• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

The Rebels (US Clan)

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District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Keanu267/Dysporix
Age: 14
Donor: Iron
Wins: 268 wins combined.
Got Skype/TS: Yes.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Pm.
Got a mic: Yes.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I've teamed with EVERYONE.
PvP Strengths: Fishing Rod, FnS, Bow.
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights, getting set on fire, being bowed to death.
Past Clans (If any) US Rebels - Trial
Forgotten US B Forgotten - Trial
You cool?: DUH.
Best puppy picture:
Accepted, welcome to Rebels!

michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:rexxyy
Wins:With all my accounts, 500 something.
Got Skype/TS:Yup
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it)You has.
Got a mic:yeah
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:Alot
PvP Strengths:Sword, Bow, Fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses:Fire >.<
Past Clans (If any)Rebels, Forgotten
You cool?:Hecks yea
Best puppy picture:
YAY! Lexi is back :D


Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: carloswbu
Age: about to be 14
Donor: diamond ;)
Wins: 171
Got Skype/TS: yesss both

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) carloswbu
Got a mic: yes I do
Timezone: Atlantic Canada
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Not that I can remember, buts its a possibility.
PvP Strengths: well. I broke my mouse a few months ago, and I've had about 50 wins then. Since I've Ben using a track pad, but I have ordered a razor naga, so we shall see. But currently it's just with a sword and somewhat a bow, flint and steel not so much, same with the fishing pole.
PvP Weaknesses: Dat lag, and I guess hackers every now and then.
Past Clans (If any) nope.
You cool?: well I have more swag then you so I guess...
Best puppy picture:


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Inspired by lots, and lots of questions, and confusion, I present to you...

- The Rebels application reviewal system explanation + Q & A-

If you have ever wondered "Why is my application taking so long to be reviewed?", "How does the Rebels application reviewal system work?", "Why are people being replied to before me?" or anything of that sort, this post is for you :p.

Together, with more knowledge to our applicants, and less explaining for our officers, and members, we can make the Rebel's thread a better place :p.

~ Chapter 1 ~
The application process basics + Q & A

For every application, the Officers, Co-leaders, and leaders of the rebels make the decisions. Clan members may have some say, but the main decision comes from the Rebels staff.

The first stage every applicant goes through is one of two possibilities-- either denial, or trial member. Very few applicants have been immediately promoted to full member, since the trial system was implemented.

Promotion to trial member is not immediate, and relies heavily on meeting all of the requirements, and being active on our TeamSpeak (

If you are denied...

Take note of your denial reason. If it was lack of wins, try to get more. If it was for lack of TeamSpeak activity, hop on the TeamSpeak, and start playing more with us.

If you are denied you may apply again in
1 week :)

If you are promoted to trial member...

Keep doing what you've been doing! Stay active on the TeamSpeak-- playing MCSG, other games, and just talking with us.

Remember-- Trial member is not a free pass to full member. You need to keep playing with us, and talking on the TeamSpeak, to build your way up to full member :)

A decision on whether you are to be promoted to
Full member, or to be denied will take place within 5-7 days of your promotion to trial (it could take less, but it could also very likely take more :p).

"Why is it taking so long for my application to be viewed? Have they seen my application?"

Most likely, yes. Applying for a clan is like buying something awesome, but you're not allowed to open it, until someone tells you too. It's ridiculously hard to wait, but, unfortunately, that's just how it is.

For an applicant to be promoted to
trial member, we need to come to a majority agreement. Same goes for denials. We like to have every member of the Rebels "staff" share their opinions on the player, and make an informed decision from that.

We don't simply see an application, and accept it since it meets all requirements. Meeting requirements is important, but there's much more to it than that, which is why it takes a while for applications to be answered.

Come hang out on the TeamSpeak
( you wait. It helps your chances of being accepted, and will most likely distract you from your excitement, or anticipation :p.

