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Really? I mean honestly?...

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Aug 22, 2012
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To set the seen me and my friends are sitting in a TS and we are talking and messing around. Well we happen to join a lobby with a mod in it and so we ask him if he would like to join us on TS, and he says yes and joins and we start playing.

Well at the beginning (of the game), there was a speed hacker who ran and grabbed 4 chests and ran away. Well the mod we are speaking with notices it and says and I quote ''Oh its not big deal, I will deal with it later''. I mean really?

Well it turns out that in the end it is this guy and the mod, and the mod dies to him and the game is over. The mod then says well I will just follow him into his next game, then says ''Oh he left MCGamer'' -_-

I volunteered last week for two days for a special program hosted by Col_Star to help ban hackers etc. And I was told that this was to relieve some of the mods duties, and yet I see and hear this and I kind of lose all hope.

I like the Mod he is a cool guy and all, but I mean the reason someone is a mod is to ban hackers and to moderate the community, I guess I am just not understanding to why a mod would not /kill immediately and record for evidence and ban.
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Oct 20, 2013
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Who was the moderator, and this is not really something you should post on the forums, you should contact a Sr.Mod with this information.


Apr 6, 2014
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In a way, it has two sides of the argument. And it is true that the moderator you have been referring to had not yet taken action towards the hacker, and the moderator, as suggested had not done /kill and record. However, the moderator had not prepared for the situation and it was unexpected, so they had probably not have the time to make a proper recording to get evidence of them. Also, they had not banned them immediately, despite it being easy proof and proper evidence seen by you and the moderator that the suspect was hacking, they had not banned the hacker since they needed the legitimate proof to keep safe in case the suspect testified against them. Also, if they said the could take care of it later, then it would most probably mean they will take care of it. Maybe they could have left the network, or went elsewhere to notify other moderators about the situation to keep a look out.

Also, has it shown that they could have been off-duty or on leave? Because that could probably mean that is why they hadn't taken care of the situation that immediately. Also, if you do believe that a moderator was not doing their job properly, it is always best to contact a Senior moderator about this, and also, it is optional, but I would recommend providing evidence for it as well.
Have a nice day. :)


Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Who was the moderator, and this is not really something you should post on the forums, you should contact a Sr.Mod with this information.
In a way, it has two sides of the argument. And it is true that the moderator you have been referring to had not yet taken action towards the hacker, and the moderator, as suggested had not done /kill and record. However, the moderator had not prepared for the situation and it was unexpected, so they had probably not have the time to make a proper recording to get evidence of them. Also, they had not banned them immediately, despite it being easy proof and proper evidence seen by you and the moderator that the suspect was hacking, they had not banned the hacker since they needed the legitimate proof to keep safe in case the suspect testified against them. Also, if they said the could take care of it later, then it would most probably mean they will take care of it. Maybe they could have left the network, or went elsewhere to notify other moderators about the situation to keep a look out.

Also, has it shown that they could have been off-duty or on leave? Because that could probably mean that is why they hadn't taken care of the situation that immediately. Also, if you do believe that a moderator was not doing their job properly, it is always best to contact a Senior moderator about this, and also, it is optional, but I would recommend providing evidence for it as well.
Have a nice day. :)
Great answers :D

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
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When I was a moderator, even if I was playing the game for fun I'd always have FRAPs open just in case I ran across a hacker. Any time I would see a hacker, I would automatically /kill and do my best to get evidence and ban them. I've only played one total game since I resigned, and even that game I had FRAPs open and managed to catch a hacker.

If the hacker is that noticeable that he is affecting the outcome of the game (and even if it isn't really much of a problem), I still have to question why the moderator did not just kill themselves and record especially when members of the community are present with him/her judging them by their decisions.

Ultimately the best thing for you to do is to contact Sr. Staff about this. If the moderator in question truly did say, "Oh its not big deal, I will deal with it later", in my personal opinion they should not be a member of staff. Maybe "I'll follow them after this game and make sure that they get dealt with" would have been better, but saying that a hacker is 'no big deal' shows a lack of commitment and priorities that are not in the correct order.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
When I was a moderator, even if I was playing the game for fun I'd always have FRAPs open just in case I ran across a hacker. Any time I would see a hacker, I would automatically /kill and do my best to get evidence and ban them. I've only played one total game since I resigned, and even that game I had FRAPs open and managed to catch a hacker.

If the hacker is that noticeable that he is affecting the outcome of the game (and even if it isn't really much of a problem), I still have to question why the moderator did not just kill themselves and record especially when members of the community are present with him/her judging them by their decisions.

