, eventually you'll come to a bunch of cliffs over water, what I do at this time is just collect a bunch of seeds, as you're going to need them.. Make sure to get eight seeds in total, then look around for a small 2x2 cave that's below one of the cliffs, heading in there, you've reached the Casino, put all your seeds into each pressure plate, then with luck, you'll get a redstone torch (if not, you'll get bread, wheat, perhaps a sword, but you have one chance per side) with redstone torch in hand, just put it above the Redstone Ore to the left, this will give you iron armor, an iron sword and some food.. aswell as a bunch of seeds. From there, I just head to the pirate ship (at this time, people will have it looted and will be leaving by the time you get there) Activate the lever above the pirate ship and to the right of the pirate ship a smal 1x2 hole has opened up, head in and press the left most button, it'll open a 2x1 hole with a double chest, this usually has a lot of food and other supplies that you'll need, with luck, you got some diamonds from the casino, and with more luck, there are sticks in that chest. Get both, bring them back to the corn, make your diamond sword then just wait till 19:20 ingame time (you can tell by typing /info) the chests will refill, just take what you need, food, diamonds, etc.. (something optional here: if you find a Flint and Steel, grab all the items from the chests, throw them to the ground and burn them, this is good as it clears your inventory, aswell as destroying supplies other tributes are going to need. From there just look around for some other players and kill, but return to the corn every night! As other people might get iron armor too and be a decent challenge for you.

SG II (city):
This one is really simple, this was my first route that I ever created, it focuses mainly on getting to tier 2 chests around the map, just go for the corn, looting what you can and follow my strategy from the first few sentences of the first map, this time, look for a medium sized building, that has a sign on the front which appears to spell something like ''FREE'' I call this the Free Building, and use it to mark a northerly direction, I know to it's left, aka west, there is the village, which has countless chests that you'll want, approaching down the road, just take the first left into the village and progress down until you encounter a house made of Redstone, go in, and loot the chest beneath the stairs, then head back out across the way to the house parallel, in the garage are a bunch of leaves in the corner, break them and you'll find a chest, now move out of there and go down the road slightly until you find the golden floor house, in the basement is a chest hidden under two torches, leave that and take the left by the playground, keep going and turn at the first right and go all the way until you see the coast, the house which is closest to the Gas Station, is called the pink floor house, go within and loot the chest in the kitchen, and under a fence in the kitchen is a lever, activate it and a piece of pink wool will pull out beside the stairs, go down and there is a double chest. That's your first tier 2 chest, which is the same as the corn really.. now head to the big tree, and loot the chest on the root to the right, then go behind and look in the shadows for a second chest, keep an eye out for the map border, follow the border until you find a cave which has a redstone ore, activate it if you wish but note beside it to the right is a mini mini hill, with a chest on top, BAM, that's your second tier two chest, now just head back to the corn for nightfall and get everything you need.

SG III (jungle)
This is really my weakest map as it's still quite new to me, usually I just loot the corn and exit the nearest entrance, and look in alcoves and waterfalls for chests (in one waterfall I found three chests) my landmark for this map is a huge door in the corn, which had two arches above it made of a hatch door and a fence, I use this as north really.. as should you.

Breeze Island/Overgrown:
Both of these maps I'm not familiar with, but both maps have chests in very predictable locations, you shouldn't have too much bother with chest routes in this one, it's fairly simple.


Um, I thought that pressure plates didn't work anymore with items... :confused: I play on the Aussie servers, so I don't know if it's just with the AU ones, but for some reason items won't activate pressure plates! :mad: Not even the wooden ones (AND DON'T "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" ME!) :rolleyes:


May 5, 2012
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Hey. You know the community map Breeze Island? Well, skip the corn and go for the chest that is under the sunbather spot (It's the way thats under the arch). Loot it and go to the pirate ship. If anyone is following you, try to kill them if you have better equipment OR you can climb up one of the poles and knock them off. If noone is chasing you then first go downstairs, loot a double chest. Then loot the one at the prow and inside the library. You should now hopefully have two iron. Use the crafting table downstairs and then go up the pole and wait the game out. You get kills from people coming up and you can reloot at restock. Keep up there till the deathmatch and then try and win with your iron sword. Best of luck!


Aug 8, 2012
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Um, I thought that pressure plates didn't work anymore with items... :confused: I play on the Aussie servers, so I don't know if it's just with the AU ones, but for some reason items won't activate pressure plates! :mad: Not even the wooden ones (AND DON'T "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" ME!) :rolleyes:
Nope, works for me perfectly.. I play on the EU servers, there could be an error maybe on the AU servers, might want to #BlameClank or even contact someone regarding that, imagine it'd probably be a lag issue though, several times have my attempts at opening secrets on all the maps been foiled by laggy pistons :(


Nope, works for me perfectly.. I play on the EU servers, there could be an error maybe on the AU servers, might want to #BlameClank or even contact someone regarding that, imagine it'd probably be a lag issue though, several times have my attempts at opening secrets on all the maps been foiled by laggy pistons :(
Nah, it's not to do with pistons, it's the actual items not pushing down the pressure plates. My average ping on AU servers are about 300ms (that's VERY good, for those who don't know what it's about). I went to the 'casino' in Map 1, and tried to put some items in the slots. Nothing happened, and I watched some others try to do it: Nothing happened to them either. :( I'll report it to the mods anyway, and I hope they might be able to fix this up. ;)


Jun 9, 2012
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Just go make your own route it's not that hard, it's just take like 5 games to actually make a good one

Or you could stalk someone, i stalked static_nightmare for the Breeze Island map :p


Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Just go make your own route it's not that hard, it's just take like 5 games to actually make a good one

Or you could stalk someone, i stalked static_nightmare for the Breeze Island map :p

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