"What does 'pending' mean?"
If you have been notified that your application is pending, it means we are still reviewing it. We haven't come to a full agreement, but we're notifying you that we did indeed see your application, and in the process of reviewing it.

"Why did someone receive an answer faster than me?"

A good example of people being 'immediately' accepted to trial member is a ex-rebels member re-applying. Because we know them, have had experience with them, and know how they fit into our team already, it is much easier to accept back ex-rebels members, versus accepting new applicants.

Another example is if you apply before someone, and they apply after, but still get accepted first, whether it's trial member, or full member. There are many ways this could have happened, but the most common being that the decision for them was easier than the decision regarding your application. That isn't a bad thing by any means, it just means that player was a clear/easier choice (for denial, or promotion).

You're still being considered, don't worry! Just because someone who applied after you, was accepted/denied first does not mean that we forgot about you :).

"What do I do if I would like clarification on my denial reason, or have any questions?"

Visit our TeamSpeak (, or Private Message an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader of the clan.

If you choose to visit our TeamSpeak, simply find an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader currently connected, and poke them, with a quick little message like "Could you please talk to me about why I was denied?". It will most likely be easiest to access an Officer to speak with, but you're welcome to talk to other members of the staff team.

*mom voice* Don't worry, we don't bite :p.

Same goes for a Private Message. Start a "Conversation" with a member of the Rebels staff on the forums, and they will get back to you as soon as possible :).

"How do I move from channel to channel on TeamSpeak? It says I have insufficient permissions?"

The first thing you'll want to do when joining TeamSpeak, is poke an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader, and ask for the "Active Member" rank. You can now join Clan Chats!

Some rooms in TeamSpeak, such as the Officer rooms (Max's Pokeball, Turnip's Garden, etc.), are inaccessible unless you are moved to the room. If you're trying to join an area, but you are denied access, simply poke a Rebels staff member, and ask to be moved up. 90% of the time, you will be moved, but on some occasions, private discussions, clan battles, etc. may be
occurring, in which case they won't move you up.


That's all I could think of for now :p Feel free to let me know if you think something should be added.
Since this will probably be drowned out in applications relatively soon :)P), here's a link to this same document for future reference:

>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u7JWg6MEaSPGWjM4QEqs7mV1QUnhbAhqgLPK7zAZJa0/edit?usp=sharing <<
Last edited:


Roll Tide
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Inspired by lots, and lots of questions, and confusion, I present to you...

- The Rebels application reviewal system explanation + Q & A-

If you have ever wondered "Why is my application taking so long to be reviewed?", "How does the Rebels application reviewal system work?", "Why are people being replied to before me?" or anything of that sort, this post is for you :p.

Together, with more knowledge to our applicants, and less explaining for our officers, and members, we can make the Rebel's thread a better place :p.

~ Chapter 1 ~
The application process basics + Q & A

For every application, the Officers, Co-leaders, and leaders of the rebels make the decisions. Clan members may have some say, but the main decision comes from the Rebels staff.

The first stage every applicant goes through is one of two possibilities-- either denial, or trial member. Very few applicants have been immediately promoted to full member, since the trial system was implemented.

Promotion to trial member is not immediate, and relies heavily on meeting all of the requirements, and being active on our TeamSpeak (

If you are denied...

Take note of your denial reason. If it was lack of wins, try to get more. If it was for lack of TeamSpeak activity, hop on the TeamSpeak, and start playing more with us.

If you are denied you may apply again in
1 week :)

If you are promoted to trial member...

Keep doing what you've been doing! Stay active on the TeamSpeak-- playing MCSG, other games, and just talking with us.

Remember-- Trial member is not a free pass to full member. You need to keep playing with us, and talking on the TeamSpeak, to build your way up to full member :)

A decision on whether you are to be promoted to
Full member, or to be denied will take place within 2-3 weeks of your promotion to trial (it could take less, but it could also very likely take more :p).

