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The Biggest Problem with MCSG's Community


District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
The comments on some famous girl youtubers (kricken, etc) are both hilarious and disturbing. It's really sad because the 12 year olds in the comments are like "MMM GIVE ME YOUR *********" or "MORE FACECAM" or "UR HOT" or something else that is stupid. They need to grow up and stop being creeps.


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
I've certainly seen what you're talking about, and I've had a few occasions where I've just ended up shaking my head. I can understand that you're frustrated and annoyed with the comments that are posted, but maybe you're just looking at it from the wrong perspective.

You're asking community members of a game that's marketed at primarily 12-16 year olds to grow up. We've all been, are, or will be this age at some point. It's an age where young people are learning that they can have a separate personality online, and that's what you're seeing; an act. I highly doubt that the majority of people posting sexually targeted comments on peoples' walls are actually that perverted in real life (at least in public; we're all a bunch of inappropriate goofballs with our friends).

Sure, it can be annoying to see all the comments (I'm not downplaying your concern by any means), but by posting this and reacting, you're sort of giving them what they want - attention. Of course, there's always unique cases where it actually is harassment, and I encourage you in cases like this to highly consider clicking that Report button to have something done about it. We have rules about harassment in this community that are still applicable to everyone, regardless of age or whether or not you're kidding. But for the majority of cases, is a comment like, "gurl yu b0otiful" (which is more or less most of the comments) going to constitute harassment? Probably not. It could, but I doubt it; you're more apt to just shrug it off and not react.
Last edited:


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Some people will say that the problem with MCSG is that - there are so many hackers. More Moderators! In all honesty, members have as much as power to get players banned, record/screenshot them, post a Report Abuse, then maybe poke or PM a staff member. (Usually they get to those pretty quick.)

Another issue I hear about is harassment and donors kicking me from lobbies - harassment is easy to deal with, speak to a staff member and they will gladly punish the player to the correct extent. Donors - If you feel that you are being kicked, simply by an iron donor, or do not complain. Donors are a huge reason why MCGamer still runs because they help pay for it. (Donations are expensive if you do not know this.)

Though this info could/would help.

disclaimer - this isn't meant to offend anyone who thinks differently.



Some people will say that the problem with MCSG is that - there are so many hackers. More Moderators! In all honesty, members have as much as power to get players banned, record/screenshot them, post a Report Abuse, then maybe poke or PM a staff member. (Usually they get to those pretty quick.)

Another issue I hear about is harassment and donors kicking me from lobbies - harassment is easy to deal with, speak to a staff member and they will gladly punish the player to the correct extent. Donors - If you feel that you are being kicked, simply by an iron donor, or do not complain. Donors are a huge reason why MCGamer still runs because they help pay for it. (Donations are expensive if you do not know this.)

Though this info could/would help.

disclaimer - this isn't meant to offend anyone who thinks differently.

Please do not post on threads that have gone a month without being posted on, this is known as a necro.


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Please do not post on threads that have gone a month without being posted on, this is known as a necro.
In all honestly, it has actually been a week, not a month. A necro isn't when I post after a week.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
April 1st to May 3rd? Last time I checked, 32 days wasn't a week...
Maybe he was reading it wrong. don't blame him for that. A mod will lock this if they see it's a necro. :)


Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
Hello MCSG, this is something that has continually been growing more and more on my nerves, and it's something that no one seems to address but that should be completely addressed. It's gotten to the point now where it's such common practice that everyone overlooks it and turns their shoulder on it, but I think it's time a thread discussing it was made.

The main problem I'm referring to is the constant need for guys to post on a girl's wall if they find them even somewhat attractive and sometimes go as far as to basically sexually harass them. They'll basically just try and get with the girl and will always post on their wall, and it's starting to grow on my nerves. They don't even look at the person's attitude and who they are, they just think "She's attractive? I better message her now and then we can date." I know many guys on the forums might disagree with me on this, but it's honestly getting ridiculous. A girl can't even go on the forums these days without being completely fluttered by guys.

Now, how do we stop it? Well, you can't really. The guy will just defend that he was trying to be nice (Even though it's pretty obvious he's only talking to her because he finds her attractive). The truth is imagine if the girl was just some guy but with the same personality. They would get way less people talking to him because guys are just trying to get with some attractive girl (even though it's probably never going to happen).

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong on this, but it has just gotten so out of hand, especially when you see people post "unzips" on a girl's wall or just making sexually suggestive or advancing remarks. Guys, come on, you're better then that. It's okay to find a girl attractive, but that doesn't mean you need to do those kinds of things.

Also, while it's not usually the girl's fault there is one thing. Girls really shouldn't be posting photos showing a lot of cleavage, because that's just trying to get guys to notice you. While that might be your intent, it just displays a bad image of yourself. Anyway, I don't know if this bugs anyone else, but I hope a few people can side with me on this.
I agree with you about that and I think that the boys that do that are actually immature in the topic of dating girls and this stuff and they dont realise they are getting nothing but well.

But you must agree that there are girls that post suggestive photos and I dont know if they want to be the center of attention (then they are ok about everyone posting on his profile) or they are boys trying to get profit of boys thinking he is a girl.

Captain Dory

Nov 27, 2013
Reaction score
Please do not post on threads that have gone a month without being posted on, this is known as a necro.
Actually, before you get your rule breaker catching boots on, understand this;

A Necro is.a post on a thread that has not been posted on for over a month and does not add a discussable post.


Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
Actually, before you get your rule breaker catching boots on, understand this;

A Necro is.a post on a thread that has not been posted on for over a month and does not add a discussable post.
lol sorry xD I was from the mobile phone and didn't see it, I will know that from now on, thanks.

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