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slasherxtreme - Meet the Staff


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
First name: John
IGN(s): slasherxtreme
Nickname(s): slash, slasher, swaggerxtreme, swaggyxtreme, swagmaster G, Prime Overlord slasher
Age: 15
Region: US

One Cool Fact: I was at a community before MCSG began, where I spent 2 years working to get a staff position(It was tougher due to staff being hand picked and only wanting about 10-20 staff members out of a community of 1000+ active members.) When I became a moderator at MCSG, I left the other community, where I was an active VIP for about 3 years, to focus on this one. Around the time I got Senior Moderator over here, I was offered a high ranking position to come back since they had a staff member quit and I was their next choice as staff. I declined so I can focus on MCSG. No one from there knows me from here and no one from here knows me from there. :L
One Embarrassing Fact: I've lost to MCJackson on MCSG before when he had 6 fps and no mouse.
One Fact that makes you proud: At one point, I was in the Top 5 of the MCSG leaderboards(for most games played) and in the Top 10 of the Staff leaderboards(For victories)
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I got staff on MCSG with a different username and changed accounts shortly after. Only 3 people I know of are aware of my original account and I doubt they remember it xP.
Most Common question you get asked: Where are you actually from?(inside story)
Favorite Animal: No comment.
Favorite Plant: No comment.
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: Living human hearts <3
Biggest Pet Peeve: The misuse of the word ra█████
Astrological Sign: No comment.
Personal Catchphrase: [Catchphrase removed due to the overbearing use of the word "swag", which has shown to be too much for humans to handle]
Heard about MCG by: Googling "Minecraft Hunger games"
Ever bring someone to MCG: Nope.
First friend in the community: Firedog150
MCG role-model: Aeruner, Bessemer, CodeGlue, Firedog150 and Shoebomber the friendly neighborhood pig.
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I made this thread.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: We both suck at MCSG equally so I'd say somehow, we will both die.
Call me maybe?: No but 2012 will, for it's joke back.
Do you team in game: Only with friends I'm currently talking to on TS most of the time.
Have you been backstabbed: Yup. Probably happens 2/3 of the time I play with MCJackson
Ever Broken a bone: Yup
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Fish. Birds are for the weak
Personal Skills: swag
Computer specs: My computer color is black.
Computer operating system: Windows 8
Program I use to record: Fraps
Favorite movie: Don't have one.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Genre: Different subgenres of rock. Band: Cage The Elephant, The Strokes, Pixies, Nirvana, Vaccines. Song: Too many to pick from.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Earthbound, Legend of Zelda games, Portal 1&2 and Borderlands(1 and only 1)
Favorite character from fiction: Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye.
What does a fox say?: Trick question, Foxes can't talk.
Terrified of: Low amounts of swag.
Personal website: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/members/slasherxtreme.1772/
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Google.
Dream job: Ruler of the universe
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I'm currently a student but I hope to get really any normal job when I can legally work without a permit(16).
Favorite thing about the community: The community genuinely cares for each other. Although this can get out of hand at times when people act before thinking, it's really motivating to know how much the community cares. It's one of the main inspirations for me doing any work.

Roles and Responsibilities: Normal Sr. Mod stuff and other things.
When I am online: I have an odd schedule so I'm on when I have time to be on. If you need me, PM me.
Previous moderating experience: No comment.
Been a member of staff since: 7/3/2012
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: To make the staff as efficient and fair as possible. As well as to rebuild the relationship between the staff and community.

Mr Dice

May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Nicknames... you forgot RatchetXtreme... Just saying :p


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Genre: Different subgenres of rock. Band: Cage The Elephant, The Strokes, Pixies, Nirvana, Vaccines. Song: Too many to pick from.
I can't even..The Strokes. I like you. (don't take this in a creepy way)

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