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Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Darlings!

Today I have another kind of serious topic for you guys!
I am aware these situations may not be applicable for some people and I know I don't know everything about it but these are just my personal opinions on situations :)
Any who, on with the thread!!

I am here to talk about School. I know what you're thinking "Oh no, not school, school sucks, clicking off this thread"
But PLEASE stick around and hear me out!

I know school can be really tough for some people, or most people..
Some people may be going through bullying or learning difficulties or health issues, both mentally and physically, and this can make your schooling experience awful, I personally know from experience, going through high school was hell, being bullied, health issues of both kinds.

But I'm here to tell you, from the other side.. as a graduated nurse now.

You may not want to go to school because:
1. It's too cold/too hot.
2. It's too early.
3. You don't like the teachers.
4. You don't like the people.
5. You don't like the work/subjects.

I want you guys to realize, you're going to eventually grow up, and have to go to work where you'll work 9-5 shifts somewhere you hate because you can't get a job anywhere you really want to be because you don't have the qualifications.
Not to mention all of the things I listed above.. will probably follow you through life into a job anyway.
The weather wont change, you'll be getting up earlier depending on the job, you may not like your boss, you may not like your co-workers and you may really not enjoy your position there anyway.
But it's something we all have to do.

I personally at around 14 or 15 stopped going to school for a long time, I was scared, I was sick and I generally hated it.
But now at 18.. 19 this year.
I know that finishing school and going to University and studying what I wanted to study was the best thing I could have done, if you focus on achieving a goal in life, you'll go far, they don't have to be big goals.. just baby steps.. but any kind of movement in the right direction is enough.

There are things you can do about your situations.
If you're being bullied at school TELL SOMEONE!
I cannot exaggerate that enough, I was scared to tell people when I was being bullied and it made things worse, I know now, the teachers are there to help you, they want to help you so tell them or tell an adult you trust, including your parents because they are there for you too!

If you have learning difficulties, SPEAK UP like I said before, the teachers are there to help you, if you don't tell them they can't do anything, I personally am half deaf in both my ears and for a long time I struggled to complete any of my work because I could not hear the teachers, so when I finally told someone, they found ways to make it easier for me, they helped me a lot.

They are only a couple ways to deal with things, but over all most issues can be resolved by telling someone that can help you!
I know I probably sound like your parents but schooling and education is so important.
I want to see you all strive to be the best you can be, and achieve want you want to achieve.

I wont nag on any more so I'll leave it here :)
If anyone has ANY questions at all, please send me a message or leave a comment!

You're all amazing, stay fabulous.



District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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Danni...why are you so good at making amazing threads?


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score

Ok but seriously.

I enjoy school, mainly because I enjoy learning new things (I know that sounds corny and nerdy) for the accomplishment/knowledge that you get when you know it. That feeling I like a lot.

Also, because experiences from school give me lots of wisdom, even at a young age (I feel like it's wisdom…) or life stories to help me apply it to situations.

And because of friends that keep me going or push me to keep going!

School's great! Really don't know why people despise it to the point of life and death…


May 4, 2015
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I completely agree with you, when I was younger I had little to no motivation to go to school, I wanted to not go etc. I think purely because I didn't see anything behind it, now that I am older, I can see what it all leads to, my future. Sure it may be absolute hell, but I think they do not get the bottom line to it. I have an amazing group of friends and I know others aren't blessed with amazing social skills etc, but everything does get better. I look at those without much friends as someone I can communicate with because you can't tell the future- if you are mean/disrespectful to that person, for all you know they could be your future boss. Just my thoughts. :)


Aug 20, 2012
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As a 15 year old, in my first year of high school, it really can be a struggle especially with my busy schedule including extracurriculars like music. I stay in school because I know I have the potential to do very well and succeed and what I want to do with the rest of my life.


Whatchu mean, school es muy facil >:^]

In all seriousness though, when I feel like this, or I'm just really feeling down, I just remind myself, you got to do what you got to do.

