• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Staff One Year As Staff <3


May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Introduction To Minecraft – February 2012
I was first introduced to Minecraft by a group of IRL friends who had recently bought the game. I tried out the classic mode in browser, and I quickly decided that it was something that I liked. I asked my mum if I could get it, and on February 11th, 2012, I created the account sheldor_da_great, which is based on Sheldon Cooper’s gaming account “Sheldor The Conqueror”.

One of my friends decided to start a small SMP server for us, which was a lot of fun. After a while, he started to get it hosted, with some monetary input from the other people in our group. We had a really good time playing on that server, and established a large town with café, general stores, etc. I was in charge of running the lumber store, and I had this huge tree farm in the middle of a lake around the back of my house-shop-thingy. There was a bit of tension which eventually arose as people started losing possessions, and eventually it was found that there was a whole network of tunnels underneath the ground leading from house to house to shop to shop, going to all the chest rooms. The server stopped being hosted, and the person hosting it stopped playing Minecraft. I decided to restart our SMP server, but I couldn’t get it hosted, so we did it the manual way using Hamachi. More than half of the people had stopped playing Minecraft by this point, and the inconvenience of having to start the server and not being able to play until I was on kinda drove it into the ground. The few remaining people still playing Minecraft from my friendship group decided to look for some fun servers, and eventually we came across what was known as Minecraft Survival Games.

Joining the MCSG Community - ~April 2012
During the month of April 2012, my friends and I started to play MCSG a lot. Back in those days, you would have to go to the server list (which is still up at http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/servers/ if you are curious) and find one of the few servers that were in the ‘Lobby’ stage, and all connect. Then hope like heck that you wouldn’t be kicked for a donor.

Over the next two years, I made many friends and had some awesome experiences. Some to mention are squiblinator_BK, Poison_Dagger, AG_Annihillator and Angrycrocodile_. We’d Skype call every day and get on the server and play some MCSG, finding routes and stuff like that. They are still around today, albeit they play a lot less than back in the day.

Becoming a Moderator – December 2013
Ever since I first found out about a moderator a few years earlier at the age of 13, I decided that I was going to work and work until I got mod.

I spent a couple of days working on my moderator application, and posted it on my birthday in December. Every day after that, I eagerly checked the forums for that alert. 10 days after posting, it was there. I got a reply for KRaidium telling me that I had been declined due to lack of detail. I was crushed. Looking back on my application, I realise that it was really, really bad. But regardless, I picked myself up, reworked my application and posted it on December 21st, 2013. Again, I checked every single day for a response, and I was ecstatic when it was accepted into pending stage. Then, on December 25th, I was accepted for interview. It was honestly the best Christmas present ever! I went on to the TeamSpeak whenever I could, patiently waiting, where I met 123456789matrty who was my waiting buddy :D! We spent a fair bit of time in that waiting channel, and eventually, on the eve of the New Years, three Senior Moderators came down to let us know the interviews were happening. This occurred around 11PM, and Matt was dragged up. During that time, I tried to calm myself down, although it didn’t help that I was sitting in my hotel in Cambodia with rats chewing through the internet cables… After a while, Matt’s interview was finished, and it turned out he was accepted! I was excited for him, but it was my turn to go into the interview. By this time, it had already clocked over to 1st January, 2014. I believe I had Cubes and Bowser52000 in my interview, possibly Cam, but I’m not sure since they didn’t reply to my thread like they’re meant so I can’t go back and check XD! Regardless, I was about halfway through my interview when I realised my iPad was on one percent battery, so I politely asked for a break and sprinted like a madman around my house until I found a charger. I was certain that that would cause me to get declined, but I was wrong! I was accepted into the position of moderator!

Over the year of 2014, I have made many friends and had some awesome memories. I have seen the community grow and change, events like the release of MCGamer v2, etc. and it has been an honour to be a part of it all. I am looking forward to many more experiences like it in the future!

