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Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Okay i am here to make a rant but I will try and not go in depth

So MCSG what happened to the server like seriously I remember back the days when there were a lot of active players in this community but now its all dead. There are so many glitches that needs to be fixed in survival games because thats where the server got the players from and the staff go and work on other minigames like what. Why do you need to go work on other minigames when no one even plays it, SG has is the most played game on the server so work on that and you might not lose any players.

But now I want to say what needs to be fixed and done

The teams- I know you will say something like go and play SG solo but why would i play that when like no one even plays it.

The hackers- Like seriously when I played MCSG I always run into a hacker like every game and its no fun. Like MCSG you need a new anti cheat because the hackers can even now fly in games if you don't fix this issue then don't blame when you start to lose more players before everyone is gone from this community.

FNS- The FNS has been broken for like over a year now and the staff and developers done nothing about it. Like when I try to run form a Team the FNS doesn't even work so whats the point. I don't understand how can the owner of this server be proud of what MCSG has become.

LAG- I get around 20 ping when I play MCSG but my hits don't even register.


Jul 22, 2015
Reaction score
Most of this is true, on the EU servers, the moderators sit in the hub and chill but never have I seen them in SG games banning hackers. Hopefully I can make it up to you if I get my moderator position back (I have re-applied) and change a couple of them things. :)

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