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Staff Optimus/Darth Vader/Imaboss2414's Adventure

Sep 8, 2013
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Wierd Title. All I'm gonna say about it.
I spent a ton of time writing this so pls read it, i fna ~ stolen from Ceroria

Anyways, Hi! My name is Rishabh, or you may know me as imaboss2414. I have been a moderator here for 2 weeks and the experience is amazing! Seriously, if your thinking about being a moderator, please apply! You won't regret it ;) Anyways, I made a little story about this when I first started to open myself up to the community which was back in October. However this story wasn't very detailed, and was mainly just a skim. Now that I feel more comfortable with the community, I am sharing my painful, my amazing, my shocking life.

My life began in a small area called Lowell Massachusetts on October 1st, 2000. My mom and dad are still alive, and I have 2 wonderful/annoying sisters. I don't remember much about Massachusetts to be honest, but I do remember me getting a blue lollipop on my 2nd birthday. We lived in lowell for around 3 years before my dad was taking us to the shop in around January where a crazy driver crashed into him. Our car stopped working at that point, and we were in the middle of a blizzard. My parents still haven't shared how we survived/got out of that mess.

Anyways, when I was 3 years old I moved to the state where I currently live in: California. I started going to school at a local challenger where I was abused for a few years until my parents found out, and took me out. Basically, they didn't care what you did/what happened to you, and I wasn't exactly the strongest child. (Mentally, Physically, Immune System, etc.), and whenever I would come to the office, they said I was fine, and then a few days later I would get a raging fever. My parents just thought I was fatigue at school, and they didn't catch anything, but when I came home, the fever settled in. Then after that, one time I had a fever at school, and my parents were notified, but they were required to keep me at school in extended care. So I sat in the office the full day, and when extended care came, I had to sit alone. We all ended up going to the field to play capture the flag, but I asked them if I could sleep on the grass. They gave me permission, and I almost instantly fell asleep. When my parents came at 6:30 to pick me up, they realized they had forgotten to call me back inside. When they went to the grass, it turns out I was missing. I had sleep walked all the way into the shed and I slept there, and my parents ended up finding me 2 hours after I went missing. My parents were going to take me out, but at that moment, they were just relieved that I was ok. Then after that, the last straw took place when I had a really bad stomach ache. I had talked to the principal about this, and I was given permission to wear my belt loosely that day and not tuck in my shirt. My geography teacher saw my loose shirt and got mad at me (I haven't had exactly the best past with keeping my shirt tucked in hehe), and tightened my belt so fast that it caused me to vomit. The teacher new she was in big trouble, so she lied and told the office that I had told her I wasn't feeling well. However, the office already knew I had a bad stomach ache, and when they saw the tight belt, It was pretty clear that she had tightened my belt. She was fired on the spot, and my parents took me out of challenger.

The very next year, my parents decided to enroll me in a public school in a very rich community where I live today. While the area may not look rich, A 2,500 square foot house is around 1 million dollars in my community. I went to the school, and in this school is where I started understanding more about the world, or where I began to originally mature. A little information: I was 9 years old when I first attended this school (4th Grade). In the area I had a few friends that I would talk to, and I had a few enemies who I would chase/they would chase me. Not much happened this year/not much that I actually remember about it. However this next year determined a lot.

The following year or 5th grade, was probably the worst and best year of my life. I literally had no friends. Like no one wanted to talk to me/no one wanted to help me with anything, and that year was just awful. I had an awful science teacher who I hated to the gut, and made my 5th grade life a nightmare. However, I still somehow found happiness. For my 10th birthday I requested my parents to buy me mario kart, and they complied. In within 1 month I had gotten a 3 star ranking on every single race/cup, unlocked all the characters/karts, and become the world champion[At the time] for coconut mall, and yoshi falls. I was so addicted to this game, it was quickly consuming everything else I had. Luckily, after becoming world champion for 2 of the races, there was not much more I wanted to do, and so I quit mario kart. As far as 5th grade went, the story was pretty sad. I was also bullied a lot by this really popular kid called Debarshi, or as you may know him..... TheLastGapple

Soon middle school had begun, and I still didn't understand anything. However in 6th grade, I was a genius. No one could compare to the way I quickly solved everything, and I felt like I was on top of the world. I had tape on my glasses, and I was just an average nerd. At this point in time I was incredibly skinny/weak to the point were girls have my size could probably have beaten me up. At the beginning of the year, I had shattered my arm because I juked some big guy out in capture the flag, and he got pissed. He jumped on me and 240 pounds came crashing down on my arm. This wasn't that big of a deal as pretty much everyone could understand why my arm broke. However, later that year, I had broken my arm again. Yeah I know. This time, I was sprinting and I flipped over a back pack, and landed on my arm[this was on the concrete.] This time people were hysterically laughing at me, and I didn't really like it. I remember the last gapple calling me a stick and dissing me so much to the point where I felt like I had thorns in my chest. I didn't have very many friends again, but I still had some.

