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Team Reflection


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score

TeamSpeak: mutation.typefrag.com

Minecraft IGN:
Skype Name:
Time Zone:
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are):
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are):
How familiar are you with WorldEdit?
What things are you good at in terraforming? List 1-8, 1 being your best terraforming skill.
{ } Severe Land Changes (Cliffs)
{ } Gradual/Overall Terrain Change (Hills, Entire Map)
{ } Custom Trees (Copying)
{ } Water Bodies (Rivers, Lakes, Oceans)
{ } Terrain Splatter (Different Materials Using Commas)
{ } Ideas
{ } Time and Space Management (When given a large task, putting things in the right place at the right time)
{ } Strange, Otherworldly Terrain
Screenshots of your work:
Have you ever been in another build team (Which Ones)?
Have any of your maps been accepted onto a server?

Minecraft IGN:
Skype Name:
Time Zone:

Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are):

Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are):
What things are you good at in Redstoning? List 1-8, 1 being your best Redstoning skill.

{ } Problem Solving your Own Contraptions
{ } Piston Traps
{ } Redstone Knowledge (How Redstone Works)
{ } Redstone Camouflage (Hiding Redstone In Buildings and Compressing it)

Examples of your work:

Have you ever been in another build team (Which Ones)?
Have any of your maps been accepted onto a server?

Minecraft IGN:
Skype Name:
Time Zone:
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are):
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are):
What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
[ ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
[ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
[ ] Can build ANY theme
[ ] Good at Big Builds
[ ] Good at Small Builds
[ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
[ ] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
[ ] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
[ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
[ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
[ ] Gameplay Aspect
[ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
[ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
[ ] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
[ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
Are you in another build team?
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)?
Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted?

Minecraft IGN:
Skype Name:
Time Zone:
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are):
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are):
Why you think you would be a valued member of the team (Please Provide Lots of Information):


Admin Builders

Senior Builders




Trial Builders

Last edited:


Dec 29, 2013
Reaction score
[ ] Goo

Name: Gino
Minecraft IGN: GCool38
Age: 13
Skype Name: gcool38
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): Mostly everydat for 3-5 hours (On average)
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): Someone who will listen when needed and will follow instructions. But having fun is still needed :)
What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
[ ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
[ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
[ ] Can build ANY theme
[ ] Good at Big Builds
[X ] Good at Small Builds
[ X] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)

[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
[ X] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
[ ] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
[ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
[ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
[ ] Gameplay Aspect
[ X] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
[ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
[ X] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
[ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
Are you in another build team? No
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? No
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)? No
Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted? Yea


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
[ ] Goo

Name: Gino
Minecraft IGN: GCool38
Age: 13
Skype Name: gcool38
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): Mostly everydat for 3-5 hours (On average)
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): Someone who will listen when needed and will follow instructions. But having fun is still needed :)
What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
[ ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
[ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
[ ] Can build ANY theme
[ ] Good at Big Builds
[X ] Good at Small Builds
[ X] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)

[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
[ X] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
[ ] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
[ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
[ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
[ ] Gameplay Aspect
[ X] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
[ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
[ X] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
[ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
Are you in another build team? No
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? No
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)? No
Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted? Yea
Accepted for Builder!


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Chris
Minecraft IGN: shadowblaze12
Age: 14 turning 15 in 3 days
Skype Name: shadowblaze12.mcsg
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): Really active.
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): I'm usually one of those people who acts mature when needed, and acts fun when it is needed.
What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[X ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
[X ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
[X ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
[ ] Can build ANY theme
[ ] Good at Big Builds
[X ] Good at Small Builds
[ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
[ ] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
[ X] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
[ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
[ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
[ ] Gameplay Aspect
[ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
[ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
[ ] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
[ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
Are you in another build team? Nah
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? Yeah, Cascade, and ShakeShack's build team, I don't remember the name, but I'm experienced in clans, just not that much in build teams.
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)? No
Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted? Yeah

