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Some thoughts from a rookie...


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Here is some thoughts from a rookie, and an old person. This post will maybe give you a hint what's going on in a dads mind...
I like the MCSG but there is some things that I really want to change because in the long run...it's not fun anymore. It's gonna make me do something else. Okey ?

1. Team. There is teams everywhere and your chances as a solo player against a team is very small. If you want to survive more than a few minutes you must be in a team. Accept that some players don't want to team, like it or not.

2. Extremely good players. How fun is it for a rookie like me to compete with Messi/Bolt ? A few times are fun but then...No. Much more fun to play with people in my own level, lousy or not.

3. Hacking. Everybody knows the problem and everybody hates it. Except the hackers, they don't know what "fair play" stance for.

4. Behavior. The way people talk and act on the chat...grow up, please. It's not fun, no matter if your are 12 or 47 like me. The way you want to be treated, behave the same way. A simple rule, everything that you say in a chatroom could be said, face to face.

The simple solution to some of the problems are... LIMITS !

1. Make a limit of max 200p for playing on some of the servers, the rookie servers. That type of limit would make extreme pointhunting, hacking etc worthless. Even the need to team would decrease. The most bragging, screaming players would hopefully disappear also...
A simple way for the not so advance player to get a little bit better and also have fun under the learning process.

2. Make a limit of, for example, min.500p for the real advance player on some servers. If you're good, here is your chance to play in the elite division. Lots of people would watch the pros. servers. Maybe also pick up some hints ;) Not for the hacking people because that would be detected fast...

So, what do you think ? Like it or not ? Take it for what it is...


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
1. Team. There is teams everywhere and your chances as a solo player against a team is very small. If you want to survive more than a few minutes you must be in a team. Accept that some players don't want to team, like it or not.
Unfortunately, that's life. I rarely team, maybe once a day, yet I still manage to win a decent chunk of my matches. Playing against teams will actually make you quite a bit better, trust me on that one.

2. Extremely good players. How fun is it for a rookie like me to compete with Messi/Bolt ? A few times are fun but then...No. Much more fun to play with people in my own level, lousy or not.
All of the "extremely good players" started off in the same boat as you and the rookie players. It's life. We all practiced and played our butts off to get where we are today, which is actually why I love PvP type gamemodes in all of the games I play. Playing against the better players makes you as a player better yourself.

3. Hacking. Everybody knows the problem and everybody hates it. Except the hackers, they don't know what "fair play" stance for.
I've stated in my videos quite a few times that hackers are just pathetic. Minecraft is one of the most simple games out there. If you have a hard time aiming and clicking fast, then you shouldn't play (this isn't directed towards you, but hackers in general.)

4. Behavior. The way people talk and act on the chat...grow up, please. It's not fun, no matter if your are 12 or 47 like me. The way you want to be treated, behave the same way. A simple rule, everything that you say in a chatroom could be said, face to face.
Oh man, I agree with you on this one. I despise the lobby chat most of the time.

1. Make a limit of max 200p for playing on some of the servers, the rookie servers. That type of limit would make extreme pointhunting, hacking etc worthless. Even the need to team would decrease. The most bragging, screaming players would hopefully disappear also...
A simple way for the not so advance player to get a little bit better and also have fun under the learning process.

2. Make a limit of, for example, min.500p for the real advance player on some servers. If you're good, here is your chance to play in the elite division. Lots of people would watch the pros. servers. Maybe also pick up some hints ;) Not for the hacking people because that would be detected fast...

So, what do you think ? Like it or not ? Take it for what it is...
While I find the "pro" server idea to be different, and kind of cool, I just don't think it'll ever happen. It'll definitely never be on top of their agenda at least.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
1. Team. There is teams everywhere and your chances as a solo player against a team is very small. If you want to survive more than a few minutes you must be in a team. Accept that some players don't want to team, like it or not.
Completely 100% off. If you want to survive a few minutes, the only thing you need is food and knowledge of the map. You don't even need a weapon or armour, just hide to survive a few minutes. To survive a few minutes and have a chance of winning, all you need is armour, a weapon, food and a bit of skill. Watch Blamph's videos, see how amazing he does in all of them even when he goes solo. I've actually started going solo more often, and I feel like I've improved a lot. On sunday, I won 5 games in less than 20 games.

