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PvP for dummies [A Fancy Guide]

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Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, so I understand, I am not necessarily a PvP "Master", although, I have learned a lot with-in the past year. Here are a few tips and tricks I have picked up on. Maybe you know some, maybe you don't, nether the less, this is still good, valuable information. So got your notepads kiddos? Cause' we are about to dive in to the world of PvP.

The "Don'ts" of PvP: Ok, so there a lot of things that people do when trying to pvp, that are not the smartest. If you find that you have one of these traits, than STOP! That would be a big no-no.

- Do not excessively block hit! Not only will everyone call you a "block hitting nub" in the chat, but also, block hitting is very easy to strafe. It is ok if every once in a while in a fight, you throw in a block hit, but keep it to a minimum. (What is block hitting you ask? Well, block hitting is when you click both the attack, and block buttons on your mouse simultaneously, it can reduce damage being taken in, but can have deadly consequences)

- Do not scroll when PvPing! When you use your mouse to scroll to your items, it is a lot slower, and it is inaccurate. Instead, learn to hotkey (We will get into that later)

-Do not be overly confident. It is good to have some confidence, but if you walk into a team of two, without giving a thought, than you are in trouble. Always think things through, even if you think you can beat him/her, make sure you are careful.

-Do not fear other players. Now, still don't be over confident, but if you fear your opponent, than you could clench up and lose the fight.

-Do not rage. Come guy's, we are all big boys here, it is just a game! I understand, we all get frustrated with it sometimes, but just remember if you lose that game, there is always another lobby open.

-Do not hack. Do I need say more?

-Do not target other players. Honestly, not only is it annoying to the other player, but it is also wasting time. If you spend the whole game chasing him, you will not be prepared for deathmatch.

-Do not chat team. So you chat teamed with this cool guy who you met in the lobby 10 seconds ago, his name was Bob. You loved Bob. He says nice things about you, and makes you feel pretty. Bob asks you for a weapon. You give Bob a weapon. Bob kills you. You cry. Your heart is broken. You eat Twinkies to make yourself fell better. It doesn't work.

-Do not hold your FnS in your hand before use. This makes it so obvious that you are going to do this. I see people do this constantly. Hold your sword in your hand, use the flint and still quickly, and switch back.

-Do not double tap W to Sprint. What I do, is go into my controls in the Minecraft menu, and where it says Sprint, make it Q. This allows you to hold down q and w at the same time to Sprint. This make running a lot more easier. If you run into a block, you do not stop sprinting. It will take some getting used to, but trust me, it is worth it!

The "do 's" of PvP: So, we covered what not to do, so what do you do? Well there is a lot of strategies you can use to help yourself out!

-Always take spawn, unless you go slowly, there is not much chance of you dying. Spawn consists of all tier twos (On most maps) so it will help you out a lot.

- Use your fishing rod, flint and steel, sword, and bow whenever available. Do not discard these items, (unless you have extra) these will help your PvP enormously. You may be thinking "Fancy! I don't even know how to rod property! Every time I flint and steel, I light myself on fire, and I suck donkey at shooting!" Well, scroll down just a tad, we will get there later, do not be hasty young hobbits!

- Try to take out teams early, before they both get full iron, and diamond swords. Now, you may be thinking "Ughh! Fancy! You know I can't take out a team!!" And again, be patient. We will get there.

- Take risks. This is how you can get the most out of a game, if you stay in your little shell the whole game, shifting behind trees, you may not win.

-Be very careful in deathmatch, usually there are 3 people left in deathmatch, and if you are the first one to fight, and kill someone, odds are, the last person will clean up. My advice is make sure you have some distance between you, and the third guy before you take on the second. Gapples are always helpful!

- If you are teaming, try to avoid splitting up. Take advantage of the fact that you are a team, and charge fights together. Most will try to split both of you up with arrows, and FnS, but do not fall for their tricks, stay together as much as possible.

-Try to practice on battlegrounds. MCSG does not only offer SG, and take advantage of this. Battlegrounds is a FFA area, where people with the same supplies fight it out constantly. You can get there by clicking the firework on your compass. FFA is great practice for your PvP skills, there are many things that you will learn for yourself there as well. It is Fancy approved! Highly reccomend!

-Play smart, if you see a guy with a lot better gear, then make sure you play smart, bow him a few times, maybe flint and steel him, and then go in for a close fight. If you go straight in, then even if you got more hits on him, he could still kill you.

-Respect all other players. If someone kills you, compliment them, say GG!

How to take out a team:

Step one- Determine what gear they have, and plan accordingly.
Step two- Try to split the team up, in any way possible. Most commonly with the use of a bow, and FnS.
Step three- Once one of the teammates is low from the bow and/or fire, he will back away from the fight, this is your opportunity to strike!
Step four- Fight one of the teammates, after he is dead, it will be a 1v1 for the other guy. Unless it is a 3 team, in that case, repeat steps 2 and 3.

How to hotkey: The basics

So hotkeying is a hard thing to get used to, and it is different for many people, here is what I reccomend. So depending on your keyboard size, this may feel weird. So I assigned my Sprint to "Q" (As I said earlier) and I have my sword in 1, FnS in 2, Rod in 3, and bow in 4. When I am sprinting normally, I have my thumb on space bar, to jump, my middle finger on W, and my ring finger on Q. When I am about to attack someone, I shift my middle finger up to 3, to rod, my ring finger on 1, to hit. Also if I use my FnS, I use my middle finger on 2, and ring finger on 1. This is all personal preference, if there is a hand position that feels more comfortable on your keyboard, than go for it! Just make sure you can press at least 1,2, and 3. (I scroll to 4, which is my bow.) This is quite a hard concept to explain to someone new to hotkeying, I hope I did an O.K job. If you want, there are many tutorials on YouTube if you want to search how to do it. I can't directly advertise a video example, but search up "Minecraft hotkeying pvp tutorial".

I hope you found this somewhat helpful. I am going to have some more twinkies in memory of Bob, see you guys later!
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
This guide really is helpful, and very colorful. c:
I also recommend inputting another factor on the Do's section, is to always be friendly and respectful to other players. When you die, try to compliment how they got you well, and hopefully legitimately, or if you kill them, make sure you clearly send out the message that you have enjoyed playing against them in the arena, and had a great fight. It really helps growing stronger relationships as well as stronger alliances when in-game. :)

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