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Of douchbaggery and trolls.

Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Waiting for the lengthy G33ke response to this thread, this seems like his field.
Edit: Wellll....


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
And such is the internet. Welcome!

Sadly, the internet is a place where people seem to get this wild and stupid idea that saying hurtful things and trolling causes no harm to the self, since you're anonymous, and is such, okay. What they don't realize is that this is the very reason the internet can be harmful to people, is that there will be that large group of non-trolls/non-hackers/generally not bad people who actually care about the words you say. These trolls/hackers/generally bad people are simply exploiting the fact that it's a lot harder for bad things to happen to them for their wrong doings than it would be in real life.

The other sad reality is that these people are entirely wrong. Doing bad things like that on the internet can harm your future of enjoyment, unless you picked carefully. A simple action like swearing on MCSG for example may not get you instantly banned, however it can ruin the way people see you. I'll be perfectly honest, the amount of grammar someone uses on their average post on a forum greatly effects my view on that person, and the type of language they use has an equal effect on me. (When it comes to grammar...I need to work on that actually. I misjudge a lot of people at first, and until I've seen them post for a while, I tend to have the wrong first impressions. One friend of mine on another server (and I tend to have a fairly small group of friends.) was actually someone who had some of the worst grammar I'd ever seen. (And he griefed my house the day he joined...this was a no grief server. :D) He and I were like exact opposites...anyway, back to what I was saying: )

Even people IRL that you had never told any of your account names online could view you the way people online did...if you aren't careful. Sometimes, when you tell someone even just your first and last name IRL...it's entirely possible for the person to investigate who you are exactly online. Anybody could if they knew how, provided there is enough to tell what accounts you used online. All that trolling that wasn't deleted, those videos of you hacking and swearing and messing with people...(If they weren't unlisted, which they are here 95% of the time, but not everywhere.) (Just to clarify: By you, I mean the people who do that stuff.) As long as there is enough linking something like your facebook account to your in game account, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to figure out exactly who you are online and judge you based on that. I just wish people understood that the internet is not a place for them to run wild and be idiots for their own amusement...there are risks to doing such a thing. (A note: I'm not saying any of this to scare you guys - it's really not that difficult to hide who you are online and make it extremely difficult for someone to find that kind of stuff...more importantly, the chances of someone actually looking online for that stuff isn't as high as I make it sound, but it can happen.)

I will in fact admit something: This account that I use on MCSG (G33ke) I originally bought as an alternate. I never intended for it to become my main like it is now. In fact...my first purpose for this account was to see exactly what fun people saw in griefing/hacking/trolling on other servers...I didn't get it. I had no fun - I just felt like a bad person (okay...well I had a bit of fun. :3) (Note: I did not come to MCSG to do that. I was done with that by then. I came on MCSG from a really large community on a really popular server, where if someone didn't know my alternate's name and the significance of it to that server, they were a noob. Had I joined MCSG on my now alternate, it would have caused issues over there...for reasons I won't go into detail about. Mainly, though, people that played there who also played here (which is actually a fair number.) would know who I am and it'd cause issues. I've seen a bunch of them playing here, (A good 20-30 at least once, which I consider a fair amount, considering those are only the ones I've seen and how much "damage" could have been caused from a single one of them knowing.) none of them recognized me, and I want it to stay that way.)

Anyway: The point I'm trying to make in this post is that as more and more people join this community, more and more of them will be spammers/trollers/hackers/stupid people. This is the sad cycle. When the servers are small, only those who care to play and have fun will look for it and find it, but once it gets big...it's so easy to find that it will generally be the first choice for those who are only here to mess with people. All we can do is fight harder and harder as mods, and hope to push them back. (Don't forget about report abuse, guys. :p)

So now that I went so far off topic, twice, I think I'll leave my post at that! There you go guys, you daily dose of G33ke Posts, all in one place! ;D
Will there be a sequel?


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
And such is the internet. Welcome!

