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SGClassic Improvement ideas.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I would make some super long post, but I'm helping Zaex and OptionsFinest do stuff on another server at the moment.

- Last I played SGC (When Shift was #1) Flint and Steels had 1 use? I'm not sure if they changed it, as I haven't played on there in quite a while. I was going to suggest perhaps making Flint and Steels harder to find, but that's not going to happen, what with tiers and all. Whatever it was back in V1, I think it should be changed to. If it was 4 uses, keep it at 4. This is supposed to be a remake of V1.
- Again, if they had fishing rods, then they should stay. However, I'm going to combine the Flint and Steel idea with the Fishing Rod one. Perhaps give fishing rods less uses? They can still be used for fishing, but if they're used to spam the fishing rod technique, then they'll break faster.

However, there's an issue. The never-ending glitch of Fishing Rod durability. I won't elaborate, but basically it has infinite durability if used correctly.
MCSG would have to code a fix for this, or Bukkit, or Mojang, or whoever caused it, of which I am not entirely sure. If a fix is impossible or too difficult/time consuming, then I don't quite see an alternate other than removing them.
However, that is only if MCSG does not decide to keep them. As it is, they are staying for the time being, as far as we know.

My internet is about to be unplugged so I have to post this really quick, sorry.


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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Hello everyone, I have a few suggestions for improvement on the
SG Classic servers. Suggestions or improvements to the thread are welcomed, and constructive criticism.

To start off, the concept of SG Classic is to give that Nostalgia feeling to old players, and maybe even new players who'd enjoy a challenge! Now, this is a great idea, but it has it's flaws.

My first suggestion is to remove Fishing Rods! Now, this may sound like an absolute No-No, but remember, no one really used to use a fishing rod, it was straight out sword PvP with a few Bow shots. Why it is so important for it to removed, is because PvP is exactly the same as the MCSG servers. Everyone relies on their fishing rod and little "fighting" is involved. It's all, (Stun, hit, run).

My second suggestion, is to decrease usage of Flint And Steel. This is also one of those things that doesn't give the Nostalgia feel because this is a fairly new tactic in PvP. Very few people in June-August used Flint and Steel. I don't believe it should be removed, because it can be very helpful in some instances, but usually people just spam it. I believe it should be decreased to two uses, maybe three it is not imbalanced, but still in-use.

These are my only suggestions, because I mainly care about PvP in SGClassic, because old PvP is what I crave, tired of everyone being an offensive player.

If you have anything you want me to add, or get rid of or edit, tell me. Criticism is welcome.
Fishing rods are also OP because of fishing, which totally changes classic.


Mar 3, 2013
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I agree with you when it comes to removing the fishing rod tactic and adding mob spawning. When it comes to chest tiering, I have to say they should have placed Tier 1s and 2s in better locations however; the items found in tier 1s and 2s gives me the nostalgia feeling. The chest tiering is not perfect. In my opinion there is a lack of weapons and there should be a better supply of food :p


Sep 23, 2012
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I don't mind how FnS is used now. It's not nearly as common as in regular, and it's much harder to use since it's only 1 use and there's grass everywhere. Not quite sure about fishing rods. They were available back then, but people just used them differently.

I don't think the tiering is horrible, but I do think there are a couple areas where they could stand to add one or two more tier 2s, particularly in the south side of map 1 and the east side of map 2. Turn one of the double tier 1s behind the combination door in map 1 to tier 2, and the hidden table chest in that red brick house in map 2. Maybe also the bank and one of the chests in twin towers as well. Also maybe one of the chests south of the map 1 house at corn, because no one usually goes there. Would help balance out every side of the maps.

Also, what happened to map 2 on the poll? It's just gone.


Mar 18, 2013
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Ehhhh, I mean, it was new tactics, but they had the things in, so removing them would be stupid, yes, people didn't use it, but it breaks what SGClassic is about.


Dec 15, 2012
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Ehhhh, I mean, it was new tactics, but they had the things in, so removing them would be stupid, yes, people didn't use it, but it breaks what SGClassic is about.
How? SGClassic is meant to feel Nostalgiac for old players, and it's not, at all. Everything is the same except for the chest items.


Jul 6, 2012
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I Don't Want It Improved...That's why They call it "Sg Classic"


Feb 5, 2013
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I guess that is true. But in SGClassic no one spammed their fishing rod.
I agree with you that the fishing rod was in no way used the way it is today. I think that removing it would be nice, but as you can see so many people are in a way being "smart asses" and are like "Well they were there before and this is classic!" I think they should be removed to give the old feel back.

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