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Time to Talk About The Survival Games


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
The argument "Go on a PvP server" doesn't really make sense, since the argument can be turned around to. This argument is basically telling players who like to play quick, epic games to leave MCSG, when the majority of players like maps that have these aspects.


Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score

Just think about that word for a minute. What comes into your head? Probably several things, everyone having slightly different answers. Here is the definition of survival.
Survival: the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.

Notice how I underlined difficult circumstances, as it is definitely an appropriate description for the events held on these servers. Winning these games isn't easy unless you're highly skilled with the game and are familiar with what you are doing. If you know what you're doing, you can win a chunk of the games. You can get up to %5, %10, %20, maybe even into the 30's or above. But should you be able to manage so well in these games? Let's take a look and try and decide.

Now, we all know the goal of The Survival Games. Win. Simple as that. In a bit more detail, the goal is to attempt to acquire gear from chests, and use the said gear to attempt to eliminate some members of the competition until you stand in the final 3. At that point the goal is to just eliminate those who stand before you. But, where does "The Survival" part of the title come into play? If the goal is to simply get gear and eliminate the crowd, why not "The PVP Games". Granted, that takes away from a bit of the feel, but none the less the experience would have been similar. That being said, there is some survival in these games. Being chased by a two team would definitely prove as an ordeal, but is this really our thought of survival?

This all sparked up an idea in my mind. I decided to do a google image search for "Survival". I was curious to see what popped up, and not to my surprise, it was mostly things I had anticipated. Here are three images that fairly accurately sum up what you will find if you were to search for yourself:

Now, don't get me wrong, The Survival Games needs PVP. I'm not one of those who likes to say "Well the movie had combat" or "The movie didn't have walruses, pigs, sheep, and just about any different animal fighting", but in this case it needs to stay true to some of the roots. However, at the same time, the PVP is too frequent. The "survival" elements are chopped like Betty slamming onto a tiny little block of ice. To me, it all comes across that PVP is simply pushed too strong against what the games really should have some focus on, survival. Now, what's the problem? The problem is a few of the following:

#1: The games are too short: Now, I know some of you might get annoyed at me for always pulling a "Pepperidge Farm" on you, but way back when (it was a long time ago, dinosaurs roamed the earth. very scary), games used to take up to around 45 minutes. This gave an amazing survival feeling, especially on maps such as SG1. I can't exactly remember what the circumstances were that made games take longer. From memory it might have been 2 people deathmatches. However, on top of this maps were bigger!

What you are about to see is SG1 and Sg4. These are the original sizes of the photos, I kid you not. These were taken using MCEDIT and these are top down views. If you don't believe me, compare the cornucopia circles. They're virtually the same size.
Notice on SG4 how the end of the green doesn't even represent the dome, the glass curves in a good chunk or so later.

Survival Games 1

Survival Games 4

See the difference there? Of course, you might not have known just how big the size difference was before these images, but you still probably figured that SG1 was a bit larger. But the map size has just gotten smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Now, there are still some big maps. But for the most part, they're just small. Hell, if you wanted you could even dish it out on SG2. The map is one of my favorites, but it still got smaller, however it did maintain a solid size, and you also have to bring in the fact that every single skyscraper has some way or another of getting in. SG4 has the same thing for that matter, but the buildings are very, very, very small and very little is to be seen. Now, let's think of a few arguments this question might rise:

-But Arena! I like shorter games! I don't have time to sit behind the computer for 30-40 min or so minutes! I have a tight schedule!
This is a bit of a silly point, and I'm going to say why. 30-40 minutes is roughly 2-4 (4 being unlikely, 2 if each took 15 or so minutes) or so regular MCSG games. Odds are, some time or another you've played at least 3 or so MCSG games in a row. I'm sure you can make time sooner or later. If you really can't play a 30 minute game, and you have to go in 10 minutes, then just go on a different server. If I were to go afk on MCSG, would I have to pause the whole game so everyone can wait for me, even though they're all there? No. Should you have to make the time 10 minutes, even if everyone else has at least 30 minutes plus on them? No.

-I have the time, but 30 minutes? Jeez Arena. That's a lot of time don't you think?
Half an hour? Nah. If you spend it in 2 games, or spend it in 1 game, what's the difference? It does enhance the experience after all.

-Enhance my ***! There's going to be so little PVP! I don't want to have to waddle around for half an hour just to try and find someone!
Allow me to point you to some pvp dedicated servers! c:

#2: It's too easy to obtain good tools:
Now, let's be fair here, this is a bit of a problem. Whether you want to admit it or not, if you know what you're doing in Survival Games, your goal is just to get that iron suit and then you know you have it made. It shouldn't be that easy. Every single time someone wins the game, it's always the same setup. Full iron, diamond sword. Very rarely does that change, if ever. Shouldn't there be a little more variety? Once again, I'm not one who likes to take the "The Hunger Games DID THIS!!!" road, but, The Hunger Games did not have those capsules feature full gladiator suits. Nobody was running around in a giant knight costume with a diamond encrusted sword. Just think about it! Think back to your thoughts on the word survival. Would you think for even a fraction of a second "Two guys in knight suits fighting with diamond encrusted swords while eating regeneration apples and lighting each other on fire"? No. While it might sound kind of bad ass, it's at the same time annoying to see the same setup for a win. Let's see some variety! I'm not saying to remove the iron completely, by all means don't do that. But perhaps place a few more iron bars and a few less chest plates and pants. Now, I have heard that this problem is in the works, and hopefully we can see some results soon. And now to see some anticipated questions!

