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Story of te robot


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Story of te robot
Once upon a time there was a robot who was bored at home and just saw the hunger games the weekend it cam out. He had seen the hunger games video that some of the main youtubers made. So he decided to look for a server like that. He found a website named mcsg.​
Alright now that the intro is over I will switch to first person.​
I had just found the website and was eager to find the server. Sadly the servers were not up yet. I came back a week later and they were. I spent my whole weekend getting owned by people in full diamond. Finally the patch came out were diamond armor was eliminated and I saw my chance. I played all night and got my first win. I was so happy I was jumping up and down in my chair. I ran out to tell my bro but he didn't care. I screen caped the win and from that moment on I was hooked. I could not stop playing. Mcsg went out of beta and I was dying in excitement thinking new maps were coming. None of course came for awhile. Remember I had been playing solo No ts for along time and only had 4 wins. I decided to try team speak and the first person I met was bigmike4life. I would later realize that I would not be talking to him for along time. The next weekend came around and I had saw OMGJustin In a channel. I had mustered up enough courage to go in there and I thought he would make fun of me becsuse of my voice. Not at all we played a couple of matches and became friends. Now zeejayy on the other hand hated me and I had always thought it was because he didn't want me to be justins friend. I was disappointed to see that I had also had a rough start with antster360. These two people would become some of my best friends on mcsg. Summer had already been a little while in by this point and my addiction went to the max. I met blamph one night playing with justin and I pictured him as a guy with messy hair who had not a care in the world. He was my idol. XD. I was getting so addicted I would stay up until 4 every night playing with friends. I had befriended some of the staff and played with them. Then it all happened. I had been in the wrong chat at the wrong time while some players had been disrespecting the staff. The ban hammer spoke and alot were banned including me even though I said nothing. I was devastated and tried to sleep but couldnt that night. I got up and knew what had to be done and it had to be fast. Zeejayy. He was the only one not banned and he was my only chance. I contacted him and he vouched for me. I had gained new respect for him that night. I was unbanned and started to play like crazy. Some of my good friends had been banned so I had no one to talk to. I started talking to zee and we became neutral over time. Time had passed and people started to drift. Zee and I were friends by the end of summer. School started and I was glad to see my friends. Though they hated minecraft and made fun of it. I played it secretly and when people asked if I played I denied it. I had started to see a drop in my grades and i relized that mcsg was the case. I got my stuff together and pulled em up. People were getting promoted and I was happy for them. The I heard "server group assigned" I looked and I had obtained a cookie. Then people started bagging on me for having it claiming I had sucked up to get it and shouldnt have it at all because I was unimportant. I shrugged it off and kept going. mcsg started to die in my heart I stooped for awhile and had drifted from mcsg and only went on ts to talk to zee. Antster360 had joined and we became friends. Time passed and here I am today.​
I feel like chad doesnt care for this comuntity anymore​
The reason for this is im quitting guys. My mcsg friends I will never forget and wish the best of luck to them in their everyday life's. I am focusing on a "Social life" now and do not like playing mcsg anymore. Its just not interesting. Just thought id let you all know my story and what ive been through. This is an amazing community props to chad for being an amazing guy and starting this and basically fueling my life for 6 months. <3 thanks chad. Peace to zee for being a great and funny friend and helping me alot. (Finish that project w/ out me bro) Peace to antster360 for being a good friend and keeping me happy. Peace to all of my other firends like blamph and omgjustin and panuternut and somemugger and others alot of others.​
Peace guys!​
Might comeback one day!​



District 13
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
Dis like. Ill miss you bro. Good luck with your future endeavors. And remember, always give it your best, and dont let anyone tear you down. Good luck, and hope to see you around some other time.


Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Dude you were one of the first people I ever met on team speak when I came on I will never forgot you man all the great moment's I have shared with you and other's. Moment's like being in the Blamph's, Talking on team speak, Playing SG, Tiny Chat (Oh god xD), Playing other server's I will always remember you man hope you come on team speak from time too time so we can stay in touch. Peace you are a good friend I will never forgot you, good luck in the future - Pherrera

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