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Radiation EU

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Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score

Radiation is not just a clan, it is a group of friends, who have been playing together for a long time, after getting tired of playing just for fun we decided to form a EU clan based on a german community of friends.
We are Radiation. Now that some of our old members left us, some new faces joined us!

In order to join Radiation, we need to get to know you. So come hang out on our teamspeak if you want to get to know us.

Established: October 20, 2015
Radiation Founders: (New Timmiffi)
Teamspeak IP:
YouTube Channel: -------
Clan Skype: Tim I Timmiffi

Owner: Owns and coordinates the clan, helps organizing and leading battles.
Member: The core of the clan.
Trial: Inactiv Players or people who helps out.

• Owner •
Timmiffi / radiationtim
Simplyelaborate / Zorua635

• Member •
SpeakEasy_ / NotChriis
xenerik / ImaginationLuca

• Trial •
The0nlyGodCasyan01 // Phow
Ryme // Taikkii
Henges // WhoJustRisen

Regular Battles


EU Clan Leaderboards
Rank: 0

We play by our rules, which can be found here.

- Radiation Clan War Rules -

As we have learned from the past, we are going to have our own rules which are going to apply on every clan war Radiation will be apart of (except for tournaments).
This means that by challenging us to a clan war, the opponent clan automatically agrees on our rules which will possibly overwritethe other clans rules (in case there are some).

I. No sponsoring/no use of sponsored items. (Round DQ)
II. No bountying (Round DQ)
III. If a hacker is interfering with the clan war, the clan being disadvantaged can decide whether the round gets restarted or not (Round Restart)
IV. Crashes at any point of the game will lead to a restart of the round (if it is a 3v1 when a player crashes, the restarting round will also be a 3v1) (Round Restart)
V. Clan wars will always either be a 3v3 or a 4v4
VI. 2 minute grace period at the start of the game (Round Restart)
VII. Clan wars will always be first to 5
VIII. Postponing allowed (max. 3 days) (Match Forfeit)
IX. Only people on the roster are allowed to play (March Forfeit)
X. No teaming with players not participating in the clan war (Round DQ)
XI. Obey the MCGamer rules + the official MCGamer clan war rules (March Forfeit)

If a player gets killed by a hacker, the clan needs to provide proof, which has to be uploaded on youtube and then be given to a mod.
If a player is crashing in either lobby, pre-game or the game itself, the specific player needs to get proof for it, which has to be proven to be from the specific game ( time and date has to be shown ).
Example for teaming with a randomer: Running side by side chasing down another player.
If possible, there shall not be any players in the game which are in personal contact with any of the clan members and it would be great to always have one spectator or player recording from each clan.

Disobeying one of the rules will lead to the consequences showed behind the rules.
Not following the rules for a second time will lead to a clan war disqualification!

In order to battle us, you will have to add our clanskype named radiationclan.

Explanation for Disqualifications:

Status: OPEN

Before considering to apply for Radiation you need to read through our clan rules and meet our requirements.
1. Exceptional fighting and tactical ability
2. Good teamwork and the ability to listen to others
3. Communication via Skype and TeamSpeak
4. Activity of at least an hour a day, unless on break or agreed external commitments
5. Friendly and calm personality, keep raging to a minimum
6. Must know map layouts, multiple chest routes and landmarks on common maps
7. Preferably 600+ Legacy Wins
8. Speak german

Clan Rules:
1. No modded clients
2. Any Problems at all, you may discuss with an 'admin' rank or higher
3. Always be respectful to all members, no matter the consequences
4. Any abuse to other players or clans will not be tolerated with

NOTE: Not following these rules can result in a clankick.

Wins / Games Played:
Past clans:
Skype ID:
Why do you want to join Radiation:


Thanks for reading through the thread & drop a like if you feel like it.
Thanks to StealthyGamer for banner and gfx <3 hhhh sorry for the copy and paste :3
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
uhm idk how to say german but i know a fishing rod is a bogen :D:D:D::D


Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
uhm idk how to say german but i know a fishing rod is a bogen :D:D:D::D
Thats a bow, I think. A rod is an angel apparently.

Anyways, add xpro_gamert for a clan war ;)

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