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THG Written Series - CHAPTER 3

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Aug 12, 2015
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~ The Hunger Games ~
- A Written Series -
Created by: GoontherMC
Founded by: Divisions Clan
- Info -
This is a written series created by me, GoontherMC, the series is based off the book and movie series The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. I do not take credit for the story outline. Chapters from this series will be posted on a Monday Tuesday Wednesday routine. Tributes are randomly chosen in the order in which they die using this online randomizer, please do not get mad if a character dies in an order you do not like.
Previous Chapter(s): Chapter 2
Next Chapter(s): Chapter 4

Chapter 3:

Perspective of WitheredGold | Tribute Day | 15 minutes before leaving for Panem

I just stood there on the stage as the announcer told everyone the choosing was over. I was just, I couldn’t believe it. The Peacekeeper’s had to drag me from the stage into a small room and plopped me down on a worn out couch, and I just sat there staring at the door. I snapped back into reality when my door opened and Andrew came in and a Peacekeeper behind him said “Five minutes”. Andrew was my friend since high school started, we both have lost our parents when we were young and live in the same foster home.

“What am I supposed to do now that you’re chosen” Andrew shut the door behind him and I got up from the couch. “I didn’t ask to be fu**ing chosen” I exclaimed with all my anger, I felt my fists clenching. “No need to get mad at me, I know you didn’t” he came face to face with me “I came here to say good luck, it’s going to be really hard here with you gone, I can’t imagine how it’d be if you’d die out there” he grabbed my hands and unclenched my fists.

“I, I don’t” I just sat back on the couch and closed my ears thinking it would help my problems. I could still hear Andrew talking though, he said something like ‘take care’ as a Peacekeeper came into the room and took him back and I immediately wished I talked more with him. Suddenly I had a terrible headache, my brain pulsed and my vision was blurry. A few minutes past and nothing fixed my headache, a Peacekeeper came into the room and lead me onto a train. Cameron was by the train door, waiting for it to open, he was the other person chosen for this year’s Hunger Games.

I only managed to look at him a few times, but not remain eye contact. Our district’s announcer greeted us as the train door opened and lead us inside, I stepped in and I couldn’t believe my eyes, it’s nothing I’ve ever seen before. Everything was either silver or gold, shining in the small room of the train. “Isn’t it amazing in here?” our announcer said, as she pushed us each to a chair. “You fellows should enjoy the scenery while you have it now” the announcer sat on their own chair. “Oh, look out the window and wave goodbye!”

Cameron and I got up from our seats and took a look out the window, all of District 11 was waving us goodbye. I gave a weak wave and Cameron just stared at the crowd, he looked too confident in himself. The train then slowly started and the announcer buckled her seatbelts. “You boys should sit down!” I had no idea what she was talking about but Cameron and I sat in our seats. The train then entered a dark tunnel and I felt myself being thrown back as the train sped up really quickly, it amazed me that a train like this could go so fast.

The train came to a steady rate of speed and we were able to get up from our seats. “Oh wasn’t that just thrilling?” the announcer laughed a little and started walking to the exit of the train. “Where are you heading to” that’s the first time I heard Cameron speak, he had a deep and serious tone in his voice. “I’ll be going to my room, your district mentor is in the other room!” as the announcer pointed to the other side of the train room, she left.

“So um, Cameron, do we have a plan?” I nervously asked, I was afraid he wouldn’t like me. “Surviving is key” he whispered as he walked to the other side of the train room and left, probably to speak to the mentor. I could see the capitol from outside the train window.

Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be a lot longer ^.^

Please look at this threads poll and vote!

That was the end of today's Chapter(s)!

Stay tuned for the next one, a new chapter is posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!​
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District 13
Apr 30, 2015
Reaction score
CoDsNo65 hmm you're confident and you have a deep voice in this story, alrighty.

Poor ol WitheredGold

Jokes aside, I don't know why, but this chapter felt long :p I reckon you should put a list of who's does, so you can keep track, but if there is a new death in the story, remind people at the end of who's been added to the dead list. Other than that, very nice chapter :)


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
CoDsNo65 hmm you're confident and you have a deep voice in this story, alrighty.

Poor ol WitheredGold

Jokes aside, I don't know why, but this chapter felt long :p I reckon you should put a list of who's does, so you can keep track, but if there is a new death in the story, remind people at the end of who's been added to the dead list. Other than that, very nice chapter :)
I was told by a friend that instead of a list of the deaths in orders I should have a list that shows the dead and alive, so people that are late to this want to read it from chapter 1, so I think I'll do that :p

I'm glad you liked this chapter!
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