-Arena! Even if Iron IS removed, than you're going to be saying the same thing about Chain, and then Gold, and then leather!!
Like said before, the last thing I want to see is iron armor removed. That's an awful idea. Like said before, we just want it so that iron armor isn't as abundant as a source, perhaps iron boots and an iron hat, and more iron bars in the chest so you have to craft the chest-plate and pants individually.

-What about Diamond Swords? Won't those be a bit OP?
Bump up the rarity, or switch it over so they can only be obtained in tier 3's.

#3: Mobs
Now, before I get into this, let me just start off by saying that I am aware this has been in a poll before. The odds of them returning are very slim. But, at the same time, they need to be addressed. These would help address any problems that might occur with #1, as well as providing a way to obtain some equipment. By night time you should able to have obtained some tools and fight off some mobs, however they can still be tough. They add an element of survival, remember, survival. You need some kind of threat besides players or accidentally committing suicide or the games simply don't have enough danger! Also, mobs are an extremely useful way of providing XP! A problem we've had for much too long now.

-Mobs are so annoying though! Too many can spawn in one area!
Very, very valid reason. Mobs could grow tedious at some points. I recall SG3 being the straw that broke the camel's back with mobs. The area was so dark that mobs spawned like crazy. Perhaps it's possible to code it so only 30% of the mobs that would regularly spawn actually spawn. I'm sure that's possible knowing out great developers and coders.

-I recall getting killed by them all the time back in beta! Not a good idea.
If you got killed by them, then your chances of winning were slim. You had to be fairly ungeared for mobs to pose a serious threat. Otherwise, the best strategy was to just keep your distance from them.

All in all, The Survival Games is still my favorite Minecraft Server chain, even after nearly a year and a half of playing on them. But there are definitely some ways that these amazing servers could go from great, to a stoop short of brilliant. Thank you for reading everyone, and good luck in that next arena!
I love you.


District 13
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
I feel that you're not being completely truthful here. Having looked at your records, you have over a week in play time. Unless you take 2 minute tea breaks, then how can you possibly only have a 20 minute play time and have over 10,000 total minutes in play time? That would be an insane feat.

How do we know most of the community likes short epic games? Did you ask them? Have we carefully taken the time to ask the general public about this. Also, I found the "We have a life" comment a bit insulting. You're basically saying anyone who has over 30 minutes of time to use on the computer has no life. Firing up the statistics command again, I found that you also feature over 1 week in total play time on these servers. Just think about that. 1 week is 10080 minutes, and you're telling me you're not able to give up 30 minutes? I find this very unlikely, but all the well, still possible. Also, like said at the start of the mobs section, I know there was a poll. None the less, it needed to be addressed.
I used to be adictted so my mum had a spaz and yeah...
Plus I rarely play anymore


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
I hugely agree with you about the bigger maps and longer games were better, but its not what the community wants anymore, for a map maker, you have to cater to what people want.. and people dont like playing the large maps anymore, it sucks but you cant force the community into something they dont want


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
However, I just find it hard to believe that with all the time I've seen you on the forums (and looking at the times of your recent posts) that you can spare loads of several "10 minute games", but not a 30 minute game.

Yesterday at 2:44 PM
Yesterday at 2:31 PM
Yesterday at 2:26 PM
Yesterday at 2:11 PM
Yesterday at 1:55 PM
Yesterday at 1:54 PM

Safe to say, you were fairly active on the forums yesterday. Perhaps you just had a lot of free time that day, hmm, let's check another day.

Monday at 8:59 PM
Monday at 8:50 PM
Monday at 8:43 PM
Monday at 8:36 PM
Monday at 8:24 PM
Monday at 8:14 PM
Monday at 8:05 PM

*cough stalker cough* xD


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I wouldn't mind if it stays the same or changes. My Internet tends to always cut out on big maps so I do try to avoid playing them... .-.


Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, this is spot on, and exactly what I think also. I joined in beta, and have been working on SG maps since.. SG4, and it's really sad and actually somewhat depressing what survival games has become now. (Okay maybe depressed is a little too serious a word) Anyway, the problem is that the majority only has their mind set on smaller maps, and so, if a fantastic larger map is created it only gets poopooed by the communities. So, all build teams are forced to make smaller, more pvp orientated maps. I remember joining in beta, and at that time SG was just absolutely brilliant, now it's just like any other pvp server, because unfortunately thats what the newer generation of players want.
If it was my decision I'd rather games last an hour, and make it so it'd take the players atleast 30 minutes to CRAFT iron armour. Chain would be a rarity, and a diamond sword almost none existent. Tributes would have to hunt and cook almost all their food and every fight would be tactical. You'd have to assess everything about your opponent. I prefer a game of intelligence and tactics over a game of button mashing and 'pvp skills'.
But ofcourse this would never happen :3


Oct 2, 2012
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Should so make a map where the pedistals are randomply placed around the map and you get one chest tier 1 infront of you and the map is like 300 blocks wide :>

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Should so make a map where the pedistals are randomply placed around the map and you get one chest tier 1 infront of you and the map is like 300 blocks wide :>
That'd be pretty interesting, not entirely sure if that's a good idea though. It'd be very strange.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
That'd be pretty interesting, not entirely sure if that's a good idea though. It'd be very strange.
*looks at screen, switches to MC, looks at screen again, seens the 299 pedistals hes made, Looks back at post. "dayym"*


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Lets not forget, we live in this video game, its addictive, fun with friends, and terrible when your enemy kills you. Short PvP maps like Solar Frost, I love playing on. Bigger maps like SG1, I think, hey I remember when this was cool, so I love it. Maps like say SG3 or the newer one Threacherous heights, I wouldn't be caught dead in, not for the reason, oh, they suck cus they're big and stuff, because you rarely see anyone, you run out if food, and unless your brain works the opposite way, like mine, you do NOT enjoy dying.

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