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The State of AU


Apr 13, 2013
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Other meta-forces at work that could cause increases in rule breakers could also be the increasing competitiveness of the servers in general. MCSG v2 in particular has been very competitive, with a wide margin of players knowing how to PvP effectively, causing beginners to feel like they need to hack in order to win.
Bing bing! Bing bing! You hit the nail on the head. That is the exact reason why people have ever used a hacked client in Minecraft. The only other reason would be using the VPN feature installed in some hacked clients to bypass bans they previously accumulated either by playing legitimately or illegitimately. I agree with this explanation wholeheartedly. You nailed it.
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
From the perspective of an active AU player, it's fine in the hacker side of things compared to the horror stories of EU. To give a better picture I probably see maybe a hacker every 20 or so games but those are just the hackers I see there's probably one every 5 games.

Community wise, it's not as bad as other people have been saying from my personal experience but it can be pretty crappy at times. An example of this would be being targeted off of spawn for no specific reason.

On the clan side of things though, as a leader of what I consider to be a pretty good AU clan I see heaps of trash talking and arguing over rules during clan battles at the extreme end of things I know of clans (not going to name any) that use alts and DDOS other clans simply to win.

Maybe a fix for this is to make it so it's necessary to have a mod refereeing every clan battle. This should easily be achievable with the influx of hired mods for AU in the past month.


Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
As everyone said, Hackers aren't a big problem in AU. It's just that some people are a bit too abusive.

Damien // Teepwn

Hmm, that's an interesting point. But I'll leave you with this:
When we complain about a society, we often forget that we are society

Now, this isn't to say that we aren't going to help, the ideology of that quotation is to emphasise the fact that we can't change people's mentality and manners. If people are going to be rude or abusive, the most we can do is warrant appropriate punishments. Sometimes punishments can change people, sometimes they can't. The point being is that a community needs to stick up for one another. We can't change a community, the community must improve on itself. My way thinking in this is the simple thing we all learnt in preschool, treat others how you want to be treated. Unfortunately not everyone gets that. But rest assured we are trying our best to remove those pesky abusive users.
I agree completely.

I was just trying to emphasize a point that AU's biggest problem right now is not hackers and is the community. Whilst it isn't as bad as it was in the past, it is and still probably always will be a frequent issue. Its pretty much driven me too a point where its a pain to play the game.

I understand that Staff really can't change that with a snap of their fingers, but you can monitor it closer as I've seen some Staff members within this abuse/disrespect too (not to say I'm not in it, but I feel Staff should maintain a higher level of maturity, after all they are the role-models on the server). It hasn't been major, but its there.

What I'm trying to say is, I guess I really just agree with you. We as the community are really the only ones who can shape ourselves to be ideal and what we want to be. Of course you Staff can help with brute force (ya know what I mean, I hope) but its really down to ourselves.

I hope you respect my opinion. ;)


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
I agree completely.

I was just trying to emphasize a point that AU's biggest problem right now is not hackers and is the community. Whilst it isn't as bad as it was in the past, it is and still probably always will be a frequent issue. Its pretty much driven me too a point where its a pain to play the game.

I understand that Staff really can't change that with a snap of their fingers, but you can monitor it closer as I've seen some Staff members within this abuse/disrespect too (not to say I'm not in it, but I feel Staff should maintain a higher level of maturity, after all they are the role-models on the server). It hasn't been major, but its there.

What I'm trying to say is, I guess I really just agree with you. We as the community are really the only ones who can shape ourselves to be ideal and what we want to be. Of course you Staff can help with brute force (ya know what I mean, I hope) but its really down to ourselves.

I hope you respect my opinion. ;)
Of course I respect your opinion, and you are making very valid points. I'm intrigued now, could you suggest ways in which our staff can improve on this? Obviously a nudge within the staff team to bump up maturity and pay more attention on the flame and such, but what else do you suggest we do, outside of plain moderation?

Thank you for this, by the way. Really helpful feedback :).

Damien // Teepwn

Of course I respect your opinion, and you are making very valid points. I'm intrigued now, could you suggest ways in which our staff can improve on this? Obviously a nudge within the staff team to bump up maturity and pay more attention on the flame and such, but what else do you suggest we do, outside of plain moderation?

Thank you for this, by the way. Really helpful feedback :).
Well, ideally I'd say that Staff shouldn't really take sidings (I've seen quite a bit of bias) or play the actual game and focus on moderation. But, obviously this wouldn't really be fair to you guys of robbing you of being able to play.

I guess just like a medium, where Moderation is always put first in front of playing the actual game. I know most of you try do this to the utmost of your abilities but some people need a push forwards in the right direction.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Well, ideally I'd say that Staff shouldn't really take sidings (I've seen quite a bit of bias) or play the actual game and focus on moderation. But, obviously this wouldn't really be fair to you guys of robbing you of being able to play.

I guess just like a medium, where Moderation is always put first in front of playing the actual game. I know most of you try do this to the utmost of your abilities but some people need a push forwards in the right direction.
I agree completely. I will do a PSA within our staff team sometime when I get home. But if I may comment on one bit, staff playing the game. Obviously if a staff member is just in it for the rank and only using it for the full join priority and 4 votes, the have no place here. But staff members do need leisure time to enjoy on the network we play on, obviously if this was a paid job we could say "from this time to this time, no playing" but our staff volunteer here and we all deserve to enjoy our time here on this beautiful network. Please do also bare in mind though that sometimes they could be in games catching hackers as well and we expect our staff to hunt for hackers to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time playing the games, but we do need to focus on the enjoyability of the community and chat.