7th grade dawned. The worst year of my life. Not even joking. I don't even want to talk about it as I was bullied so much to the point where people felt like they could do whatever they wanted to me/with me. Mainly because I had broken my arm again because a certain bully ran into me while I was catching the ball, and landed on top of my arm. Every day I got home, I had no one to talk to, no one to be with, and I had no achievements. The only good thing that happened this year, was me getting introduced to minecraft. TheLastGapple told me about the game, and I gave it a go, and I ended up liking it. (I had cracked minecraft for 3 months) I had bought my account on December 25th, 2012. The name of this account was imaboss2414. None the less, a little after I bought my minecraft account, the worst incident of the year took place...During first period, I was really cold so I put my hands in my pockets. I was wearing 2 year old jeans since our dryer didn't dry my normal clothes. When I was called on to write something on the board, I couldn't....my hands were stuck in my pockets.....people were laughing, and my teacher was about to write a behavior report about me, when he tried to get them out. My teacher was a wrestling pro, a beast hunter, and served in the army. He couldn't get my hands out of my pockets, and I had to go to the office to get petroleum jelly to get my hands out. After that point I had lost all self esteem, and people called me weak, nerd, retard, and things that were awful...even TheLastGapple was making fun of me, threatening me, and calling me weak. One day, I told my self .."I don't deserve this. I can't take this anymore." I didn't believe I was that weak since I was in competitive swimming, and I was pretty fast. I arm wrestled Gapple's friend called Kash, and he was one of the people calling me weak. Instead of him beating me, I crushed his arm within a second, and his arm was throbbing with pain right after. Suddenly, I was arm wrestling everyone, proving that I wasn't weak, and most of the people I challenged ended up losing. Suddenly, the year had slowly come to a close.

The summer of 7th grade was very important, and probably the most important part of my life. Over the summer, I had gotten addicted to rubiks cubes, and within a week I could solve it in 40 seconds, and I shaved it down to 25-30. Turns out our cousins were visiting so we took them to Vegas, and What do you know....The Rubik's Cube world championship was taking place at the hotel I was staying at. I ended up registering, and while I may not have done well, It was really fun, and I met a lot of cool cubers such as JRCuber, MeMyselfAndPi, Feliks Zemdegs, Mats Valk, RedKB, TheAlgorithmist (Who wanted to buy my cube xD), Kevin Hays, and a few others. Cubes

After I got back from worlds, I got a message from TheLastGapple saying he wanted me to make him an animtion. I agreed, and made it for him. I made a in the making video of it, but I took my channel down due to personal reasons. You can still see the animation in some of his older videos, but the animation was pretty bad. None the less, after the animation was complete, he asked me to play something called "MCSG" with Kash, and I agreed. The thing was....I was still a noob at the time. I still played with a track pad, I didn't know how to shift click, and I didn't know how to sprint. I was a true noob, but I still made it to deathmatch, and I got shrekt. None the less, I found this incredibly fun, and soon Kash, Gapple, I, and a few others would play MCSG Todos Los Dias ;)

Before I knew it school had started and I slowly started curling my self into a little ball and I didn't want to break it at all. I was very shy, and people would still make fun of me. However, Gapple & Kash[2 very popular people at our school] were by my side which shocked everyone. By spending time with them over the summer not only gave me the chance to prove I wasn't a loser, but also it gave me social skills to communicate/make friends that I just didn't have before. People started accepting me more, and everything was great...for a while. In January, I was sent on a field trip to Yosemite National Park. We would have be in a cabin with 3 of our friends. In my cabin was Gapple, Kash, another friend, and I. During this trip we were expecting to have a lot of of fun, but a lot of drama took place, and a lot of people got in trouble. Most of it was centered on 3 cabin groups. And mine was one of them. All of this gave me a headache, and when I got back home, I passed out. When I came back, I felt like the people I knew in real life were crazy, and I needed some time away from then.