Becoming a Sr Moderator – October 2014
On the 5th October, 2014, just before 7:00AM, I was moved up into the Admin Board Room along with others such as iVelocityGaming, Jodimo, Zacharoutio, Adragonfire9 and laureypop1. We were all really nervous and ended up signing this document to commemorate the moment. Dave eventually told us one by one that we had been offered Trial Sr Moderator, and we were all ecstatic. The trial period was a stressful one for me, as I had to coordinate the trial work with preparations for my exams, which was quite demanding in it self. The admins were understanding of my situation however, and I passed my trial along with four others in my group on the 2nd November.

My first year as a staff member has come to an end, but I can gladly say that it has been an amazing one! I have strengthened my friendships with people and form an unimaginable amount of new ones. These people have stuck with me through everything that has happened, through disagreements and arguments. I would like to thank everyone on the staff team for being so supportive and helpful, you have all really helped me become more confident and outgoing.

I'm not going to do many since I'm on my phone, but everyone who has made a difference knows who they are <3
Special Shout-outs Go To:
Jodimo: Joey, thanks so much for being there. You're my bestest friend ever and I can talk to you about anything, whether it is ranting about something or just expressing my feelings. I'm so glad we started to talk more since our trial and that you added me on Kik because no one else did :D

Bowser52000: You have been someone I looked up to since I became a staff member, especially since you were in my interview. You're also one of my many AU buddies, regardless of the fact that you live in the bad bit ;)

iVelocityGaming: Velocity, you're another AU buddy of mine (again from the bad bit) and you're really funny to talk to! You were a really good Sr Mod, and I'm looking forward to more experiences to share in the future!

AG_Annihillator and Angrycrocodile_: You two have been my friends since I was a green-bean, thanks for all the great times and fun moments! I'll never forget them as I recorded most of them XD

To celebrate one year as staff, feel free to ask me anything appropriate in the comments. Anything else can be asked at http://ask.fm/sheldor_da_great


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Introduction To Minecraft – February 2012
I was first introduced to Minecraft by a group of IRL friends who had recently bought the game. I tried out the classic mode in browser, and I quickly decided that it was something that I liked. I asked my mum if I could get it, and on February 11th, 2012, I created the account sheldor_da_great, which is based on Sheldon Cooper’s gaming account “Sheldor The Conqueror”.

One of my friends decided to start a small SMP server for us, which was a lot of fun. After a while, he started to get it hosted, with some monetary input from the other people in our group. We had a really good time playing on that server, and established a large town with café, general stores, etc. I was in charge of running the lumber store, and I had this huge tree farm in the middle of a lake around the back of my house-shop-thingy. There was a bit of tension which eventually arose as people started losing possessions, and eventually it was found that there was a whole network of tunnels underneath the ground leading from house to house to shop to shop, going to all the chest rooms. The server stopped being hosted, and the person hosting it stopped playing Minecraft. I decided to restart our SMP server, but I couldn’t get it hosted, so we did it the manual way using Hamachi. More than half of the people had stopped playing Minecraft by this point, and the inconvenience of having to start the server and not being able to play until I was on kinda drove it into the ground. The few remaining people still playing Minecraft from my friendship group decided to look for some fun servers, and eventually we came across what was known as Minecraft Survival Games.

Joining the MCSG Community - ~April 2012
During the month of April 2012, my friends and I started to play MCSG a lot. Back in those days, you would have to go to the server list (which is still up at http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/servers/ if you are curious) and find one of the few servers that were in the ‘Lobby’ stage, and all connect. Then hope like heck that you wouldn’t be kicked for a donor.

Over the next two years, I made many friends and had some awesome experiences. Some to mention are squiblinator_BK, Poison_Dagger, AG_Annihillator and Angrycrocodile_. We’d Skype call every day and get on the server and play some MCSG, finding routes and stuff like that. They are still around today, albeit they play a lot less than back in the day.

Becoming a Moderator – December 2013
Ever since I first found out about a moderator a few years earlier at the age of 13, I decided that I was going to work and work until I got mod.

