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Solr Exposed.


May 30, 2016
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hello everyone, about 3 days ago, a random player with the name of "iGlobHD" asked me to Skype. I Skyped the player and his Skype name was "Youtuber / Private Account :))". I was left curious who it was. I studied his profile picture, voice and personality. I then asked him to tell me who it was. He gave me hints "my name has something to do with the sun" "my name has an s f l r e in it" "it has to do with anime" I then searched "SolrFlare" on YouTube. His profile picture on skype matched to his skin, his voice matched to his videos, his attitude/personality matched to his videos, his anime he told me had matched as well. As time went on, he told me to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. Well, just last night, things got out of hand. I am 15, I want to play minecraft with someone, who doesn't? I mean he has 85k subs so he was my go to friend to message on skype. He had randomly blocked my on skype saying "bye" I thought it was just a joke at first but it was real. I went on my other skype to message him to see what's up. He didn't answer me for a while. I called him when he got back on and he said "dude just chill. I blocked you for a reason. I don't like kids like you that are always wanting to play and that are so clingy like you. Don't contact me again." I mean that was extremely rude and hurtful especially toward someone that is sensitive like myself. I wish he would've told me I was being too much. Idecided to expose him because of the fact he was a fake friend. We laughed together and had a lot of fun and he just ditched me like a drop of water. Yes everyone, Solr is not a nice person like he seems to be.

P.S - he told me he double clicks and I screenshared him as a joke and he has a ghost client and macros (double click). He was also on MCGamer during the time of the screenshare


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
It's what you want to believe, why would I lie about all of that? Lol
To make a joke or get attention?
Your story could very well be true, but you need to have a bit of evidence if you want people to believe you.

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