Sadly, the internet is a place where people seem to get this wild and stupid idea that saying hurtful things and trolling causes no harm to the self, since you're anonymous, and is such, okay. What they don't realize is that this is the very reason the internet can be harmful to people, is that there will be that large group of non-trolls/non-hackers/generally not bad people who actually care about the words you say. These trolls/hackers/generally bad people are simply exploiting the fact that it's a lot harder for bad things to happen to them for their wrong doings than it would be in real life.

The other sad reality is that these people are entirely wrong. Doing bad things like that on the internet can harm your future of enjoyment, unless you picked carefully. A simple action like swearing on MCSG for example may not get you instantly banned, however it can ruin the way people see you. I'll be perfectly honest, the amount of grammar someone uses on their average post on a forum greatly effects my view on that person, and the type of language they use has an equal effect on me. (When it comes to grammar...I need to work on that actually. I misjudge a lot of people at first, and until I've seen them post for a while, I tend to have the wrong first impressions. One friend of mine on another server (and I tend to have a fairly small group of friends.) was actually someone who had some of the worst grammar I'd ever seen. (And he griefed my house the day he joined...this was a no grief server. :D) He and I were like exact opposites...anyway, back to what I was saying: )

Even people IRL that you had never told any of your account names online could view you the way people online did...if you aren't careful. Sometimes, when you tell someone even just your first and last name IRL...it's entirely possible for the person to investigate who you are exactly online. Anybody could if they knew how, provided there is enough to tell what accounts you used online. All that trolling that wasn't deleted, those videos of you hacking and swearing and messing with people...(If they weren't unlisted, which they are here 95% of the time, but not everywhere.) (Just to clarify: By you, I mean the people who do that stuff.) As long as there is enough linking something like your facebook account to your in game account, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to figure out exactly who you are online and judge you based on that. I just wish people understood that the internet is not a place for them to run wild and be idiots for their own amusement...there are risks to doing such a thing. (A note: I'm not saying any of this to scare you guys - it's really not that difficult to hide who you are online and make it extremely difficult for someone to find that kind of stuff...more importantly, the chances of someone actually looking online for that stuff isn't as high as I make it sound, but it can happen.)

I will in fact admit something: This account that I use on MCSG (G33ke) I originally bought as an alternate. I never intended for it to become my main like it is now. In fact...my first purpose for this account was to see exactly what fun people saw in griefing/hacking/trolling on other servers...I didn't get it. I had no fun - I just felt like a bad person (okay...well I had a bit of fun. :3) (Note: I did not come to MCSG to do that. I was done with that by then. I came on MCSG from a really large community on a really popular server, where if someone didn't know my alternate's name and the significance of it to that server, they were a noob. Had I joined MCSG on my now alternate, it would have caused issues over there...for reasons I won't go into detail about. Mainly, though, people that played there who also played here (which is actually a fair number.) would know who I am and it'd cause issues. I've seen a bunch of them playing here, (A good 20-30 at least once, which I consider a fair amount, considering those are only the ones I've seen and how much "damage" could have been caused from a single one of them knowing.) none of them recognized me, and I want it to stay that way.)

Anyway: The point I'm trying to make in this post is that as more and more people join this community, more and more of them will be spammers/trollers/hackers/stupid people. This is the sad cycle. When the servers are small, only those who care to play and have fun will look for it and find it, but once it gets big...it's so easy to find that it will generally be the first choice for those who are only here to mess with people. All we can do is fight harder and harder as mods, and hope to push them back. (Don't forget about report abuse, guys. :p)

So now that I went so far off topic, twice, I think I'll leave my post at that! There you go guys, you daily dose of G33ke Posts, all in one place! ;D
Writing Essays are we?


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
I know I am11 (you read right, an 11 year old goes on the forums;) ) it is not that bad but what I hate is when you see people with 0 points who are probably young themselves randomly shouting out swear words that they have probably just learnt from their older brother or something. And you might think the swearing is bad but when someone is spamming on caps lock a rude word it gets so annoying.


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
All I see in the chat is stuff about genitals and people who want to team/backstab.

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