2. Extremely good players. How fun is it for a rookie like me to compete with Messi/Bolt ? A few times are fun but then...No. Much more fun to play with people in my own level, lousy or not.
I find it fun to compete with the best, even though I often lose. I've been playing this for a while, and it still hasn't gotten boring! Actually, I find the boring part is killing unskilled players. And if you're playing for the fun, then play with a friend. I understand that you don't like teams, but I only ever play in them because it's so much more interesting to play with a friend you trust on skype or something. It's also very rare to see top players, because they are only a few in thousands! So when you aren't playing against them, play to get better, and when you are playing against them consider it to be a bonus level that is a lot more challenging than normal.

3. Hacking. Everybody knows the problem and everybody hates it. Except the hackers, they don't know what "fair play" stance for.
As Blamph said, they are just pathetic. I find them to be noobs that don't know how to play well, or just want to "troll". They may think they are trolling people, but there is a big difference between trolling and disobeying a rule that makes a massive difference like that. (My opinion)

4. Behavior. The way people talk and act on the chat...grow up, please. It's not fun, no matter if your are 12 or 47 like me. The way you want to be treated, behave the same way. A simple rule, everything that you say in a chatroom could be said, face to face.
The reason people are that immature in the chat is because they really don't care what other people think of them.

And you can't say that it's not fun no matter what your age is, because obviously some members of the community do find it fun, or they wouldn't be doing it. I agree it isn't right, but that's a bit of an unfair statement.

That seems like a fair rule, and I never considered it like that but that won't change anything because people in a chat room are saying it because you aren't face to face. I don't think very many people would yell and swear right in your face.

The simple solution to some of the problems are... LIMITS !

1. Make a limit of max 200p for playing on some of the servers, the rookie servers. That type of limit would make extreme pointhunting, hacking etc worthless. Even the need to team would decrease. The most bragging, screaming players would hopefully disappear also...
A simple way for the not so advance player to get a little bit better and also have fun under the learning process.

2. Make a limit of, for example, min.500p for the real advance player on some servers. If you're good, here is your chance to play in the elite division. Lots of people would watch the pros. servers. Maybe also pick up some hints ;) Not for the hacking people because that would be detected fast...
Do you mean make a server that 200 people could play on? I think that's awful. Sorry if I misunderstood, but having 200 people on a server for a game is a bit crazy. And the need to team would not change at all! Like I said earlier, people team for the fun and not always for a higher chance of winning. I don't even think this would change anything, because hackers would continue hacking because they aren't hacking to get points, they are hacking to get wins and try to become "famous" in one way or another. Like LeafyGreenTea :p The screaming players would stay, bragging players would diminish a bit. I don't know any reason for them to leave because of this.

Again, if you mean 500 people that's just crazy. Either this idea is crazy, or you didn't clarify enough. I admit that it would be amazingly fun to play against more skilled players, but I don't quite know how you could sort out different ranks of servers and if you mean the leaderboard ranks, and limit specific ranks to specific servers, that would deny people the chance to play on a lot of servers.

Sorry if I missed something or didn't understand one of your ideas properly, I seem to do that a lot.


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately, that's life. I rarely team, maybe once a day, yet I still manage to win a decent chunk of my matches. Playing against teams will actually make you quite a bit better, trust me on that one.

All of the "extremely good players" started off in the same boat as you and the rookie players. It's life. We all practiced and played our butts off to get where we are today, which is actually why I love PvP type gamemodes in all of the games I play. Playing against the better players makes you as a player better yourself.

I've stated in my videos quite a few times that hackers are just pathetic. Minecraft is one of the most simple games out there. If you have a hard time aiming and clicking fast, then you shouldn't play (this isn't directed towards you, but hackers in general.)

Oh man, I agree with you on this one. I despise the lobby chat most of the time.

