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TheBajanCanadian Tips

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Jan 9, 2013
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This thread is just basically a bunch of tips and facts I picked up from TheBajanCanadian (Mitch) throughout his Survival Game videos, all the way from 1 to 103. I also took information from Antvenom's vids, the blackjim (YouTube.com/theblackjim, AngryJukeBox (YouTube/AngryJukeBox, Noahcraft, Jerome, Minecraft's Finest, Captainsparklez, and Rpmx something. Everything you need to know to become a pro. In Benja we Trust!

Shift+click items in chest to take them instantly (for noobs, vice versa)

Shift+click armor in your inventory to put them on instantly (for noobs)

Go to the Cornocopia if you are on an unfamiliar map.

Boost off trees (run faster, just under a tree) by running and continously holding space-bar until the length of the tree is gone. Must be as low as 2 blocks high and nothing under or above.

Gold is the weakest compared to wood, which is the second weakest. It's budder, what do you expect? (Armor, weapons, tools)

If you are being chased and have a fishing rod, you can hit the person chasing you back with it. Boosts them back afar.

If you are teamed, and your teammate is in front chasing someone, you can hit him with the fishing rod or punch him to boost him towards the person. Hardly does any damage.

The block and hit technique doesn't work too well if lag is not on your side.

Sprinting and continously jumping makes you run faster.

Shift-clicking can hide your in game name, hiding you, making you a stealthy invisible banana monkey.

Don't team with anyone who is weaker than you, unless you are desperate to win the deathmatch against a stronger opponent, than you need his help. Than kill him.

Betray who you must, trust your guts. Betray before they betray you.

Avoid chasing people in the water, it is a waste of time, unless you have a bow, and spectators aren't making you arrows go limp. Or you can try backing the person you are chasing into the glass dome ( forcefield) I'm mostly describing the most common map, Breeze Island.

Spectators can make arrows go limp, or stop them by getting in front of them. Help a teammate out if you're dead.

Try to cook your food.

Armor comparison from weakest to strongest: Leather, gold, chain mail, iron, diamond.

You can dye your leather by using dyes. Dye it white to fool people into thinking that it is iron armor.

Iron and diamond swords are only half a heart of difference.

Having a bowl is your grace. It means infinite food, just find mushrooms to make mushroom stew.

If you are desperate for food, break the trees with the light green leaves and brown bark for apples.

Cake is a lie. Unless it is ceremonial cake.

If you ever get stuck in a trap, and if you have plentiful food and gear that would make it to deathmatch, just wait it out. Go Afk or something, put something heavy on the shift key to shift, and wait if out. Eat some pretzels and do a split screen.

You can fix armor by crafting 2 armors side by side.

A stone axe has the same damage as a wooden sword, but a wooden sword can block, tho a stone axe lasts longer. Same with stone and iron, iron and diamond.

Try to enchant.

List of sword strength from weakest to strongest: Gold, wooden, stone, iron, diamond.

Enchanted stone sword with sharpness - is stronger than a regular iron sword.

Gold and wood have the same strength, but wood can dish out twice the endurance.

If you are being chased, and you are sprinting on a flat surface with no obstacles to overcome for a long distance (like running over a field) you can press f5 on a Mac of pc to look behind you and see if your chaser is still chasing you. Exiting your POV, 3rd person view.


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry but this should be posted in the Strategies sub forum so could a Moderator move it?

But back on topic. Most of these tips are pretty basic but could be useful for new players to Minecraft so overall great tips!


Jan 9, 2013
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Crap, posted in the wrong place. Delete and copy and paste maybe? I need to get on my iMac for that.


Jun 10, 2012
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Slight mistake, always remember that Wood is actually better than gold. Well, it has better durability. They both do 2 hearts of damage, I believe, but gold has horrible durability, meaning it breaks after a couple of battles. Only make a gold sword if you absolutely have to, wood is better:p.


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Actually, gold is stronger, but wood lasts longer. I tested.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Mhm. Except golden items have a lot better chance to get a higher enchant! (look it up ;) )

They're quite good tips but I discourage these two:

Spectators can make arrows go limp, or stop them by getting in front of them. Help a teammate out if you're dead.

You can stop a moving boat by getting in front of it while it is going fast, it will explode into a quadrillion pieces.
It's an unintended feature, please no exploit :3
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