Ultimately the best thing for you to do is to contact Sr. Staff about this. If the moderator in question truly did say, "Oh its not big deal, I will deal with it later", in my personal opinion they should not be a member of staff. Maybe "I'll follow them after this game and make sure that they get dealt with" would have been better, but saying that a hacker is 'no big deal' shows a lack of commitment and priorities that are not in the correct order.
Adding to this,
In a way, it has two sides of the argument. And it is true that the moderator you have been referring to had not yet taken action towards the hacker, and the moderator, as suggested had not done /kill and record. However, the moderator had not prepared for the situation and it was unexpected, so they had probably not have the time to make a proper recording to get evidence of them. Also, they had not banned them immediately, despite it being easy proof and proper evidence seen by you and the moderator that the suspect was hacking, they had not banned the hacker since they needed the legitimate proof to keep safe in case the suspect testified against them. Also, if they said the could take care of it later, then it would most probably mean they will take care of it. Maybe they could have left the network, or went elsewhere to notify other moderators about the situation to keep a look out.

Also, has it shown that they could have been off-duty or on leave? Because that could probably mean that is why they hadn't taken care of the situation that immediately. Also, if you do believe that a moderator was not doing their job properly, it is always best to contact a Senior moderator about this, and also, it is optional, but I would recommend providing evidence for it as well.
Have a nice day. :)
From my time as staff, I learned two things:
1) Always be prepared; i.e. always have your recording software up no matter what you are playing. If you are playing on the network at all, you are responsible to do your job.

2) It does not take that much effort to do /kill, open your recording software, follow the hacker, and get evidence. Especially when it's just the beginning of the game!

If the moderator had enough time to continue playing the game and ultimately get killed by the same hacker, they certainly had enough time to record. Because the hacker and the mod were the last two left, the mod had ample chance to do /kill and spectate.

Another falsity within staff: out of all the people who say 'I will take care of it later', very few actually do. Trust me: I've tried it. Most of the time you forget who the supposed hacker is, or you are too lazy to check every day to see if they are online.

Finally, something that pissed me off the entire time I was in the staff team, and even now: If you are able to play on the network or able to talk to your friends, you should not have "On Leave" or "Off-Duty" in your name. Considering the amount of effort it takes to deal with players is little to none, this is basically a way of ignoring your job as staff. Again, recording a hacker takes very little time. If you want to be left alone as staff, then don't hop on Teamspeak. The way I see it, if you are on Teamspeak as staff and are not AFK, you should be liable to do your job efficiently and correctly. I feel that "On Leave" should only be used if you are not at home and are only able to access Teamspeak. If you can access your recording software and Minecraft, "On Leave" is not for you.

"Off Duty" I can understand if it is used; sometimes. Sometimes as staff you need a break from your work. Unfortunately, most of the time it is abused, and staff have "Off Duty" in their name for multiple days on end. Ultimately, I feel that moderators should have to request permission from Sr. Staff to have either of these tags in their name.

/rant over


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Adding to this,

From my time as staff, I learned two things:
1) Always be prepared; i.e. always have your recording software up no matter what you are playing. If you are playing on the network at all, you are responsible to do your job.

2) It does not take that much effort to do /kill, open your recording software, follow the hacker, and get evidence. Especially when it's just the beginning of the game!

If the moderator had enough time to continue playing the game and ultimately get killed by the same hacker, they certainly had enough time to record. Because the hacker and the mod were the last two left, the mod had ample chance to do /kill and spectate.

Another falsity within staff: out of all the people who say 'I will take care of it later', very few actually do. Trust me: I've tried it. Most of the time you forget who the supposed hacker is, or you are too lazy to check every day to see if they are online.

Finally, something that pissed me off the entire time I was in the staff team, and even now: If you are able to play on the network or able to talk to your friends, you should not have "On Leave" or "Off-Duty" in your name. Considering the amount of effort it takes to deal with players is little to none, this is basically a way of ignoring your job as staff. Again, recording a hacker takes very little time. If you want to be left alone as staff, then don't hop on Teamspeak. The way I see it, if you are on Teamspeak as staff and are not AFK, you should be liable to do your job efficiently and correctly. I feel that "On Leave" should only be used if you are not at home and are only able to access Teamspeak. If you can access your recording software and Minecraft, "On Leave" is not for you.

"Off Duty" I can understand if it is used; sometimes. Sometimes as staff you need a break from your work. Unfortunately, most of the time it is abused, and staff have "Off Duty" in their name for multiple days on end. Ultimately, I feel that moderators should have to request permission from Sr. Staff to have either of these tags in their name.

/rant over


Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
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Let me start off with the following statement:

If you believe a member of staff is not doing their job correctly, please report them to their higher ups. That means, if a mod is lacking in the duties that they are meant to be doing, then tell a Sr Mod (provide as much evidence and explanation as possible). If a Sr Mod is lacking in their jobs, notify an admin. If an admin is not pulling their weight, tell Chad.

Often times, a moderator needs a break, meaning they will put the tag "Off-Duty" in their name. Also, there could be a personal reason that they are not working "On-Leave". These are two likely scenarios as, at this time, there are still people all over taking midterms and standardized tests.

I'm sorry that the hacker got away, but it seems that the staff member made an attempt to catch the hacker, but had not had enough time to get sufficient evidence.

Remember to report a Moderator to Sr Staff if you feel that they are not meeting their quota.

Have a fantastic day here at MCGamer!

P.S.: written from my phone so there may be some mistakes. Sorry! ;)
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