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The Angels


Apr 1, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Max
Ign: JollyJonahJoeJoy (Changing in 3 days)
Age: 15
Wins:Old Stats; 20/180. New; I've been doing crappy due to teams and hackers with the new stats.
Games Played: Old; 180, New; 80
Time Zone: EST
W / L Ratio: 1/9 (.11)
Skype Name: live:storydefine
Favorite Map: Valley, or Par.
PvP Strengths: Bow, and Block Hitting (I know you cant on 1.8, just saying)
PvP Weaknesses: Not really sure tbh.
Past Clans Include: New to this, you gotta start somewhere eh? I've seen alot of stuff on it though, i wont be all nooby an such.
Why do you want to join Angels? It looks like a great team! and i reconize a few players from around the community
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Not really, just spoke to fruitiez a bit but no.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 9
Have you liked the forum page yet? i will after i submit this.


Apr 3, 2015
Reaction score
Ign: Enternityyy
Age: 12
Wins: 2/12
Games Played: 12
Time Zone: GPT
W / L Ratio: 2 WINS 10 LOSSES
Skype Name: creeper_bozzftw
Favorite Map: Breeze Island 2
PvP Strengths: Sword,Fns,F-rod
PvP Weaknesses: Bow (A little)
Past Clans Include: Sharp, Clanless & Tartarus
Why do you want to join Angels? I just feel its is time for me to join a new clan and Angels seems like the one for me.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? No, not currently.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 7.9
Have you liked the forum page yet? Yes


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Max
Ign: JollyJonahJoeJoy (Changing in 3 days)
Age: 15
Wins:Old Stats; 20/180. New; I've been doing crappy due to teams and hackers with the new stats.
Games Played: Old; 180, New; 80
Time Zone: EST
W / L Ratio: 1/9 (.11)
Skype Name: live:storydefine
Favorite Map: Valley, or Par.
PvP Strengths: Bow, and Block Hitting (I know you cant on 1.8, just saying)
PvP Weaknesses: Not really sure tbh.
Past Clans Include: New to this, you gotta start somewhere eh? I've seen alot of stuff on it though, i wont be all nooby an such.
Why do you want to join Angels? It looks like a great team! and i reconize a few players from around the community
Do you know any member currently in Angels? If so, who: Not really, just spoke to fruitiez a bit but no.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 9
Have you liked the forum page yet? i will after i submit this.
ACCEPTED As: Trial. (Note: I couldnt find your skype so just come on TS at some point to talk)


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Ign: Enternityyy
Age: 12
Wins: 2/12
Games Played: 12
Time Zone: GPT
W / L Ratio: 2 WINS 10 LOSSES
Skype Name: creeper_bozzftw
Favorite Map: Breeze Island 2
PvP Strengths: Sword,Fns,F-rod
PvP Weaknesses: Bow (A little)
Past Clans Include: Sharp, Clanless & Tartarus
Why do you want to join Angels? I just feel its is time for me to join a new clan and Angels seems like the one for me.
Do you know any member currently in Angels? No, not currently.
How active would you be on a scale of 1-10: 7.9
Have you liked the forum page yet? Yes
ACCEPTED As: Member. (Note: I added you on skype)


Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Name : Cameron
IGN : xCqdiamondQG_ (Switching to xCqdiamond_)
Age : 12
Wins : Old = 88/1.5k ; New = Doing bad to tryhards, teamers, etc.
Time Zone : EST
W / L Ratio : 2 W/ 96 L
Skype Name: xCqdiamond_
Favorite Map : Valleyside University, Par 72,
PvP Strengths : Swords, FnS, Fishing Rod
PvP Weakness' : Bow (Good at long shots) (Bad at close bow dueling)
Past Clans: United
Why do I want to join Angels?: I feel like I can help this clan out in future with wars
Do I know anyone in this clan? : Yes I do, I am skyping with SickStats right now.
How active would I be on a scale of 1-10?: About an 8 1/2 ; Im usually one of those stay at home people who doesn't like to do anything.
Have I liked the forum page yet? Yup!


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Name : Cameron
IGN : xCqdiamondQG_ (Switching to xCqdiamond_)
Age : 12
Wins : Old = 88/1.5k ; New = Doing bad to tryhards, teamers, etc.
Time Zone : EST
W / L Ratio : 2 W/ 96 L
Skype Name: xCqdiamond_
Favorite Map : Valleyside University, Par 72,
PvP Strengths : Swords, FnS, Fishing Rod
PvP Weakness' : Bow (Good at long shots) (Bad at close bow dueling)
Past Clans: United
Why do I want to join Angels?: I feel like I can help this clan out in future with wars
Do I know anyone in this clan? : Yes I do, I am skyping with SickStats right now.
How active would I be on a scale of 1-10?: About an 8 1/2 ; Im usually one of those stay at home people who doesn't like to do anything.
Have I liked the forum page yet? Yup!
DENIED Unfortunately your application is not what we are looking for. Your stats (Legacy and current) are not really up to par, and we would like players that are older. Once you have beefed up your stats you may re-apply.

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