So in conclusion, I agree with you but you do need to understand as well from our end.

Damien // Teepwn

I agree completely. I will do a PSA within our staff team sometime when I get home. But if I may comment on one bit, staff playing the game. Obviously if a staff member is just in it for the rank and only using it for the full join priority and 4 votes, the have no place here. But staff members do need leisure time to enjoy on the network we play on, obviously if this was a paid job we could say "from this time to this time, no playing" but our staff volunteer here and we all deserve to enjoy our time here on this beautiful network. Please do also bare in mind though that sometimes they could be in games catching hackers as well and we expect our staff to hunt for hackers to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time playing the games, but we do need to focus on the enjoyability of the community and chat.

So in conclusion, I agree with you but you do need to understand as well from our end.
I do agree, you need time to relax and play hence why I said ideally. :p

I actually completely forgot about hackers, that is a valid point that I entirely missed for some stupids reason. I guess its just like a healthy balance of both moderation and leisure. ;)


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Well most of it's already been said, so I'll just share a little on my opinion.

I feel that AU is such a small community (compared with US and EU) so you can't really go a game without seeing at least one if not more players that you know/have seen before in other games. I feel that often minor problems can be caused in a single game, and the victim of this problem often escalates it and causes even more problems. EG. a friend of mine teamed with a player in a game, and after they killed someone my friend betrayed his teammate. My friend died very soon afterwards, and went into the next lobby which was where this player was, and the player had gathered together about an 8 team, and targeted my friend off spawn. They killed him, and he excessively raged for quite a while. My friend and this player still dislike each to this day. I feel that if this had begun on US it probably wouldn't of happened.

Another thing I've noticed is that there's usually a minimum of 6 diamond/platinum donors in each game, and the fact that so many green names are usually kicked, as well as there only usually being 1-2 lobby's filling up at a time, when you finally get in a game and die stupidly you might rage a lot.

Just my opinion :p


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
As many other users have stated- Hackers are a miniscule problem and doesn't need to be attended to straight away, it should just be kept the same way (Moderators getting a poke/message about a hacker and dealing with them appropriately).

What does need to be attended to is the amount of 'toxic' players there are, as a Moderator I try to keep every server that I am in free from flame and disrespect, I feel if I show respect to all players (which I do) I get the same respect back- therefore making the server nice and clean. Mind you I am not daying that every server I join has no flame and it does happen occassionally. What I think we need to do from now is try to prevent this 'toxic' talk by implementing some sort of rule that states that allows us Moderators to deal with extreme cases of flame, for example; "gg rekt nub so bad l2p" - this rule would allow us to ask the user to stop doing it immediately or risk further consequence.

It's just an idea. :3 (Just a quick post I whipped up in 10 minutes.)


Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
As many other users have stated- Hackers are a miniscule problem and doesn't need to be attended to straight away, it should just be kept the same way (Moderators getting a poke/message about a hacker and dealing with them appropriately).

What does need to be attended to is the amount of 'toxic' players there are, as a Moderator I try to keep every server that I am in free from flame and disrespect, I feel if I show respect to all players (which I do) I get the same respect back- therefore making the server nice and clean. Mind you I am not daying that every server I join has no flame and it does happen occassionally. What I think we need to do from now is try to prevent this 'toxic' talk by implementing some sort of rule that states that allows us Moderators to deal with extreme cases of flame, for example; "gg rekt nub so bad l2p" - this rule would allow us to ask the user to stop doing it immediately or risk further consequence.

It's just an idea. :3 (Just a quick post I whipped up in 10 minutes.)
You sir, win the prize.

I feel this community could be cleared up a lot, although in my opinion this community is one of the best out there, I'm sure there are aspects of it that can be cleared up.

Some people have a blind eye to the fact that hacking is not the only "crime" on these servers. Most people don't even bother reporting spammers or advertisers etc. I don't have any proof, but in my opinion non-hacker offenders are more likely to hack or disrupt the community in the future. I suggest some smaller, focused "Non-hacker Cleansweeps." These will be targeted at the bad apples of the community, although I'm sure hackers will be caught in the process.

I hope you have taken my opinion into account. Thanks.



Jan 24, 2013
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I was gonna make a post ranting on about everything about AU, but I feel everything I was gonna say has already been brought up. :p

But yeah. Onto a small point I have. (Nothing new just reinforcement.)
Hackers aren't the main problem with AU, sure they show up from time to time and ruin our day, but at the end of the day the real issue is the way the AU communities deals with clans. People individually can be rather toxic and abusing in a passive way, sometimes blatant, but the real issue is clans. At this point, from what I've seen, AU is at the brink of war in terms of the clan situations. Nearly all of the current top AU clans aren't in the middle of this, it's mainly the new clans who have created a new roster. They search for ages trying to get someone to battle their clan, and when they finally do, a majority of the time an argument breaks out which eventually ends up in instant disbandment, or in worse cases, people being booted.

This might not be the greatest of ideas, but I propose that all clans that have just been created be given maybe a one or two week restriction before they can start clan battling as all this clan controversy is caused over clan battles. This will help because it gives the clans time to develop and get a sense of how clans work. In theory (Well in my head) I believe that if clans use this, less controversy will be had as if a clan disbands over clan battle issues, they would have to rebuild and wait for the restriction to pass. This should encourage better behavior within clans.

If my grammar or sentences don't make sense or if I am just rambling. I'm tired don't judge. :)

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