While I find the "pro" server idea to be different, and kind of cool, I just don't think it'll ever happen. It'll definitely never be on top of their agenda at least.
Thanks for giving your view of the subject. Maybe time to clarify a little bit...

I understand that teaming is a part of the survival games concept but I was more thinking of the 9 years kid, not speaking english, or the tired father that want some relaxing games to the weekend. If the MCSG wants to grow, in the long run, they must attract lots of people in different ages and styles. And I think, to dedicate some servers for the noobs is one way to do that. Like life, some people don't want hard work...just surfing.
I'm training, watching videos (some of your ;) ) and I´m learning the hard way. But when you're bumping in a team of 3 good player after 53 seconds, the game is over. If that happens 5 times in a short period of time, you're getting a little bit angry/tired. Well, maybe that's the MCSG life...

I'm not going to be a master in clicking fast and aiming, I know that for 100%, but I still think there should be room for all type of players. Compare it with playing chess, the best games are mostly played against people that have a rating like your own. Believe me ! I also think that that type of games gives you most value, both in learning and the fun part.
Getting kicked really hard and fast in a game could be a learning way, just not so often :) in my opinion.

Making elite servers(in every continent) with some type of playoff against each others should be cool. That would be really nice to watch, even for a rookie like me ;)


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Completely 100% off. If you want to survive a few minutes, the only thing you need is food and knowledge of the map. You don't even need a weapon or armour, just hide to survive a few minutes. To survive a few minutes and have a chance of winning, all you need is armour, a weapon, food and a bit of skill. Watch Blamph's videos, see how amazing he does in all of them even when he goes solo. I've actually started going solo more often, and I feel like I've improved a lot. On sunday, I won 5 games in less than 20 games.

I find it fun to compete with the best, even though I often lose. I've been playing this for a while, and it still hasn't gotten boring! Actually, I find the boring part is killing unskilled players. And if you're playing for the fun, then play with a friend. I understand that you don't like teams, but I only ever play in them because it's so much more interesting to play with a friend you trust on skype or something. It's also very rare to see top players, because they are only a few in thousands! So when you aren't playing against them, play to get better, and when you are playing against them consider it to be a bonus level that is a lot more challenging than normal.

As Blamph said, they are just pathetic. I find them to be noobs that don't know how to play well, or just want to "troll". They may think they are trolling people, but there is a big difference between trolling and disobeying a rule that makes a massive difference like that. (My opinion)

The reason people are that immature in the chat is because they really don't care what other people think of them.

And you can't say that it's not fun no matter what your age is, because obviously some members of the community do find it fun, or they wouldn't be doing it. I agree it isn't right, but that's a bit of an unfair statement.

That seems like a fair rule, and I never considered it like that but that won't change anything because people in a chat room are saying it because you aren't face to face. I don't think very many people would yell and swear right in your face.

Do you mean make a server that 200 people could play on? I think that's awful. Sorry if I misunderstood, but having 200 people on a server for a game is a bit crazy. And the need to team would not change at all! Like I said earlier, people team for the fun and not always for a higher chance of winning. I don't even think this would change anything, because hackers would continue hacking because they aren't hacking to get points, they are hacking to get wins and try to become "famous" in one way or another. Like LeafyGreenTea :p The screaming players would stay, bragging players would diminish a bit. I don't know any reason for them to leave because of this.

Again, if you mean 500 people that's just crazy. Either this idea is crazy, or you didn't clarify enough. I admit that it would be amazingly fun to play against more skilled players, but I don't quite know how you could sort out different ranks of servers and if you mean the leaderboard ranks, and limit specific ranks to specific servers, that would deny people the chance to play on a lot of servers.

Sorry if I missed something or didn't understand one of your ideas properly, I seem to do that a lot.
Okey, time for some better explanation...(english isn't my first language as you can see ;) ) Thanks anyway to reading my thoughts !

