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#Senetic 1.0


Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome to Senetic!
We're a set of experienced individuals who will strive to make this clan successful. We focus on having an
enjoyable time with all of the members. If you feel like this clan is for you,
copy the application below and apply.

TeamSpeak Server:
None yet.

- Must have Skype & TeamSpeak.

- Must have a clear and good quality microphone.

- Must have atleast 400 wins, however applicants will mostly be
rated on their W/L ratio.

- Must be skillful and know most basic routes and callouts on the
popular maps.

- Must be atleast 12 years old (exceptions can and will be made).

- Must know be able to speak clear and fluent English.

- Must follow all MCGamer rules.

- Must show respect and act kind towards all members.

- Only be in this clan.

1. First name:

2. IGN (In-Game Name):

3. Skype name:

4. Wins/Losses:

5. Age:

6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]:

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance):

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):

9. Why apply for this clan? (detail will increase acceptance chance):

10. Favorite map(s):

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps?

12. Previous clan(s):

13. Nationality:

- | Leader(s) | -

ImTheRandy / Randy

- | Captain(s) | -

- | Elite(s) | -

- | Member(s) | -

- | Trial Member(s) | -

Clan War Rules:
3v3+ only (both clans must agree).
2 minute grace-period in the beginning of each game.
No sponsoring/bountying.
No teaming/trucing with other players other than your clan members.
You may only play with members from your roster.
Postponing is allowed, 1 per clan. (48 hours maximum)
Crashes in pre-game (with proof) = Restart of that round.
Crashes in pre-game (without proof) = Counts as death, game continues.
Crashes in game (with or without proof) = Counts as death, game continues.
Killed by hacker (with proof) = Restart of that round.
Each clan will alternate choosing servers and may not leave if map of their choice is not chosen.
Spectators are allowed at all times, but must be from their own clan members.
All MCGamer Rules must be followed.
Clan War Records:
Won: 1] [Lost: 0]
- [W/P/L] -

Senetic vs. Eclipse (3-0) 5-0 W DQ
Basically what's been happening in this clanwar, in order.
1. It started off quite smoothly, a few comments then and then, but nothing special.
2. Then me, Skylineyy managed to 2v1 them, but later loose against a 3 team.
3. After that, they basically accused me of hacks 24/7, no mercy. I offered screenshare, but they didn't want to.
4. However, after the score was 2-0 and we were 3v1'ing Eduard on Breeze, they wanted me to screenshare, and I did.
5. It was all good, they looked for huzuni, couldn't find it anywhere. They told me to search for clicker, couldn't find it anywhere. Basically no hacked clients or anything. I showed them my versions, nothing there.
6. Then, I went into Razer Sypnaze and showed them the macros section. Here is a screenshot of my macros used, here. I showed him what the actual "hacker" macros was, and this is what it is, here. Basically, what it is, is just plain text saying hacker. Recently, there has been an obvious increase of hackers, so I made that macro so I could just press a button and hopefully a spec would record. That's it.
7. They thought all was good, he even recorded the whole screensharing process.
8. Then I screenshared again and said everything was OK, and so did he. But then he said DQ for macros and follow. The macros was obviously not there, as I displayed before.
9. Even if I did use macros, they could not DQ us for it, it's not against the MCGamer rules. Screenshot of the rules, here. And as for the follow, they sent us this. They couldn't DQ us for this "follow" either, but I'll just explain what happened.
10. Basically, there was a pretty much full iron guy, pretty low, and 2 of the members took boats to try to kill him. But we realised that they got low from that fight, and were trying to escape. We took this advantage to slow down and wait for the grace to end. We did and we killed them. That's it.
That's everything that happened, they didn't provide any proof whatsoever, but just randomly DQ'd us. Hopefully I don't need to explain why we DQ'd them, it's rather obvious. Gg anyways, way too much bs too handle though.
Thread Information:
Permission from SmeepyXro to use his GFX..
Thread by Skylineyy.

Last edited:


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score

1. First name: Daniel, call me Danne.

2. IGN (In-Game Name): xEvoid

3. Skype name: Queezzz know, i'll tell you if i got accepted.

4. Wins/Losses: 264 / 1126

5. Age: 13 - 2000.

6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Bow, sword, flint and steel, playing on maps that i know.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): PvP on ice, obvious hackers & more, playing on maps that i dont know.

9. Why apply for this clan? (detail will increase acceptance chance): Cuz i can + ChankyyHD and Queezzz joined this clan.

10. Favorite map(s): Breeze Island, Breeze Island 2, Valleyside Univercity, SG4, Zone 85, Demons Breeze, and probally more, cant remember right now.

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? Breeze Island, Breeze Island 2, Valleyside Univercity, SG4, Demons Breeze, and probally more, i cant remember some more right now.

12. Previous clan(s): Well, its a pretty long story. I started to play mcsg for a long time ago and after a while i took a break at like 6 months (and i joined alot clans before the break) and now when i met some nice people i want to start again :) Latest Previous clan was TeamDemonic EU.

13. Nationality: Swedish

14. (Added myself, Information that u should know): I can play every other week cuz when i live with my mom i got a really bad computer but with my dad i got a really good one. I own a server called Aerox and on that server we could train our PvP-Skills and have alot of fun!


Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score

1. First name: Daniel, call me Danne.

2. IGN (In-Game Name): xEvoid

3. Skype name: Queezzz know, i'll tell you if i got accepted.

4. Wins/Losses: 264 / 1126

5. Age: 13 - 2000.

6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Bow, sword, flint and steel, playing on maps that i know.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): PvP on ice, obvious hackers & more, playing on maps that i dont know.

9. Why apply for this clan? (detail will increase acceptance chance): Cuz i can + ChankyyHD and Queezzz joined this clan.

10. Favorite map(s): Breeze Island, Breeze Island 2, Valleyside Univercity, SG4, Zone 85, Demons Breeze, and probally more, cant remember right now.

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? Breeze Island, Breeze Island 2, Valleyside Univercity, SG4, Demons Breeze, and probally more, i cant remember some more right now.

12. Previous clan(s): Well, its a pretty long story. I started to play mcsg for a long time ago and after a while i took a break at like 6 months (and i joined alot clans before the break) and now when i met some nice people i want to start again :) Latest Previous clan was TeamDemonic EU.

13. Nationality: Swedish

14. (Added myself, Information that u should know): I can play every other week cuz when i live with my mom i got a really bad computer but with my dad i got a really good one. I own a server called Aerox and on that server we could train our PvP-Skills and have alot of fun!

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