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Regarding the /mask command


Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
Hey forum-ers!

A lot of you may know that a recent command has rolled into the MCGamer servers known as the /mask command. Now, before you get all confused (if you've never heard of it in your life) and scream out ''WHAT'S /MASK AND HOW DO YOU USE IT???'' then please read this whole informative thread which basically demonstrates how to use the command responsively and everything like that. So let's get started I guess?


How do you use /mask?
It's pretty self explanatory to be honest. But if you're a newbie on this server, then stick around! To use the /mask command, simply type in /mask in a mini-game lobby and/or the hub to disguise! It's plain simple as that! Although there is also good news to it. Simply add on the type of donator rank you want to go incognito for. For example, if I was in the hub and wanted to disguise as a 'Platinum' rank and have all the prefixes and everything, I simply have to type ''/mask Platinum" and boom! I have officially gone in disguise. Although this is a hugely helpful command to keep hidden in plain sight, you should never abuse the commands given to you at any time.

Who can use /mask?
As of now, only Iron+ ranked members can use the mask command. I have yet to have confirmation from staff as if this will change overtime or not. But as you're reading this, the /mask command can only be accessed to Iron donors or above.

Why was /mask added in the first place?
On my point of view on this topic, is that it was implemented onto the servers in hopes of people who dislike using /disguise to go into incognito. The mask command however, is extremely useful towards VIP's in general seeing as the majority of VIP's+ usually become a target in SG. But as using /mask makes you completely hidden, making you seem as if you're a donor, can really benefit you in someway and reduce the amount of times getting targetted off of any gamemode on MCGamer. As well as when VIP's+ join an SG game and suddenly get called out for being mod, most likely leading to targetting, then the moderator could quickly, in less than 5 seconds, type in /mask to possibly not getting targetted anymore! It's a win-win situation. Unless you're a YouTuber VIP. That's different to an extent.

Are there any rules as to how to use the /mask command?
Basically, don't spam the command excessively without any valid reason. If you decide to spam the command in hopes of getting a laugh out of it, you won't be laughing alot when you get punished. Remember that this command is logged and so developers can clearly see who is spamming the command and the victims are usually caught red-handed and would be dealt with as soon as possible.

Is there anything else I should know about /mask?
The only thing I can currently think about which I haven't mentioned is that you can only disguise as Regular, Iron, Gold, Diamond and Platinum donor. Quantum is not added in /mask because seeing as people who donated for Quantum helped out the server a gigantic amount, I personally feel that the developers didn't want the actual purchasers of Quantum to be upset upon when anyone could literally disguise as Quantum. Quantum is a special rank, and if you don't know what i'm talking about when I say that it's 'special' then I really consider clicking 'here' to find out more about it and why it's such a unique rank.

I need a taco.
*Gives taco*


Feel free, staff members, to revamp this thread and edit it as much as you like, as I don't know a huge amount of information about this perk, although I do know the rough idea of it. But if you feel as if I didn't mention something, or if I messed something up on the FAQ's then by all means edit it when you feel like it's mandatory.

And feel free, community, to do the same! If you think I missed something important out, or I wrote something extremely wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me in the comment section and i'll be sure to edit the thread as soon as possible!

This thread was updated as of 3/31/15.
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
as I don't know a huge amount of information about this perk, although I do know the rough idea of it.
The information you had provided is spot on, Jazza. I practically see nothing else to add, or maybe it's just me who doesn't know much about commands in MCGamer. xP
But I have to admit, this guide will certainly be absolutely useful for those curious of what the mask command is, so therefore I request having this pinned in the community guides. :)


Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know if this is still true, but I wish as a diamond you could disguise and mask, instead of just one or the other.


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Very useful! Thank you Jazza <3 Some people didn't know this command :)


Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Jazza! Nice work! :3 Get on teamspeak

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