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Team Elite's Adventure Map Competition.

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Team Elite

Oct 22, 2012
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Hi everyone! Josh here from Team Elite. I'm here to announce an exciting new competition to win the position of Co-Head Writer for a new adventure map we are making.

So for all you writers out there, this is your chance to do something amazing that will hopefully get viewed by a lot of people, and all you have to is the following:

  • Write a story for the prologue of the Adventure Map!

What's a prologue and what does it have to include?

Well, a prologue is an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other miscellaneous information. This means that what you will need to write is a short piece that introduces the world the map is set in possibly from the point of view of a separate character whom is witnessing the actual start of the main adventure map.

Bellow is some information about the main story to give you some ideas and a rough idea of what the story can include:

The adventure map we are making has no name yet, but it starts in a big futuristic city with a gigantic building in the center. This is where the story begins and where your prologue should be set in. The story revolves around 1 to x amount of players that have been specially trained solders who were selected to be enhanced. The main characters then have the chance to pick what super powers they want ranging from speed to teleportation. (There are lots of other powers to pick from.) After that point nothing has been set in stone but roughly something happens (bad guys and stuff) and you have to complete missions and side quests to level up your powers and ultimately fight the main boss.

In Short; it's a super hero adventure map which is set in a big futuristic city and its surroundings and has a main skyscraper in the middle where the story begins. Your actions in the game then alter how the story progresses (sort of like mass effect)

Now, you may always contact me for more information if it is needed, but here are a few ideas that I thought would work for the prologue:

  1. The prologue character could be a scientist working on some of the powers. Whilst not actually seeing the main characters, he could witness explosions that go off in the main story, etc. He could explore the main tower and go into labs that might other wise be locked in the main game.
  2. The Prologue character could be a tourist that is looking round the main tower. They can get shown a lot of the public areas but are not allowed in the staff only sections. Unless they possibly sneak off. ;)
  3. The Prologue character could be one of the bad guys' minions. Possibly breaking into the tower and stealing a power or stealing research.
These are just 3 ideas I had. Obviously, you can do something different but make sure that it is set in the tower, has a fun adventure for the players, shows of fthe world but not too much of it, gives hints on the main story, etc. You can even have it so that the set action that your character makes could have an impact on the main story, or vice versa.

What we will be judging the story on.
  1. Creativity
  2. Detail
  3. Spelling and Grammar
  4. Practicality
  5. Length (cant be too long, cant be too short)
  6. Has lots of things the player can do, adventures.
Entries Closing Date: The 18th June 2013 (That gives you two weeks!)

Submit your work bellow or message it to this account or Joshkeys ;)

The winner will get to write the main story with me, have their name advertised on the map, and become a dedicated Team Elite member with the writer rank.


Apr 30, 2012
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how do we submit the story? Some people may not want to submit theirs for the open criticism of this thread. >.>
And is this based of the map? can we get some screenshots or dl or somthing?


May 27, 2012
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We are waiting for 1.6 to build the map so untill then its still in the planning stage and to submit your work you can post it on here or message it to me or the team elite account.


Jun 12, 2012
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So for the length you say: Not too long but not too short. What should be the general ballpark of length we're working in?


May 27, 2012
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The lenghth it totally up to you but remember its only a taster so don't go writing a story for a full adventure map lol.


Jun 25, 2012
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So for the length you say: Not too long but not too short. What should be the general ballpark of length we're working in?
I think a small book page is enough. You only have to write a PROLOGUE, so maybe something like this one from Romeo and Juliet, but not with rhymes?

Ok. Pretty much longer than this...
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
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