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Really MCSG

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Jan 4, 2014
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Please stop forcing bad maps on us, its really annoying.
Or at least remove raffling, when there are 28 votes for sg4 and 2 for sg5 its clear no one wants sg5.
Also stop adding teh bad maps , its getting old.

Do what the community wants, not what you want.

More people on the /poll like raffling, but most of them voted before you added all these horrible maps. (If you know what i'm saying)


Jan 4, 2014
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Everyone has different opinions.
If raffle voting was removed, no other maps besides for Terewan SG2, Valleyside, SG4, SG Highway, and Solar Frost would be chosen. EVER.
The reason those maps would win is because players like them more, simple as that. So why not do what the players like? Because people like you comment on posts like mine, defending your opinion. While the silent majority sits there, and doesn't really care to do anything.


Apr 8, 2013
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It was recently announced on the MCSG twitter that the voting system is going to be changed back to the old one. This has happened after a lot of complaints and people pushing for it to be reverted, which I find surprising given how much support the original raffle voting suggestion thread got. I for one am wholly disappointed in the portion of the community against raffle voting and believe it should stay, and I hope to explain why.

A couple of days ago shortly after the release of the new maps, I had the following dialogue in a lobby with a player who I won't name.

Him: Vote 3 for SG4!!

Me: Are you kidding me? Don't you want to play Memory of Earth, the new map?

Him: lol no nobody knows any chest routes on that map and in this game u need chest routes 2 win dumbass

Me: ...

This for me typifies the attitude I imagine many of the players against raffle voting have. They're content with playing the same select rota of maps they know well- Valleyside, SG4, Holiday Resort, Solar Frost, TSG2 etc, and don't like playing new or underplayed maps because they wouldn't have the advantage of a great chest route over the over players which would compromise their chances of winning. There has been a huge drop in the popularity of Avaricia since the OP route got nerfed for exactly this reason.

Personally, I really enjoy playing unfamiliar maps. It's much more exciting. Who cares if I don't get as geared as I would if I had a chest route- it forces me to play more tactfully and makes me improve. Much better than carrying out the same routine I always do on all the overplayed maps.

With raffle voting, everyone's needs are met. Each vote carries the same weight and as such everyone is represented proportionally as a % chance for the map to win. 10% of the time that a map carries 10% of the vote it wins, which is fair. However with the old voting system the ordinary player whose favourite map is Fortress Pyke almost never gets to play it. It's like his opinion on maps doesn't count just because he isn't part of the majority.

Many of the complaints came in the form of people giving examples of when map with few votes won. So what? What's your point? Is it really that much of a deal to have to leave and find another lobby to play the overplayed map you so desperately need in your life to let the person voting for the underplayed map to have his moment? These types of complaints were often accompanied by people saying stuff like how the least voted map would always win, which just isn't true in the slightest. This is just a prime example of selective bias whereby the complainers only remember the instances in which the voting system has annoyed them, whereas the numerous times they got to play their beloved Valleyside are forgotten.

Clans in particular have been complaining about raffle voting as no longer can they guarantee their ideal choice of map and may have to server hop a bit should an undervoted map come up. For me this is downright self-centred- just because there are 8 or so of you in a server doesn't mean you should get to monopolise the votes. What about the other 16 people in the server, do they not count? You may think that your clan battle is more important than the randys' regular games, but it really isn't. They have just as much a right to play the map they want and get as much out of the servers as you do. And besides, given how clan battle participants tend to be donors the map they decide on is overwhelmingly likely to be chosen anyway.

TL;DR Raffle voting has been a breath of fresh air for me and I would be pretty pissed off if it got removed.


Feb 17, 2013
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The reason those maps would win is because players like them more, simple as that. So why not do what the players like? Because people like you comment on posts like mine, defending your opinion. While the silent majority sits there, and doesn't really care to do anything.
See if sg4 has 20 votes and fortress pyke has 2 votes. It would almost always be sg4 because that's what the majority wants.But there is the odd time where fortress pyke would be picked. So it's usually sg4 but just for the minority of people who don't like the overplayed maps, they can play what they want from time to time aswell. See the raffle voting just makes it more balanced. Also, with what you said with the poll, I actually noticed the votes to remove raffle voting was winning by a landslide at first but lately more people have voted to keep raffle voting.


The reason those maps would win is because players like them more, simple as that. So why not do what the players like? Because people like you comment on posts like mine, defending your opinion. While the silent majority sits there, and doesn't really care to do anything.
Not every single person wants to play the most overplayed maps every single time. Raffle voting gives the other good underplayed maps a chance .-.
I'm defending my opinion that gives both opinions a try. You want to remove every underplayed map ;-;


Jan 4, 2014
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The thing that annoys me about that post are 2 things, 1. They still have not reverted the voting system, which is really getting on my nerves. 2. Its not that they do not have chest routes, I have a chest route on every map on mcsg. It is that the maps are bad, for example memory of earth was filled with tall grass, making it hard to hit people alot of the time. The terrain was uneven, making fights unfair. It was huge making it last forever. There was almost no place to light a fire, with all the stairs, half slabs and buildings, plus water and uneven terrain. Did i mention uneven terrain?

I really would mind raffling if a ton of the maps didn't suck so bad.


The thing that annoys me about that post are 2 things, 1. They still have not reverted the voting system, which is really getting on my nerves. 2. Its not that they do not have chest routes, I have a chest route on every map on mcsg. It is that the maps are bad, for example memory of earth was filled with tall grass, making it hard to hit people alot of the time. The terrain was uneven, making fights unfair. It was huge making it last forever. There was almost no place to light a fire, with all the stairs, half slabs and buildings, plus water and uneven terrain. Did i mention uneven terrain?

I really would mind raffling if a ton of the maps didn't suck so bad.
The maps are not bad, that is your opinion.
You personally do not like them, but that doesn't mean that they are bad... that's extremely offensive to the creators of those maps .-.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
The thing that annoys me about that post are 2 things, 1. They still have not reverted the voting system, which is really getting on my nerves. 2. Its not that they do not have chest routes, I have a chest route on every map on mcsg. It is that the maps are bad, for example memory of earth was filled with tall grass, making it hard to hit people alot of the time. The terrain was uneven, making fights unfair. It was huge making it last forever. There was almost no place to light a fire, with all the stairs, half slabs and buildings, plus water and uneven terrain. Did i mention uneven terrain?

I really would mind raffling if a ton of the maps didn't suck so bad.
Is it really that hard to leave and join a new server? What I'm seeing here is that you just value your preferences way above everybody else's.
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
The thing that annoys me about that post are 2 things, 1. They still have not reverted the voting system, which is really getting on my nerves. 2. Its not that they do not have chest routes, I have a chest route on every map on mcsg. It is that the maps are bad, for example memory of earth was filled with tall grass, making it hard to hit people alot of the time. The terrain was uneven, making fights unfair. It was huge making it last forever. There was almost no place to light a fire, with all the stairs, half slabs and buildings, plus water and uneven terrain. Did i mention uneven terrain?

I really would mind raffling if a ton of the maps didn't suck so bad.
This is basically saying every map should be removed except for the ones you want.

If you think the maps we have right now are bad, make one yourself and see how hard it is.
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