"Why is it taking so long for my application to be viewed? Have they seen my application?"

Most likely, yes. Applying for a clan is like buying something awesome, but you're not allowed to open it, until someone tells you too. It's ridiculously hard to wait, but, unfortunately, that's just how it is.

For an applicant to be promoted to
trial member, we need to come to a majority agreement. Same goes for denials. We like to have every member of the Rebels "staff" share their opinions on the player, and make an informed decision from that.

We don't simply see an application, and accept it since it meets all requirements. Meeting requirements is important, but there's much more to it than that, which is why it takes a while for applications to be answered.

Come hang out on the TeamSpeak
( you wait. It helps your chances of being accepted, and will most likely distract you from your excitement, or anticipation :p.

"What does 'pending' mean?"
If you have been notified that your application is pending, it means we are still reviewing it. We haven't come to a full agreement, but we're notifying you that we did indeed see your application, and in the process of reviewing it.

"Why did someone receive an answer faster than me?"

A good example of people being 'immediately' accepted to trial member is a ex-rebels member re-applying. Because we know them, have had experience with them, and know how they fit into our team already, it is much easier to accept back ex-rebels members, versus accepting new applicants.

Another example is if you apply before someone, and they apply after, but still get accepted first, whether it's trial member, or full member. There are many ways this could have happened, but the most common being that the decision for them was easier than the decision regarding your application. That isn't a bad thing by any means, it just means that player was a clear/easier choice (for denial, or promotion).

You're still being considered, don't worry! Just because someone who applied after you, was accepted/denied first does not mean that we forgot about you :).

"What do I do if I would like clarification on my denial reason, or have any questions?"

Visit our TeamSpeak (, or Private Message an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader of the clan.

If you choose to visit our TeamSpeak, simply find an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader currently connected, and poke them, with a quick little message like "Could you please talk to me about why I was denied?". It will most likely be easiest to access an Officer to speak with, but you're welcome to talk to other members of the staff team.

*mom voice* Don't worry, we don't bite :p.

Same goes for a Private Message. Start a "Conversation" with a member of the Rebels staff on the forums, and they will get back to you as soon as possible :).

"How do I move from channel to channel on TeamSpeak? It says I have insufficient permissions?"

The first thing you'll want to do when joining TeamSpeak, is poke an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader, and ask for the "Active Member" rank. You can now join Clan Chats!

Some rooms in TeamSpeak, such as the Officer rooms (Max's Pokeball, Turnip's Garden, etc.), are inaccessible unless you are moved to the room. If you're trying to join an area, but you are denied access, simply poke a Rebels staff member, and ask to be moved up. 90% of the time, you will be moved, but on some occasions, private discussions, clan battles, etc. may be
occurring, in which case they won't move you up.


That's all I could think of for now :p Feel free to let me know if you think something should be added.
Since this will probably be drowned out in applications relatively soon :)P), here's a link to this same document for future reference:

>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u7JWg6MEaSPGWjM4QEqs7mV1QUnhbAhqgLPK7zAZJa0/edit?usp=sharing <<
Only the picture, that's all I came for.


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Inspired by lots, and lots of questions, and confusion, I present to you...

- The Rebels application reviewal system explanation + Q & A-

If you have ever wondered "Why is my application taking so long to be reviewed?", "How does the Rebels application reviewal system work?", "Why are people being replied to before me?" or anything of that sort, this post is for you :p.

Together, with more knowledge to our applicants, and less explaining for our officers, and members, we can make the Rebel's thread a better place :p.

~ Chapter 1 ~
The application process basics + Q & A

For every application, the Officers, Co-leaders, and leaders of the rebels make the decisions. Clan members may have some say, but the main decision comes from the Rebels staff.

The first stage every applicant goes through is one of two possibilities-- either denial, or trial member. Very few applicants have been immediately promoted to full member, since the trial system was implemented.

