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The 1.8 Update - Don't hate it.


Aug 5, 2014
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One question: can players see barrier particles when nearby? I have a feeling that some people would randomly run into the wall.
Nope. pretty sure, Mojang will have to fix that.
I support 1.7 not because of the bad framerate, because of the inactive ability to change, as well as the difference in framerate for some very good players with extremely terrible computers. I get 400 FPS with max settings on Icarus (Fallen) but in 1.8 it drops to 100, occasionally dropping to 20. Many people will leave the computer, but will that matter? Yes it will.

Here is the problem with MCGamer: The developers rush way to quickly to bring a result that is not optimized, not letting it being playable. MCGamer makes decisions majority of the community would completely hate. The day MCGamer v2 came out, the chat was flooded in the global chat mode about how they hated the new version and either or it is just terrible. That was nearly 2 months ago, and nothing was done yet, as it has seemed. The poll for a new statistics started 3 months ago, statistics reset was hoped during Thanksgiving break, but that declined as well. Furthermore I just lost hope, especially when December break came around.

Another problem about the MCGamer administration team, or developer team in that case, doesn't improve at all the no-cheat system. I have seen fly hackers within the time the Xime no cheat was added, as well as no knockback hackers. This is not only about the hackers on the servers, but also about how progressed a tiny server Badlion is. Badlion bans a lot more hackers than MCSG I can tell you that right now per SECOND, and to actually clutch the people on the server and hope them to stay by saying "Oh, they are just doing bug fixes." What are they doing now after 3 months? More bug fixing? No. That is irreasonable.

An alternative problem aside from the hackers, is that Minecraft allows people to change their versions independently. MCGamer did not allow it as a choice to stay on 1.7. Mojang (now owned by Microsoft) still is actually making bugfixes to their update for even more optimization. MCGamer = buggy, 1.8 = buggy, buggy + buggy = even more buggy.

Better blocks? Faster frames? The framerate all depends on your processor. and graphics card on how fasts it handles the data. Not everyone has good computers. Oh, and the better blocks statement - it is best to make a software ergonomically useful, but useless with aesthetics, than aesthetically, but useless with use.
First of all there are 5 developers working on this project. Do you see how long updates take for Minecraft? Do you see how much got put into it? Now plug that into MCGamer's Dev Team. Same rates, people get ANTSY. Everyone wants more more more, when the dev team can only do so much. I don't know how to code, but fixing bugs and glitches are REAL THINGS.
So please, be patient, I'm fairly sure that the dev team wanted to put out MCGamer v2 because everyone wanted it. Everyone wanted MCGamer v2, so they put it in. They're still fixing the bugs and glitches and they have a lot to work on. Everyone can see that.
Sorry if I was a little aggressive on that, it's just you have to realize that they aren't supercomputers that will 24/7 code in lines and lines and lines in 5 seconds and it's done and perfect. Nope. They are human beings just like us and they make mistakes.

Alright moving on, hackers hackers hackers. Hacks are tough to remove, because (obviously) people want to use them. And so people will go out of their way to make hacks that loophole the system. It will happen. Don't go hating on how the dev team isn't able to code a perfect No Cheat Plugin. And maybe we just have to work harder to find those hackers. That's for everyone to do. Not just the moderators, and on Badlion I'm pretty sure people are more proactive about these things. Moderators do their jobs, don't go hating on that. It's something we ALL need to work on.

I'm going to stop there, please no flame. I understand your mad about the situation, but please have a little gratitude for the things you've got.


Jan 15, 2015
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*I wrote this thread last night without an internet connection, then copied it over to the website and formatted it. There might be an issue that I didn't notice.*

So it's been a while since I wrote a thread, and it's been bugging me for quite some time... I've started to forget how to write a thread!


Whether you want MCGamer to update to 1.8 or not, it's going to happen.
It would go against the flow of progression to stagnate on 1.7.
So, we may as well accept and get used to it rather than causing riots over a video game.

The Network is limited by the Minecraft version - the maps are missing out on many new blocks, the gamemodes could be vastly changed and added onto, and many minor improvements could be implemented.

MCGamer has been sitting on 1.7 for something like 15 months. Over a year. Within that period of time, they've also included support for 1.6 and 1.8 accordingly, but 1.7 is currently the basis for the server, and has been for quite some time. There are almost no 1.8 features on the MCGamer network, compared to what there could be.

- Ocean Monuments. This includes the mobs (Guardians), fabulous blocks (Prismarine), and themes.
- Barriers!
- Diorite, granite, and other new blocks. This includes new doors and fences, as well as the previously mentioned ocean-themed blocks.
- Armor Stands
- Spectator Mode
- Rabbits!
- Bouncy Slime Blocks
- Improved Scoreboards

And so much more!

With the Ocean Monuments comes along several new aspects. First of all, it makes underwater-gameplay a reality! On MCGamer, that could relate to an underwater-themed map. (It reminds me of SG Atlantis.) And there are several other possibilities!

There is also, of course, the new blocks themselves, which allow for map-makers to expand their horizons even further than 32 chunks. Survival Games, SGC, QQ, ZedChase, and many of the other gamemodes will have opportunities to be visually upgraded.

Barriers are a feature that has been long-awaited, and many people had hoped that MCGamer would implement them into their gamemodes a long time ago. But due to the fact that they had to maintain 1.7 support, they were never implemented... until, perhaps, January 29th!
These will allow for the glass dome to be removed.
There is some speculation that the glass domes cause lag. As they are removed, players may experience increases in FPS, particularly for lower-performance computers, as they will not have to render the glass domes when they are near the edge of the map.

