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Planet Minecraft Servers now open for Judging!


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Oh my god Land of Ares or whatever it is called got the worst cornucopia I have ever seen. You get like full iron and enough food for way too long. And I don't even want to think about refill. Ugh

Is this the map with like 30 chests at corn? If so, this has to change. I played on it, and the match was over quite quickly. I managed to get a stone sword, a bunch of arrows and a bow, armour and golden apples at spawn, killed a lot of people, and won in no time. I didn't even have to leave cornucopia.


Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Is this the map with like 30 chests at corn? If so, this has to change. I played on it, and the match was over quite quickly. I managed to get a stone sword, a bunch of arrows and a bow, armour and golden apples at spawn, killed a lot of people, and won in no time. I didn't even have to leave cornucopia.

Yes. I only played it once, but got full iron armour, and quite a lot of food at spawn, and a flint and steel.
There's also a few chests like.. 5-15 blocks outside corn aswell, so yeah..
If it gets added, and the chests aren't removed, it'll either never be voted on (because sane people) or be overplayed because who doesn't love a map with a bunch of stuff >.>

The chests needs to be gone gone gone.


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Oh my god Land of Ares or whatever it is called got the worst cornucopia I have ever seen...
... I can't find any crafting tale though, ...
Ya most of the maps look great but some are.. weird.

Here is my mini/mostly unbiased/review.
Also mostly negative so be warned lol

Colossal Caverns
Haven't played it yet.

Excavation Zero
Only played it once, like it so far. Was a lot smaller and not as pretty as the screenshots though x3

Hell In Heaven
Haven't played it yet.

Land Of Ares
A tad plain and has some spots that dont make sense. Like multiple areas (with a chest) you cant really get to and if you can you are stuck there, they dont seem like traps just bad chest placement. Also it is a 48 player server but even so has WAY to many chests at corn. There are seriously like 35 chests. The match I played though we had some fun pvp at the corn so if they just take some of the chests away I could see my liking this one.

Little Haven​
Didn't get to play enough of this one. But there was this one bug house I was exploring and I looked everywhere and there wasn't one chest in that house.. it was a big waste of time and was rather frustrating as I was killed because I couldn't find a weapon.​
Rapturous Drift​
Haven't played it yet.​
Didn't get to play much on this one. All I know is this is another map that has to many chests at corn and I just generally hate the corn, mostly for deathmatch as it is 90% water.​
Untitled SG Map​
Didn't get to play much but it is another one what has to many chests at corn. It looks like there are 8 at first but really its like 16.​

Totum Orbem
Has items that drop around corn at the start of the game (like from dispensers or something). Some of which are gold and iron swords... which is just not fair or MCSG at all in my opinion. Also I have issues with some of the scenery that I wont go into detail here.

Quartz Laboratory
Like in little haven, there is a human error that when you tp to deathmatch you get hit by lightning, this will be fixed. Otherwise cant review cuz its my map :)

So far Excavation Zero and my map (probably biased) are my two favorite to play on followed by ares.



Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
I've only played Excavation Zero once and I died because my teammate wouldn't help me :(


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Our map 'Colossal Caverns' Doesn't appear to be working. Players are starting the game in the lobby and end up punching each other to death.
I'm guessing you're already aware of this, but I feel it is important for me to say just in case you do not in actual fact know.

Demeule Qc

Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Our map 'Colossal Caverns' Doesn't appear to be working. Players are starting the game in the lobby and end up punching each other to death.
I'm guessing you're already aware of this, but I feel it is important for me to say just in case you do not in actual fact know.
At least, those types of game are awesome! :D I won twice :D

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