I spent a couple of days working on my moderator application, and posted it on my birthday in December. Every day after that, I eagerly checked the forums for that alert. 10 days after posting, it was there. I got a reply for KRaidium telling me that I had been declined due to lack of detail. I was crushed. Looking back on my application, I realise that it was really, really bad. But regardless, I picked myself up, reworked my application and posted it on December 21st, 2013. Again, I checked every single day for a response, and I was ecstatic when it was accepted into pending stage. Then, on December 25th, I was accepted for interview. It was honestly the best Christmas present ever! I went on to the TeamSpeak whenever I could, patiently waiting, where I met 123456789matrty who was my waiting buddy :D! We spent a fair bit of time in that waiting channel, and eventually, on the eve of the New Years, three Senior Moderators came down to let us know the interviews were happening. This occurred around 11PM, and Matt was dragged up. During that time, I tried to calm myself down, although it didn’t help that I was sitting in my hotel in Cambodia with rats chewing through the internet cables… After a while, Matt’s interview was finished, and it turned out he was accepted! I was excited for him, but it was my turn to go into the interview. By this time, it had already clocked over to 1st January, 2014. I believe I had Cubes and Bowser52000 in my interview, possibly Cam, but I’m not sure since they didn’t reply to my thread like they’re meant so I can’t go back and check XD! Regardless, I was about halfway through my interview when I realised my iPad was on one percent battery, so I politely asked for a break and sprinted like a madman around my house until I found a charger. I was certain that that would cause me to get declined, but I was wrong! I was accepted into the position of moderator!

Over the year of 2014, I have made many friends and had some awesome memories. I have seen the community grow and change, events like the release of MCGamer v2, etc. and it has been an honour to be a part of it all. I am looking forward to many more experiences like it in the future!

Becoming a Sr Moderator – October 2014
On the 5th October, 2014, just before 7:00AM, I was moved up into the Admin Board Room along with others such as iVelocityGaming, Jodimo, Zacharoutio, Adragonfire9 and laureypop1. We were all really nervous and ended up signing this document to commemorate the moment. Dave eventually told us one by one that we had been offered Trial Sr Moderator, and we were all ecstatic. The trial period was a stressful one for me, as I had to coordinate the trial work with preparations for my exams, which was quite demanding in it self. The admins were understanding of my situation however, and I passed my trial along with four others in my group on the 2nd November.

My first year as a staff member has come to an end, but I can gladly say that it has been an amazing one! I have strengthened my friendships with people and form an unimaginable amount of new ones. These people have stuck with me through everything that has happened, through disagreements and arguments. I would like to thank everyone on the staff team for being so supportive and helpful, you have all really helped me become more confident and outgoing.

I'm not going to do many since I'm on my phone, but everyone who has made a difference knows who they are <3
Special Shout-outs Go To:
Jodimo: Joey, thanks so much for being there. You're my bestest friend ever and I can talk to you about anything, whether it is ranting about something or just expressing my feelings. I'm so glad we started to talk more since our trial and that you added me on Kik because no one else did :D

Bowser52000: You have been someone I looked up to since I became a staff member, especially since you were in my interview. You're also one of my many AU buddies, regardless of the fact that you live in the bad bit ;)

iVelocityGaming: Velocity, you're another AU buddy of mine (again from the bad bit) and you're really funny to talk to! You were a really good Sr Mod, and I'm looking forward to more experiences to share in the future!

AG_Annihillator and Angrycrocodile_: You two have been my friends since I was a green-bean, thanks for all the great times and fun moments! I'll never forget them as I recorded most of them XD
ayy lmao i do remember when you were a green bean, look at where you are now. have a great time, hope more years come as being a staff member


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Awesome story, I remember the good old days of MCSG just as you described them. :D
Good luck for the future!


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I remember when you first got mod you were so excited to work. The energy you put into work and the exhilaration you displayed in the staff chat made me think you were a lot younger than you were. I'm extremely happy to have served with you as a staff member, and to see how much you've advanced in your time here.


Congrats sheldor, your a great guy, you always help me when I need it, let's go for two years :)!


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Thats a great story, The application process was like yours for me. I got declined for lack of detail my first time then I just (today) got into pending. Hope you are doing well and have had a great new year and christmas!

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