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The Controversy of Gamma.

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District 13
Dec 9, 2012
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If you had your brightness up you could've seen those tripwires pretty clearly (no gamma, just brightness 100.)
Also, off topic but are texture packs that give slight advantages not allowed, because I have a texture pack I love but it makes trapped chests bright red so they are really obvious.
Not entirely sure...


Dec 15, 2012
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You can just use gamma so easily without getting caught. Just don't post screenshots, or a video.


Jun 4, 2012
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If you had your brightness up you could've seen those tripwires pretty clearly (no gamma, just brightness 100.)
Also, off topic but are texture packs that give slight advantages not allowed, because I have a texture pack I love but it makes trapped chests bright red so they are really obvious.
Not in the darkness like in the tunnels of Treacherous Heights, they would be impossible to see in brightness 100 compared to brightness +103010310310301


Jul 2, 2013
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I have to agree and disagree with Huwahi. On the one hand (this is a bit of a stretch), many noobs don't know how to install mods and they lag. Therefore, since other players with Optifine get an advantage, should it be bannable?
On the other hand, this is a little more obscure than Optifine or mods in general, and could provide a large advantage in finding chests. Personally with 100 brightness I can see pretty much anything, but for others it might be different.
All in all, though I don't always agree with the staff decisions, I respect them and believe this is probably the best way to ensure fairness.
Thanks for your response. I also use 100% brightness and it's fine for me too.

The thing is... this isn't even a mod, this is a legitimate setting in minecraft. It doesn't give your character any buffs. It can hurt your eyes if you increase it too much. If it's about finding chests and traps in the dark, those will be in your memory after your first few experiences. Your graphic card has this option...

Setting a brightness limit as a rule just doesn't make sense to me...
Argh... my head.

In the end, I respect this rule of having increased gamma as a bannable offense. For one, 100% brightness is perfectly fine with me and my eyes. Secondly, the Sr. Staffs know more about the community than I do and they understand what's fair and not towards this particular community. Thirdly, this option isn't accessible publicly in-game. Fair enough.


Jul 2, 2013
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If you had your brightness up you could've seen those tripwires pretty clearly (no gamma, just brightness 100.)
Also, off topic but are texture packs that give slight advantages not allowed, because I have a texture pack I love but it makes trapped chests bright red so they are really obvious.
Yeah this is what I mean... There are many ways to gain advantages over another user by doing things like this.

Some texture packs are darker and some are brighter than others. You can make certain textures more distinguishable than others. 512 pixel texture packs? Being able to see players through unloaded chunks by using Tiny or Short render distance. Optfine Zoom.

These advantages are very comparable to increased gamma and in some cases, gives more of an advantage.

Why am I being so defensive on increased gamma being bannable when it doesn't affect me at all? It's because it straight-up doesn't make sense to me when I can think of a million strong reasons why it shouldn't be bannable compared to only one real reason why it should be.

That's enough from me(unless someone brings out an interesting response relating to this).


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Some people have it set to super-high numbers by accident - Not everyone does it on purpose.
I'm not sure how it works, but I was once playing a random Survival server, and I went into a cave and didn't need torches or anything. I could see perfectly fine, and I even posted a video of it - I didn't know how it happened, I didn't know why it happened, or even when. (In fact, I think the video was on MCSG! If I recall correctly, I stated, within the video, that I had no idea how it happened)
Later on, I went into my Options or something and saw my Brightness was at a super-duper-high number, and it wasn't before. I was able to fix it that way, but it's happened more than once, and I have nooo idea why.

I no longer have that issue, but at the time I didn't know it was Gamma.

I'm just saying this to show that not everyone purposely sets their gamma to a high number, and it can and has happened by accident.

ALSO! I once read somewhere, not 100% sure whether it was in one of the old Lobbies or the Forums, that performance-improving mods (Such as OptiFine, which can sometimes improve your FPS etc.,) AND mods that change optical/visual things, such as Better Animations Mod (Not sure what Better Animations does, but I heard that it ONLY changes things like how it looks when people walk, fly, etc.) and OptiFine (Y'know, the zoom thingy) ARE allowed. This Gamma exploit, glitch, bug, whatever, changes nothing but how you, the player, and anyone possibly viewing your video, see things. It's purely visual. Yes, you can see tripwires in the dark, etc., but OptiFine gives that zoom thingy, which can help you shoot arrows, see names from afar, see what armor someone has, and MUCH more!

**I know I just admitted to "Breaking a rule," (I once had my Gamma set to high, by accident) but hopefully any staff who sees this will understand that it was an accident and I tried to fix it.


Sep 29, 2013
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It's bannable for the same reason many other mods or improvements are bannable. It provides too much of an advantage to one person. There are some areas on maps, and some maps entirely that are supposed to be dark, so dark you can barely see anything. It would be unfair if you could see all the tripwires or pressure plates and the sort.

E. This is only my understanding of the whole issue.
Optifine gives a huge advantage to people with slow pc's and can't download Optifine -_-
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