Promotion to trial member is not immediate, and relies heavily on meeting all of the requirements, and being active on our TeamSpeak (

If you are denied...

Take note of your denial reason. If it was lack of wins, try to get more. If it was for lack of TeamSpeak activity, hop on the TeamSpeak, and start playing more with us.

If you are denied you may apply again in
1 week :)

If you are promoted to trial member...

Keep doing what you've been doing! Stay active on the TeamSpeak-- playing MCSG, other games, and just talking with us.

Remember-- Trial member is not a free pass to full member. You need to keep playing with us, and talking on the TeamSpeak, to build your way up to full member :)

A decision on whether you are to be promoted to
Full member, or to be denied will take place within 2-3 weeks of your promotion to trial (it could take less, but it could also very likely take more :p).

"Why is it taking so long for my application to be viewed? Have they seen my application?"

Most likely, yes. Applying for a clan is like buying something awesome, but you're not allowed to open it, until someone tells you too. It's ridiculously hard to wait, but, unfortunately, that's just how it is.

For an applicant to be promoted to
trial member, we need to come to a majority agreement. Same goes for denials. We like to have every member of the Rebels "staff" share their opinions on the player, and make an informed decision from that.

We don't simply see an application, and accept it since it meets all requirements. Meeting requirements is important, but there's much more to it than that, which is why it takes a while for applications to be answered.

Come hang out on the TeamSpeak
( you wait. It helps your chances of being accepted, and will most likely distract you from your excitement, or anticipation :p.

"What does 'pending' mean?"
If you have been notified that your application is pending, it means we are still reviewing it. We haven't come to a full agreement, but we're notifying you that we did indeed see your application, and in the process of reviewing it.

"Why did someone receive an answer faster than me?"

A good example of people being 'immediately' accepted to trial member is a ex-rebels member re-applying. Because we know them, have had experience with them, and know how they fit into our team already, it is much easier to accept back ex-rebels members, versus accepting new applicants.

Another example is if you apply before someone, and they apply after, but still get accepted first, whether it's trial member, or full member. There are many ways this could have happened, but the most common being that the decision for them was easier than the decision regarding your application. That isn't a bad thing by any means, it just means that player was a clear/easier choice (for denial, or promotion).

You're still being considered, don't worry! Just because someone who applied after you, was accepted/denied first does not mean that we forgot about you :).

"What do I do if I would like clarification on my denial reason, or have any questions?"

Visit our TeamSpeak (, or Private Message an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader of the clan.

If you choose to visit our TeamSpeak, simply find an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader currently connected, and poke them, with a quick little message like "Could you please talk to me about why I was denied?". It will most likely be easiest to access an Officer to speak with, but you're welcome to talk to other members of the staff team.

*mom voice* Don't worry, we don't bite :p.

Same goes for a Private Message. Start a "Conversation" with a member of the Rebels staff on the forums, and they will get back to you as soon as possible :).

"How do I move from channel to channel on TeamSpeak? It says I have insufficient permissions?"

The first thing you'll want to do when joining TeamSpeak, is poke an Officer, Co-Leader, or Leader, and ask for the "Active Member" rank. You can now join Clan Chats!

Some rooms in TeamSpeak, such as the Officer rooms (Max's Pokeball, Turnip's Garden, etc.), are inaccessible unless you are moved to the room. If you're trying to join an area, but you are denied access, simply poke a Rebels staff member, and ask to be moved up. 90% of the time, you will be moved, but on some occasions, private discussions, clan battles, etc. may be
occurring, in which case they won't move you up.


That's all I could think of for now :p Feel free to let me know if you think something should be added.
Since this will probably be drowned out in applications relatively soon :)P), here's a link to this same document for future reference:

>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u7JWg6MEaSPGWjM4QEqs7mV1QUnhbAhqgLPK7zAZJa0/edit?usp=sharing <<
Duck. You are the best. Holy cow.
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