I didn't mean exactly a few minutes, it was just a way to express my feelings for all the teams. It depends on the map, lagging, map knowledge etc of course. If there is, for example, 3 teams in a game the chances are high that you meet some of them really fast, no matter which map route you're taking. And if you're a solo player...it's a hard match to fight.

Chatrooms sounds like a schoolyard to me, some people are polite and fun and other people are just like a flu, painful. It's just that the most bragging kids makes the whole game experience a little bit disturbing.

200p was not 200 person, I meant 200 points ! And 500p was 500 points. Sorry !
The limit would make the bragging, pointhunting kids to a minimum because they would very fast climb over the 200 points limit.
Take 3-5 servers for the rookies, 2-3 servers for the pro an let all other servers be normal, no changes at all.
That would not interfere the whole game community, everybody could find their place to play.

And by the way, read some of answers to Blamph, I´m to lazy to write it again :)


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Okey, time for some better explanation...(english isn't my first language as you can see ;) ) Thanks anyway to reading my thoughts !

I didn't mean exactly a few minutes, it was just a way to express my feelings for all the teams. It depends on the map, lagging, map knowledge etc of course. If there is, for example, 3 teams in a game the chances are high that you meet some of them really fast, no matter which map route you're taking. And if you're a solo player...it's a hard match to fight.

Chatrooms sounds like a schoolyard to me, some people are polite and fun and other people are just like a flu, painful. It's just that the most bragging kids makes the whole game experience a little bit disturbing.

200p was not 200 person, I meant 200 points ! And 500p was 500 points. Sorry !
The limit would make the bragging, pointhunting kids to a minimum because they would very fast climb over the 200 points limit.
Take 3-5 servers for the rookies, 2-3 servers for the pro an let all other servers be normal, no changes at all.
That would not interfere the whole game community, everybody could find their place to play.

And by the way, read some of answers to Blamph, I´m to lazy to write it again :)
Ok, thanks for the explanation(s) :p

A good and easy way to take out teams is split them up, or if you can't try and target one of them. Then once that one is taken out, you regen for a bit then go back for the other one. It makes it much easier. It's not always possible, and I agree that it gets frustrating after it happens a lot, but I think I will get used to it after a while, or maybe before I get used to it be able to take out teams.

If you want, you can turn off the chat in the options while you're in the lobby and A. Run when you see everyonen else running for corn or B. Turn your chat on when you're back in Pre-Game. I think that would make life a bit easier :p You don't have to vote, and if you want you can just turn it back on every once in a while to check.

Thanks :p I don't know how I didn't get that Lol. I think that would be a bit of a pain to set up, but once it's running then it might be interesting to try out. And I think that makes sense, but more like 2-3 servers for rookies and another 2-3 for the more advanced players. Then, like you said, the rest are for everyone :)
Instead of basing it off points though, base it off wins because some people bounty. Maybe 0-15 wins for rookie servers and 15+ for elite servers? Or just more for elite servers, like 50+.

And I read all your answers to Blamph already :p


Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
As HalfSquirrel said, you could turn off your chat from the options, but I think the best way is typing /chat off

It lets you still see the voting and countdowns, but it blocks the messages people put in the chat. My little brother loves these servers, but I hated having him see all the junk people were saying. So I learned about that command and now he types it in every game. Problem solved for the chat! Hoped that helped one of your issues.


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
As HalfSquirrel said, you could turn off your chat from the options, but I think the best way is typing /chat off

It lets you still see the voting and countdowns, but it blocks the messages people put in the chat. My little brother loves these servers, but I hated having him see all the junk people were saying. So I learned about that command and now he types it in every game. Problem solved for the chat! Hoped that helped one of your issues.
Thanks ! I'm voting for the "/chat off" as the best thing today ;)

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
As HalfSquirrel said, you could turn off your chat from the options, but I think the best way is typing /chat off

It lets you still see the voting and countdowns, but it blocks the messages people put in the chat. My little brother loves these servers, but I hated having him see all the junk people were saying. So I learned about that command and now he types it in every game. Problem solved for the chat! Hoped that helped one of your issues.
Too bad there's no way to "turn off" the hackers :p

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