After that, I saw Gapple writing something on the MCSG Forums called "SkullDiamondz - Moderator Application" during literature. I questioned him on it, and he quickly turned his computer so I couldn't see the screen. He said that cool red name with the blue text was a rank called moderator where you would help out with the server and be able to ban people and things like that. He told me that you weren't allowed to look at anyone's application other than your own, and you weren't allowed to get any help. This was new to me since all of the applications were public on an other server I played on a lot. While it was sort of bummed I didn't know any of the guidelines, I was still very excited and wanted to be part of the staff team. I looked at the age limit, and slowly shrunk. 15 years old. At the time I was 13, and I couldn't apply. However, I quickly found out how to do an age exception, and I started immediately. I watched a couple moderator guides, and even asked some of the sr.staff and found out that past experience moderating servers helps a lot. I was an Animator Rank on Skull's server, [Basically VIP], and I asked if I could be a moderator. He told me to go apply, and while my application wasn't the best, I still got in a interview with him, and I was accepted. After becoming a moderator, I worked on it for a few weeks before being promoted to admin, and soon after, Head-Admin. I didn't deserve this position, but I got it because 2 of the head admins were demoted for abusing there powers. During this period, I sort of forgot about MC Gamer but after a while, I found my self being addicted to both. I decided to write my very first application. And It was awful. Some of the answers I wrote didn't even answer the questions asked. I thought I was mature at the time, but now I realize I was still immature. The next time I applied, and I got denied. I had given up becoming a moderator at that point, and started pursuing YouTube. I had joined my friends channel with a decent number of subscribers. At first it was fun, but eventually I got angry at them for not letting me do things you are supposed to do. They told me to upload no more than one time a week and I wanted to upload every day. They just kept threatening to kick me out of the channel which was literally impossible since I was the one who signed the TGN waiver. But they just kept deciding to do it. Gapple was on my side at this time, and we both got mad, and I was going to let it slide but then he said something that sank in deep. "Your never going to be successful in the community. You got declined for mod, and we worked up all these subscribers, and you think you've achieved so much when you haven't done anything, and you never will do anything." That hurt so much to the point where I quit/left the channel. Not going to mention his name, but a few of you will know his name/IGN.

At this point, I started getting attached to the real world again, and to a mobile tap game called puzzles and dragons, and I would play this all throughout summer, until I had cleared the majority of the dungeons, and had some of the best monsters in the game. I had completely forgotten about minecraft at that point, and soon graduation dawned. Only this time I realized what had flied by. Especially my friendship with TheLastGapple . I mean we hated each other for around 4 years, and in our last year together we become friends? It was a sad moment for me since I made all my friendships this year and they were all going to a separate high school. At the very end, everyone was crying, and gapple and I walked out of the door, we had a bro hug, and we walked to our car and muttered an "Adios." That was the last time I saw gapple. Summer wasn't too exciting, as I just went on a vacation.

Soon School Started, and It was high school! High School was different and scary since I didn't know anyone. I had to slowly force my self into a group of friends, but I managed and we are now all good buds :D
Not much happened academic wise, but socially I found my self slightly challenged again as I didn't know anyone from my middle school. While I did meet some people I could talk to during class/waiting for my parents, I didn't meet anyone from the other middle school who was a "friend friend" None the less, my birthday soon came, and I got a new phone called the OnePlus One. After doing that, I transferred my puzzles and dragons data over too my phone. I should've researched a little more about Puzzles & Dragons on the OnePlus One before actually transferring my data, because it turns out, the OnePlus One's software doesn't work with P&D. The application wouldn't open, and the support team couldn't do anything about it. I was devastated as my account was worth a good 200-300$ as I had some really good teams. I felt bored for a while, and didn't have anything to do. I soon received a email from TheLastGapple saying "Well this happened :p" and attached was an image of him typing something in the MCSG chat. His name was red, and his text was blue. I was incredibly happy for him as he had finally gotten what he wanted. I logged on to the forums after a super long time, and talked to him. I slowly started attaching my self to the community, and I started playing MCSG. After playing a few weeks of playing, I talked with gapple, and I congratulated him on his age exception, and he said "Rishabh. I wasn't an age exception." He told me that the age requirement decreased to 14, and I decided I wanted to become a moderator. I applied immediately, and it got declined the same night by Joey. I applied again the next day, and I logged on and I saw 2 measly alerts. "Your thread has been moved to a new forum." "[Pending] Imaboss2414 - Moderator Application"
I was so happy, and enthralled, I jumped up and down. Sadly this didn't last for long as when I logged on, I saw Draco replied to "[Declined] Imaboss2414 - Moderator Application." I was upset, and gave it another go. I made it to pending again, and then got declined. I decided to wait a few weeks, and then, I gave it another go, and unlike the other ones, this moderator application took a long time. Like, over 5 days, and it was a whopping 4200 words. I was confident in it, and I submitted it. I had received pending, and I was nervous/hoping for the best. 2 days later, I logged on and I saw a new alert. I clicked the alerts icon and I saw " ChandelleMC replied to [Interview] Imaboss2414 - Moderator Application. I was so happy that my feet were shaking when I got accepted, and I choked on my sandwich.