Spectator Mode is probably the feature that can affect MCGamer the most (Especially the Hunger Games-based gamemodes).
With a completely revamped and vanilla method, 1.8 introduces the spectating mode. This could allow for a lighter plugin, meaning faster servers with less lag.

As far as I've heard, people are reluctant to upgrade to 1.8 for only a few reasons.

- Worse FPS
Not always true!
I have tested this out. With and without Shaders, OptiFine, as well as Shaders AND OptiFine.
On a $500 basic PC (https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Mooclan/saved/nTcBD3), I noticed no worsening in FPS. In fact, on Valleyside and Holiday Resort, I saw an FPS increase of roughly 25-75 with SEUS Standard V10 Shaders. With Shaders disabled, the increase grew even larger.
Perhaps it's just my computer, or maybe I was just lucky. But 1.8, with the right settings, does not significantly lessen FPS. There is also optionally 1.8.1, which OptiFine is compatible with.

- Skins malfunctioning.
Okay, this one is just absurd. New skin settings, new possibilities. It's not really that difficult to update your skin.

- Mods not updated.
On MCGamer, there are three main mods that are allowed (to my immediate knowledge - I'm writing this without an Internet connection, so I can't double-check.)
OptiFine - Updated to 1.8 and 1.8.1
Shaders Mod - Updated to 1.8 (And compatible with 1.8 Optifine Ultra B6)
Directional HUB/HUD/GUI - (I'm not sure what it's called) I'm pretty sure this one was updated a while ago, too.
TooManyItems is also allowed, but has no gameplay-impact.
If you're trying to use another mod on MCGamer, you might be breaking a rule anyways...

Something that people sometimes overlook is that many hack clients take a long time to be updated, and some of them are not 1.8 compatible yet. (Thanks, OhFancy, for reminding me about this earlier today)
Hack clients are essentially clients with mods that allow for game-changing/game-breaking abilities. These can sometimes take a long time to update, especially if there are a large number of features offered within the hack clients.

More features -> More popular hack clients -> Majority of hackers use them
More features -> More things to update -> Much longer time needed to update -> Not 1.8-compatible -> Less hackers

1.8 isn't going to break the game. A negative attitude towards it, however, will.
1.8 sucks but whatever nerds


Apr 7, 2014
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Good job MCGamer. It's time to split the boys from the men (or women/girls, depending...). 1.8 was a year in the making, and the least we can do is show it some respect.
Seriously, 1.8 was MADE for the Survival Games. Barrier blocks, spectator mode - perfect additions! Even though it does lag from time to time, it won't be long before 1.8.2 comes out, fixing lag etc.
Anyways, I just want to say if you really cannot play on 1.8, see you later. You don't belong on this server. Either suck it up, or leave. Just don't make a fuss and try to start flame wars online.
To all those who will stick with it, good job! MCGamer is once again taking a step in the right direction. Crossing clients? That will cause lag. Maybe once they change to only 1.8 it will lag less? Hmm...
Over and out!


Mar 25, 2014
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Good job MCGamer. It's time to split the boys from the men (or women/girls, depending...). 1.8 was a year in the making, and the least we can do is show it some respect.
Seriously, 1.8 was MADE for the Survival Games. Barrier blocks, spectator mode - perfect additions! Even though it does lag from time to time, it won't be long before 1.8.2 comes out, fixing lag etc.
Anyways, I just want to say if you really cannot play on 1.8, see you later. You don't belong on this server. Either suck it up, or leave. Just don't make a fuss and try to start flame wars online.
To all those who will stick with it, good job! MCGamer is once again taking a step in the right direction. Crossing clients? That will cause lag. Maybe once they change to only 1.8 it will lag less? Hmm...
Over and out!


Aug 20, 2012
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More features -> More things to update -> Much longer time needed to update -> Not 1.8-compatible -> Less hackers
sadly now not true they can use the same method spigot used to allow cross compatibility they do the exact same thing on hacked clients but the otherway round i believe thats how they got nodus out in 1 day of launch even tho no one uses that due to some of the newer clients that are just pure evil to servers

also alot of people complain that their RPs are broken they are not mojang just limited the alpha color to a set value so people cant xray with RPs just fix your RPs by just using web based colours you should get less of a chance of having holes in textures....


Aug 18, 2013
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I think one of the most annoying things with 1.8 is that pretty much no other servers support the update yet, meaning you have to switch versions to connect to other servers.


Dec 27, 2014
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You actually brought up some things I never thought about when it comes to 1.8, thanks for widening my view to some more pros to updating :)


Feb 24, 2013
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I can completely agree with everything that you said; 1.8 offers great features, MCGamer might as well take advantage of them.


Jun 7, 2013
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I don't like 1.8 Just because I get these annoying lag spikes. It happens about every 5 seconds and it lasts for about .2 seconds. The block hitting is bad to . I block hit people with better armour when in water, Now I cant do that.


Jun 14, 2013
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Completely agree with you. And it's not like you're going to get a disadvantage because you're using 1.8, because everyone else will be using it too.


Mar 29, 2013
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I can't play Minecraft on 1.8 without lag spikes. I will get 100 fps and drop to 10 every 10 seconds or so. I know many others with this issue.
I understand there are many new features, but it is shame to see many players such as me, be forced to quit playing, due to the update.

You are right, it won't break the server, but it will lose a small section of it's community.
I have the exact same thought, and the exact same problem. I Honestly prefer the server stay 1.7 and 1.8 due to the drastic change in Pvp and how many people dislike it. I as well as Zach notice and understand all of the new advantages but I also notice all the disadvantages too.


May 16, 2014
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If you think about it, forcing everyone to upgrade to 1.8 will even out the playing ground. Even though we may lose a lot of PvP related things, it shouldn't effect our fights if the other person is on 1.8 also.

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