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Darlings!

Today I have another kind of serious topic for you guys!
I am aware these situations may not be applicable for some people and I know I don't know everything about it but these are just my personal opinions on situations :)
Any who, on with the thread!!

I am here to talk about School. I know what you're thinking "Oh no, not school, school sucks, clicking off this thread"
But PLEASE stick around and hear me out!

I know school can be really tough for some people, or most people..
Some people may be going through bullying or learning difficulties or health issues, both mentally and physically, and this can make your schooling experience awful, I personally know from experience, going through high school was hell, being bullied, health issues of both kinds.

But I'm here to tell you, from the other side.. as a graduated nurse now.

You may not want to go to school because:
1. It's too cold/too hot.
2. It's too early.
3. You don't like the teachers.
4. You don't like the people.
5. You don't like the work/subjects.

I want you guys to realize, you're going to eventually grow up, and have to go to work where you'll work 9-5 shifts somewhere you hate because you can't get a job anywhere you really want to be because you don't have the qualifications.
Not to mention all of the things I listed above.. will probably follow you through life into a job anyway.
The weather wont change, you'll be getting up earlier depending on the job, you may not like your boss, you may not like your co-workers and you may really not enjoy your position there anyway.
But it's something we all have to do.

I personally at around 14 or 15 stopped going to school for a long time, I was scared, I was sick and I generally hated it.
But now at 18.. 19 this year.
I know that finishing school and going to University and studying what I wanted to study was the best thing I could have done, if you focus on achieving a goal in life, you'll go far, they don't have to be big goals.. just baby steps.. but any kind of movement in the right direction is enough.

There are things you can do about your situations.
If you're being bullied at school TELL SOMEONE!
I cannot exaggerate that enough, I was scared to tell people when I was being bullied and it made things worse, I know now, the teachers are there to help you, they want to help you so tell them or tell an adult you trust, including your parents because they are there for you too!

If you have learning difficulties, SPEAK UP like I said before, the teachers are there to help you, if you don't tell them they can't do anything, I personally am half deaf in both my ears and for a long time I struggled to complete any of my work because I could not hear the teachers, so when I finally told someone, they found ways to make it easier for me, they helped me a lot.

They are only a couple ways to deal with things, but over all most issues can be resolved by telling someone that can help you!
I know I probably sound like your parents but schooling and education is so important.
I want to see you all strive to be the best you can be, and achieve want you want to achieve.

I wont nag on any more so I'll leave it here :)
If anyone has ANY questions at all, please send me a message or leave a comment!

You're all amazing, stay fabulous.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Just a few discrepancies I wish to point out...

- Really, telling a teacher about bullying problems is such a trust fall. The problem will either be completely solved or completely ignored, and in more cases, the latter.

Bullying is such an ignored issue in middle and high schools, it's ridiculous. If you don't believe me, then you're welcome to watch "Bully", a documentary which very clearly illustrates this problem. It follows five students going through school that were bullied to the point of depression, anxiety, and suicide. The teachers, yet, still did not correct the issue, even after having it reported to them directly from students, parents, and the community at large.

- And in some cases, you really do just need a break from school, especially so for students struggling with a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety. School definitely adds to the stress the student(s) already has enough of.

Sadly enough, sometimes mental illnesses aren't taken seriously enough byadministration, but I digress; my point is, sometimes breaks are just necessary to help relieve just that extra bit of stress.

Nonetheless, the thread was well-composed and I can say with certainty I agree with the content. Poor excuses are poor excuses, and while many can contest that school is boring and perhaps much of the content is useless, keep this is mind - your grades not only reflect your intelligence in that particular course, but also your work habits. If you struggle greatly in one course, an 80% would superbly demonstrate your work habits. Meanwhile, being lazy and not making an effort will degrade your scores. If you aren't a hard worker, then it'll prove impossible to land a decent job!

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