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  • Spongebob

    Votes: 17 17.2%
  • Sandy

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Patrick

    Votes: 19 19.2%

    Votes: 62 62.6%

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Sep 8, 2012
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Title for Abandoned House

A cold, unwelcoming wind swept across Henry and my faces as we stared at the huge, imposing abandoned house could have quartered dozens of people. We were about to leave when Henry held up his hand to tell me to stop. Turning to me, with a half-crazed grin, he stared me straight into my eyes and told me we had to go inside. Just like that, we began one of the most terrifying activities in our twelve year old lives. Cautiously, we walked up the winding cobble pathway, expecting a monster to jump out and kill us. Finally, we reached the rotting wooden porch and I volunteered to test the rusty knob. Turning it like I was doing surgery, it twisted much easier than I had suspected it to. At this point, we could see inside the impossibly huge living room, with a magnificent chandelier, real leather couches, and above all, a dusty marble fireplace that would have once been a polished masterpiece. Suddenly the door shut, leaving Henry and me in the shadows and dust of the unfamiliar building. Everything only went downhill from there.

Already, Henry was panicking, his eyes wide and his hands on his head, screaming like a banshee. On the other hand, I attempted to stay calm and tried to think of a way out of this. Henry bumped into me, as he waved his hands around trying to see. It was a moonless night inside the enclosed house, and we could not see more than a few inches in front of us. Slowly, my eyes were adjusting to the sudden darkness and I could make out the couches, then the fireplace. Turning around, I was able to see the door, but Henry still had not figured out where he was. To my left, in my peripheral vision, I sensed him flailing his hands to get ahold of something. He was obviously feeling as good as blind, so I pulled his figure over to me so we could do something about our situation. Unfortunately, when we attempted to open the door, the knob would not move an inch, meaning it had to be locked from the outside.

It was easy to tell that Henry had no clue what to do, so I tried being calm enough for both of us. Closing my eyes I thought for a few minutes as a mortified Henry held back his whimpers of horror. Neither of was particularly strong, but with two of us…Reaching out to Henry, I told to calm down. Quickly, I explained to him that with both of us exerting force on the door, we might have a chance of pushing it down since it was so old. Relieved to have some sort of plan, we backed up to the fire place to get a running start. To signal the start, I yelled and we sprinted forward, straight at the door. Crashing into the door, I thought it had worked. However, when I looked, there was barely even a dent in the wooden door. Henry groaned next to me, and that frustrated me even more. After all that pain and effort, it had meant absolutely nothing to our cause.

Pacing the living room, I noticed something next to the fireplace that I had not seen before. It looked like a large metal stick, the kind of tool you would use to pull floor boards up. Picking it up, I estimated that it might be strong enough to pry open the door. With a new hope, I walked to the door, inserted the crowbar in the small space between door and wall, and pulled with all my might. Again, the unnaturally firm door did not move at all. Behind me, Henry was suddenly very excited about something. Skeptically, I looked back to him to see why he was so excited, and saw him holding a key we had never seen. Eyes wide, I screamed at him to throw me the key so we could get out of there. Struggling to get the key in, I shoved it in harder, testing it if it would even fit. It fit in snugly, and turned unbelievably smoothly.

We pushed open the door, and stumbled outside. After over an hour of being cooped up in the building, I gulped in a delicious gulp of fresh air. Escaping the prison was like being able to lie down after hours of walking, a relief after so much time. Before, I had taken most things for granted, but losing my freedom inside the house made me think that I should value everything, even freedom. Being free of it now makes me grateful for something as small as that.

I was writing a story for English :3 And no, I did not copy and paste this onto Word, this is my original work if you doubt me.


May 3, 2013
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Nous pouvons donc admettre que cette équation a pour unique solution positive x=(1+sqrt(5))/2

Lol maths :p
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Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
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Look up "Peter capaldi the new doctor who likes to swear"

My friend texted me that so I pasted it into google. This is on my phone btw.


Jun 24, 2013
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