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So Many Hackers!

What do you think of the moderators?

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Jul 7, 2015
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Ok so lately I have been playing a lot of MCSG on the AU servers and in nearly every game I have ran into a hacker and of course these hackers are still playing MCSG 4 days later because no mod or anyone can be bothered recording and uploading and then getting them banned.

Yes I am having another dig at the mods but seriously MCSG if you think your staff team is doing good on the AU side of things I think you really need to see a doctor. I have seen hardly any mods on lately and even when they are on they are either AFK, To Busy or they go 'Yea Ill go and see' then sit in hub for the next 20-30 minutes.

I know the player base could record, upload and then get them banned but who wants to go through the process of recording them hacking, editing the footage, uploading and then writing a thread on the MCGamer Report Abuse section. That takes hours because normally I post and do it but lately the mods have been saying "This inst insufficient evidence" when you can clearly seem them using kill aura and other hacks. They also say "Please Record More Evidence" which I honestly can't be bothered wasting my time doing that.

All I want to do is play MCSG and have fun! But that's impossible when you have hackers running around the server from game to game hacking.

I even made a video on this. Not posting it because it will be just taken down on this thread but if you would like to see it go look up "TheOfficialAG MCSG AntiCheat/Mods"

I know I will get hate for this but think about it because its true.

Hopefully more moderators can be hired who are active and actually go around banning hackers rather than helping MCSG in other ways. I know not all moderators are like this but a lot of them are and I think that this I probably the worst moderating I have seen from such a big server. I'm sorry to say it but I think its true.



Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
It is the Snr Mods fault they don't know the first thing about hacks so it needs to be blatant as bunnies or they wont get banned. Mods cant do much if all the evidence they find is labelled as insuffiient by the useless snr mods.

snr mods are killing mcsg



Jan 1, 2016
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I thought about this. Maybe MCGamer do new rank like Kicker. I opened content about this rank. (But everyone dont understand what i want to say.) I think moderator have a lot of job. (They said). But true one is moderator don't / can't play Survival Games often. I see hacker more than moderator in game.

sorry for bad england.

Edit : And MCGamer should know : Everyone havent a good internet. I have 00.60 upload speed so this mean i cant upload video for every hacker.
Last edited:


Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
I thought about this. Maybe MCGamer do new rank like Kicker. I opened content about this rank. (But everyone dont understand what i want to say.) I think moderator have a lot of job. (They said). But true one is moderator don't / can't play Survival Games often. I see hacker more than moderator in game.

sorry for bad england.

Edit : And MCGamer should know : Everyone havent a good internet. I have 00.60 upload speed so this mean i cant upload video for every hacker.
it isnt about added more ranks or mods being inactive. Trust me it isnt. A lot of the good mods have just given up on hackers because their evidence is always insufficient. The only way hackers are going to go away is if mcsg gets a good anticheat or they update their evidence policies so the triggerbot and autoclickers will be banned.


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
it isnt about added more ranks or mods being inactive. Trust me it isnt. A lot of the good mods have just given up on hackers because their evidence is always insufficient. The only way hackers are going to go away is if mcsg gets a good anticheat or they update their evidence policies so the triggerbot and autoclickers will be banned.
Dam straight!


Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hackers aren't even shamed upon anymore, it used to be that if there was a hacker that owned a clan or was in a clan everyone would go on the thread and call him out. But now it is as if nobody cares or they approve of it.


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
it isnt about added more ranks or mods being inactive. Trust me it isnt. A lot of the good mods have just given up on hackers because their evidence is always insufficient. The only way hackers are going to go away is if mcsg gets a good anticheat or they update their evidence policies so the triggerbot and autoclickers will be banned.
I want Kicker rank. Kicker rank is player with kick command. The Kicker Rank can kick hacker after give the evidence for ban. Kicker Rank should be really good pvper and often play Survival Games. When The Kicker see any hacker in game, The Kicker willl kick hacker so Hacker can't win. When game is end Kicker will give video to moderator for ban. You can add more detail but this is basically what i want to do. I opened content about this.


Here is content : http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/mcgamer-rules.242997/

You are right too. MCGamer should do better anticheat system. Developer can found hack on internet easily and fix it. But i don't know why they dont do. Maybe mcgamer's developer is lazy. Maybe they can't. Maybe hack program is quite strong. Who know ?

Autoclicker: They can do limit. Like a 20 click per second. Because i think no one can do +18 Click Per Second. If someone do, this will be prevent the fast clicker/jitter player.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
It is the Snr Mods fault they don't know the first thing about hacks so it needs to be blatant as bunnies or they wont get banned. Mods cant do much if all the evidence they find is labelled as insuffiient by the useless snr mods.
That first part isn't true at all, my friend. The reason bans are sometimes pardoned over questionable evidence is if we cannot be sure. Especially given the advancement of hacked clients over time, it is understood that things are made to be more subtle, therefore evidence regulations change to meet the standards of hacking. However, there are some situations where the evidence provided simply proves nothing, therefore we cannot hold someone to a ban where the evidence proves absolutely nothing. You can't throw someone in jail because one person says they saw him stealing, but the item that was supposed to be stolen is still on the shelf, you know?

Either way, there is something to be said about your point and that is that sometimes it is hard to determine if evidence is sufficient, due to the fact that video evidence for certain hacks is almost impossible to be made sufficient. That's why and where our anticheat comes in, and has not been reported to have set off any serious known false positives as of yet.
snr mods are killing mcsg

Compliments are always appreciated!
also the chances of a snr mod reading this is very low because they see that you mean au and we all know au is neglected as bunnies
The staff isn't the part of this who has given up on AU, it's the AU community. Man, it's not like I can change the views of tens of thousands of AU players with a paragraph but the more trust people have in us and the more people are willing to enjoy the game and put some positive energy in to it (instead of negatively worded complaints and anger).

You'd really be surprised how much being positive affects one's surroundings.
it isnt about added more ranks or mods being inactive. Trust me it isnt. A lot of the good mods have just given up on hackers because their evidence is always insufficient. The only way hackers are going to go away is if mcsg gets a good anticheat or they update their evidence policies so the triggerbot and autoclickers will be banned.
And that's what's happening, we're adjusting to make sure that we can cover all the bases when it comes to cheating.

Either way, this thread just creates more negative energy which is the least thing needed. Adding on to that, there isn't any need for another thread with the sole purpose of complaining about a problem that is already being worked on.

The bottom line is, threads like this do nothing but concentrate more anger toward the staff team and solve nothing. People like me come in and argue one side, and am then up against people who have an opposite mindset and eventually we just exhaust each other with our points of view and usually come up to no agreement other than the fact that both parties are less satisfied than they started

As such,

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