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#TheLegends EU EliteClan

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Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 16
Where are you from? Germany
What is your ingame name? MegaDani900
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) uhm yea ... idc^^
Skype/TS name? megadani900
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 949
When did you start playing MCSG? uhm i think last august...
How often are you playing? well legends are reopened and i kinda stopped mcsg before but now i would play mcsg again cause it just was boring before and now i have a hope that it will change this feeling, so ill play again and ,more
What is your PvP strenghts? comeonhon........ i prefere fighting with the sword and NO Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom rods they are annoying me but if they are using rods ill do the same...
What is your PvP weakness? bowho.....
Why do you want to be a Legend?as i sahaid... cause im a legends member since the first day when hanfi created it and i love this clan and mcsg is just fun with #TheLegends
What is your favourite map?uhm ok i know but its Breeheeze :p :p


Eldoggo around here
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 15
Where are you from? I'm from England!
What is your ingame name? Zedek_VibeZ
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Zedek or Olly, either one is fine :D
Skype/TS name? olly.overend7 / Zedek_VibeZ
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 310
When did you start playing MCSG? January, 2013
How often are you playing? Since I'm back from vacation, daily!
What is your PvP strenghts? Most things except close combat situations.
What is your PvP weakness? gcb99
Why do you want to be a Legend? Because Legends are perfect in every way, enough said!
What is your favourite map? Valleyside University, Demon's Breeze, SG4
Of course You're Accepted!!! Rank: ClanBattle-Organizer and Admin! :D


Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Age: 11
Where am I from: USA
What is my ign: ELECTRIC
What should you call me: Jaden
Skype/ts: both
How many wins do I have: on all account about 280
When did I start playing: idk
How often am I playing: Every day
PvP strengths: water now shots water fights and flint and steel
PvP weaknesses: getting in fire, and fishing rod tactic
Why do I want to be a legend: BEST CLAN EVER
Favorite map: Solar Frost

I know I don't meet requirements but I would love to prove to you how good I am. Thank you


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
Age: 11
Where am I from: USA
What is my ign: ELECTRIC
What should you call me: Jaden
Skype/ts: both
How many wins do I have: on all account about 280
When did I start playing: idk
How often am I playing: Every day
PvP strengths: water now shots water fights and flint and steel
PvP weaknesses: getting in fire, and fishing rod tactic
Why do I want to be a legend: BEST CLAN EVER
Favorite map: Solar Frost

I know I don't meet requirements but I would love to prove to you how good I am. Thank you
Declined, you don't have enough wins, feel free to reapply when you do though!


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) I am 11 years old, But I am mature enough for my age.
Where are you from? I am from Ireland.
What is your ingame name? My IGN is SaucyCmeister.
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) I prefer to be called Saucy, But you can call me by my real name if you would like, Conor.
Skype/TS name? My Skype name is SaucyCmeister.
In TS I usually log on as SaucyCmeister.

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 151. I haven't got to play for 4-5 weeks now, But I should be able to play soon. If I had been able to play in the last 4-5 weeks, I would be nearing 300 wins now.
When did you start playing MCSG? I don't remember when it was, But I believe I started playing around Late July/Early August.
How often are you playing? When I get my computer back, I will be playing everyday, Unless we have a family occasion. If I am playing everyday, I will be gaining 5-8 wins a day.
What is your PvP strenghts? I am pretty good with a bow, and 1v1 sword fights, But I am also good at turning around and Flint and steeling at the perfect time.
Flint and steel wins me the game a lot.

What is your PvP weakness? I am not the best when I am fighting people with a lot of wins, I get nervous when fighting people like that. But after I get use to fighting them (Fighting them, Then running, Then fighting again) I can usually come out on top.
Why do you want to be a Legend? It seems like one of the best clans out there, With great people in it. I feel the people in this clan could help me improve and teach me some skills. I also like to play in Clan wars, which I know, This clan has a lot of them.
What is your favourite map? I honestly love SG4 and Breeze <3 But I also like to play on SG3 due to the long games and brilliant quality.

Tho I am under aged, and under the win limit, I hope ye can still give me a chance.


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) I am 11 years old, But I am mature enough for my age.
Where are you from? I am from Ireland.
What is your ingame name? My IGN is SaucyCmeister.
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) I prefer to be called Saucy, But you can call me by my real name if you would like, Conor.
Skype/TS name? My Skype name is SaucyCmeister.
In TS I usually log on as SaucyCmeister.

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 151. I haven't got to play for 4-5 weeks now, But I should be able to play soon. If I had been able to play in the last 4-5 weeks, I would be nearing 300 wins now.
When did you start playing MCSG? I don't remember when it was, But I believe I started playing around Late July/Early August.
How often are you playing? When I get my computer back, I will be playing everyday, Unless we have a family occasion. If I am playing everyday, I will be gaining 5-8 wins a day.
What is your PvP strenghts? I am pretty good with a bow, and 1v1 sword fights, But I am also good at turning around and Flint and steeling at the perfect time.
Flint and steel wins me the game a lot.

What is your PvP weakness? I am not the best when I am fighting people with a lot of wins, I get nervous when fighting people like that. But after I get use to fighting them (Fighting them, Then running, Then fighting again) I can usually come out on top.
Why do you want to be a Legend? It seems like one of the best clans out there, With great people in it. I feel the people in this clan could help me improve and teach me some skills. I also like to play in Clan wars, which I know, This clan has a lot of them.
What is your favourite map? I honestly love SG4 and Breeze <3 But I also like to play on SG3 due to the long games and brilliant quality.
Tho I am under aged, and under the win limit, I hope ye can still give me a chance.
Declined, due to the following reasons
  • Not enough wins
  • Under-age
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