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People who believe I'm a hacker - read please.

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Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
If you watch g33ke PvP, or work with him time to time, Like I, you know he doesn't hack, he's just a good pvper, in my eyes, the people who call G33ke/Anyone else 'Hackers' are just jealous. One who believes that the user is really a hacker, will/should submit a complaint on the forums.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone calling you a hacker? Sounds like bads being bad. Everyone targeting you because they deem you a threat? Not so much.
I don't mind them calling me a hacker. I also don't mind them attacking me in a group just for their own sake. But when they form a squad to specifically target me that game and that's the only purpose of the squad...that's different.

You know what happened earlier? I logged into a lobby, and someone was lagging a bit, so it looked like he had sprint hack. Every single donator who was talking other than him, myself, and my friend was bullying him, non-stop calling him a hacker just because he looked to be sprint hacking for a split second when he was actually lagging. Every time he said anything it chat they would say something along the lines of "shut up hacker" or "STUPID HACKER GO AWAY." or something like that. I know how that guy feels...it's really stupid. IMO, the people non-stop screaming "hacker! hacker!" and treating him like that are the ones who should be banned. :| I feel all these guys are trying to do is eliminate the competition by making him angry so he leaves...

I propose there be a new rule against bullying people like that, whether you legitimately think they are a hacker or not. Get evidence, provide it to a staff member, forget about it. Bullying them is unneeded. I hate seeing people being bullied for it just as much as I hate them doing the same to me.

If you watch g33ke PvP, or work with him time to time, Like I, you know he doesn't hack, he's just a good pvper, in my eyes, the people who call G33ke/Anyone else 'Hackers' are just jealous. One who believes that the user is really a hacker, will/should submit a complaint on the forums.
I'm sure people by now know that you and I team. I'm just going to say that if they do know that, trying to make me look good here from your opinion will just make their negative thoughts about me even worse, making them think that I sent you here to post that. :p

Welcome to my worlddd G33ke.
I'm sorry, but your world sucks! D:


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sorry, but your world sucks! D:
Yup, it's the world of everyone who has either 3000+ points or 100+ wins. :/
I'm sorry that this is happening. I've had this happen a bunch with my group, and it can be quite frustrating. I've played a few games against you with my teammates, and I know you don't hack. I'm positive you can report to a Moderator if you get constantly harassed. Actions like that upset me. :\


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Yea, whenever someone calls me a hacker, just because i used a move on him that makes it seem like I'm hacking, they just scream out hacker after I die if I do or the next game. If also noticed what will normally happen when some called me a hacker, is that: We came charging at each other, and instead of going right for him, i veer of to the left/right and circle him while still hitting him, which will normally get me a few extra hits on the guy, or if I'm lucky, I can kill him, because i went around him which makes him spin around and get confused and dizzy about my location, meanwhile I'm still hitting him confusing him even more. This makes them think that just because they weren't able to see you, and you hit him every time while they we dazed and confused, they say your a hacker because they're rageing about not having a chance in the fight, even though all I'm doing is going around them instead of going straight at them. After the game/death if they're raging, (which is 100% of the time so far), they will yell at me about using nodus, which I could care less about their comments because they have that rage-y edge to their voice, and then after they've gotten out they're anger, I ask them what I did that made them think I hack, and they just say something about nodus again and leave. So basically, i've learned that to tell the difference between a rager and a non-rager, just pay attention to if they continue the conversation or just leave after they have finished talking.

This is nothing compared to how much I can say about this topic, but I think I've said enough.

And very nice words g33, it does a very good job talking about the topic. You deserve more views for this thread, it does a very good job describing what every good non-hacking player in the world of MCSG goes though :)


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
If they're harassing you, take screenshots and report it. We ban people for player harassment.
your signatures leaderborad pic player has a white face liek my *gasp* SISTER?


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
i agree this is too usual, the worst "teovald is hacking" message i've seen was when i burned a guy in the hangar, he just said "Hax"....


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
i agree this is too usual, the worst "teovald is hacking" message i've seen was when i burned a guy in the hangar, he just said "Hax"....


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Its Funny, On US this happened to me constantly because the competition honestly didn't feel as fierce as it is on EU. It is more difficult and in my eyes there are more hackers in EU but I'm getting called a hacker less and less now. Just Screenshot or call a mod and poof they r banned.


Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
So many guys call me Hacker. If you will see you wil wonder how to get that much points, probably but it's just bounty.
But I really don' care about Guys who call me Hacker. I could tell you so much guys who call me Hacker like teovald, iFrox, TeIIo just because you Fight better than them. Often they also only rage about their Points.
Fact is: If someone calls me Hacker I'm proud because that means I fought good :D
If I join a sercer and they say "The Hacker joined -.-" Just ask "which Hack am I using?" And they bunnies off ;)
Just ignore noobs if they spam it. If you write much about it they will keep on spamming it.
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