I waited 2 weeks and 3 days, and I woke up early one morning at around 4:30 AM. I started talking in the waiting room, and a few others joined in, I saw Shelby join and say "Ok guys, we are going to be doing interviews." I was nervous, but I slowly relaxed as I heard Leon/ThatOneKat was going to go first. As KitMencha, Chandelle, and Shelby entered the waiting room, Shelby joined the waiting room again, and said "Leon we are going to need an administrator for your interview, so we are going to hold off your interview for now. Imaboss2414 you will be taking your interview now. " That struck me incredibly fast, and I jumped out of my bed, and hopped on to my desk. I was freezing cold as it was raining, and my parents had the AC on. On top of that I was nervous so my voice sounded like I was being strangled. As people were wishing me luck on my interview, I heard all the "Good Lucks" come to a stop and I heard the "You were moved" echo through my brain. I had a panic attack, and I felt like I did awful. I was moved back to the waiting room after my interview, and I felt like saying "I aced it" ,but I felt like I messed up, so I stayed quiet for the most part. As I was talking with gizmobrick in the waiting room, the "You were moved" struck me. I don't want to give away too much about what happened at the end (You'll have to experience it yourself ;). Basically, I got moderator! I had my heart filled with accomplishment, and I looked back on the friend who told me that I would never be successful, and I gave him a nice chuckle when I asked him to go in a game. Now, I'm a super happy camper, a member of the staff team, and I have nothing more that I could possibly want.

A few people/friends I would like to thank :)

TheLastGapple Bro your an amazing friend, your like my bby we need to hang out soon tbh :)

gizmobrick ey my waiting buddy :) Thanks for making the waiting experience amazing for me.

MCCMorpheus My good friend, not much I can say about you but your really nice :)

Equalitee :D :D Thanks for making my waiting experience so much fun. Your a really funny/kind guy, and I'd wish you didn't quit.

soggypickle Lively MoLoToV You guys were my inspiration when I wasn't a mod, and I actually looked up to you guys for a while :p

Mariah | mccluremariah Waiting buddy :) your really cool and chill :)

Smashify_ your a really nice and funny guy, and made my experience of being a moderator so much fun :)

Mr_Penguin33 :D :D Your probably one of my favorite mods, and your so funny and hilarious, and your just a great guy :) Your training sessions are da bomb dot com. :)

HolidayResort Berk Got dem perks xD Idk why I keep saying that, your a great mod buddy and you helped me out/still help me out when I need it. :)

Mooclan My waiting buddy :3 Your really awesome/fun and your le forum king.

Miner9823 One of my best friends, and one of my kindest supporters. Your humble beyond anything, and you superdy duper awesome :D

Danny // Applez87 I forgot about you i'm srry ;-; your really awesome and a great friend and I still need dat banner ;)

And that's my story! Hope you people got a nice nap while reading this.
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Wow... just finished reading all that. That was a very strong story and I could tell you've gone through so much. Totally respect you for that. :cool:


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Woah! That was quite a long one to read Ima. It's great having you around here :D

You're an amazing moderator c:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm still kind of confused as to what a challenger school is, but really good story! You toughed it out through some serious adversity that not many could be able to go through and be doing what they're doing now.
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm still kind of confused as to what a challenger school is, but really good story! You toughed it out through some serious adversity that not many could be able to go through and be doing what they're doing now.
Challenger is a private school where they "Challenge you" by giving you hours of homework as a kid, and make it so you do nothing but school :p


District 13
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Just finished reading the entire thing. I gotta say man, it was very inspiring, and I can relate with you on a lot of your story. Issues with school, struggles getting Mod, even one of my IRL friends has a One Plus One that he likes to brag about quite often. I haven't talked with you very much, but you seem like a wonderful person who I really want to get to know better. <3 u rish :)

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