EDIT: There's certain people in this clan that's going to determine my fate in this build team.. gg.
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Chris
Minecraft IGN: shadowblaze12
Age: 14 turning 15 in 3 days
Skype Name: shadowblaze12.mcsg
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): Really active.
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): I'm usually one of those people who acts mature when needed, and acts fun when it is needed.
What part of building are you best at (pick 5 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[X ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Creative and Original Use of Blocks (No boring, old, overused themes/schemes)
[X ] Lighting (Incorporating lighting into your building naturally)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Time Management (Building effectively and productively)
[X ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Knowledge of Blocks (Which ones fit in what ways, secrets in WorldEdit, etc)
[ ] Can build ANY theme
[ ] Good at Big Builds
[X ] Good at Small Builds
[ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Good at Planning Out a Task (Huge building or task, etc)
[ ] Good at Listening to Higher-ups (Suggestions, etc)
[ X] Good at Structural Design (Building interesting structures, not a square box house)
[ ] Using Non-block Things to Add Depth (Fences, buttons, glass panes, stairs, trap-doors, etc)
[ ] Creating Designs on walls, floors, cielings, etc.
[ ] Gameplay Aspect
[ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
[ ] Creating a Mood (Using certain blocks to give a building a sad, happy, etc feeling)
[ ] Fitting the Building into the background (Make it similarly themed and fit well)
[ ] Concentrating on a Large Build for a Long Period of Time
Provide pictures or videos of at least 3 of the 5 categories you chose above:
Are you in another build team? Nah
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? Yeah, Cascade, and ShakeShack's build team, I don't remember the name, but I'm experienced in clans, just not that much in build teams.
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)? No
Are you willing to do a trial build if accepted? Yeah
Accepted for Trial Builder please get on the ts as soon as you can


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for not being active today I had a wedding, I will try to be actve tomorrow. This is looking good.


May 4, 2014
Reaction score

Name: Noah
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Penguin33
Age: 14
Skype Name: facebook:noahmatgreen
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): I'm very active as you can tell, I'm a moderator.
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): I would say 8 out of 10 just because I can tend to goof off.
How familiar are you with WorldEdit? I'm ok with it.
What things are you good at in terraforming? List 1-8, 1 being your best terraforming skill.
{2 } Severe Land Changes (Cliffs)
{1 } Gradual/Overall Terrain Change (Hills, Entire Map)
{8 } Custom Trees (Copying)
{5 } Water Bodies (Rivers, Lakes, Oceans)
{ 7} Terrain Splatter (Different Materials Using Commas)
{ 3} Ideas
{4 } Time and Space Management (When given a large task, putting things in the right place at the right time)
{6 } Strange, Otherworldly Terrain
Screenshots of your work: I sadly can't provide over this website, as it takes to long to upload the images. But I'll have no problem of sending them over Skype.
Have you ever been in another build team (Which Ones)? I've had my own on a server called tbnr, I've also been on a team called helix
Have any of your maps been accepted onto a server? On tbnr I'm a builder, and I helped out with a custom mini-game map.


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score

Name: Noah
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Penguin33
Age: 14
Skype Name: facebook:noahmatgreen
Time Zone: EST
Activity (No Numbers, Explain How Active You Are): I'm very active as you can tell, I'm a moderator.
Maturity (No Numbers, Explain Who You Are): I would say 8 out of 10 just because I can tend to goof off.
How familiar are you with WorldEdit? I'm ok with it.
What things are you good at in terraforming? List 1-8, 1 being your best terraforming skill.
{2 } Severe Land Changes (Cliffs)
{1 } Gradual/Overall Terrain Change (Hills, Entire Map)
{8 } Custom Trees (Copying)
{5 } Water Bodies (Rivers, Lakes, Oceans)
{ 7} Terrain Splatter (Different Materials Using Commas)
{ 3} Ideas
{4 } Time and Space Management (When given a large task, putting things in the right place at the right time)
{6 } Strange, Otherworldly Terrain
Screenshots of your work: I sadly can't provide over this website, as it takes to long to upload the images. But I'll have no problem of sending them over Skype.
Have you ever been in another build team (Which Ones)? I've had my own on a server called tbnr, I've also been on a team called helix
Have any of your maps been accepted onto a server? On tbnr I'm a builder, and I helped out with a custom mini-game map.
Accepeted for Builder! please get on the ts as soon as possible!

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