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Tone Down NoCheat+ Please!


Apr 19, 2012
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But if they try to "Tone Down" NoCheat+, that might allow many opportunities to hackers come in and ruin the game. "
To be honest, they already ruin the game.


Dec 24, 2012
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The devs are very busy and toning down no cheat is a tedious task. We understand the frustration with it (espicially me being a very active in game mod) but its hard to fix it with all the new mincraft updates coming out. It will be fixed soon that I can guarentee. So have no worries no cheat will be toned down.


Apr 10, 2013
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The devs are very busy and toning down no cheat is a tedious task. We understand the frustration with it (espicially me being a very active in game mod) but its hard to fix it with all the new mincraft updates coming out. It will be fixed soon that I can guarentee. So have no worries no cheat will be toned down.
I'm a developer for Bukkit, and I am well aware of the amount of work that is required to reduce the sensitivity of NoCheat+. The answer? Not much.
They simply have to add some decimals to numbers...


Dec 24, 2012
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I swear no cheat like targets me or something. I think its been about a month and from the looks of it nothing has been done.


Aug 24, 2012
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May 27, 2012
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The devs are very busy and toning down no cheat is a tedious task.
And that's where you are wrong. The only coding it requires to fix this, is about 10 minutes of scanning through the config file, the only "coding" required to fix NCP, is to just change the variables. If you need an example....

#This is a config file
#these number signs allow java to ignore what I am typing
#when I remove this number sign java will read it
#Config for apple spawning
apples: 4 6


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I could be completely wrong here but...

NCP was not made by our devs. it is instead a plug in that someone else made that is very popular and good. the devs don't have time to make an entire new NCP plugin. we do not have permission to edit NCP seeing as the plugin isn't actually ours. so if NCP were to be fixed, the devs would have to build an entire new plugin, and with zed chase and bug fixes coming with the new update, especially now, we don"t have time to even attempt this. yes its annoying, yes you can live with it, and yes it does WAY more good then harm. trust me.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I could be completely wrong here but...

NCP was not made by our devs. it is instead a plug in that someone else made that is very popular and good. the devs don't have time to make an entire new NCP plugin. we do not have permission to edit NCP seeing as the plugin isn't actually ours. so if NCP were to be fixed, the devs would have to build an entire new plugin, and with zed chase and bug fixes coming with the new update, especially now, we don"t have time to even attempt this. yes its annoying, yes you can live with it, and yes it does WAY more good then harm. trust me.
Obviously NCP wasn't made by your devs. You have permission to edit NCP... config.yml. It's there for you to edit the values. You are meant to edit it. And also, you do have the permission to edit NCP's code; it's license gives you permission to do so. And the time to edit the values? Practically none. Boosting up a number by a couple of decimal points shouldn't be time-consuming.
Why are the developers adding more features when they aren't fixing the problems with pre-existing ones?


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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It's been a while, yes...it'd be really nice if there were just no NCP issues.
I'm not a dev here, so I have no idea what kind of workload they have or what they're being told to do, but I do know one thing: Fixing NCP isn't always as easy as changing some numbers. Put simply...yes, it is that easy, but not without causing other issues as well.

When they change a value in NCP's config, there is no way for them to immediately tell if the change was enough or not...maybe even too much. They are so busy developing other important features/fixing bugs that they can't always test this stuff themselves...the solution? Push it as an update and wait for feedback. Still too sensitive? Turn it down a notch. Too lenient? Turn it up a notch.

The major problem here is that there is more than one hack client out there, and all the hack clients are being constantly updated to get around NCP in odd ways. With every little change, with every different client, we need NCP to block it while also keeping the experience great for users...but this isn't the easiest thing.

Changing a value would fix the problem, yes, but it will, in turn, cause another problem: Those using a certain hack client might far more easily get away with, well hacking. Then we turn it up just a tiny notch, and users are getting rubber-banded again...As frustrating as it is to get rubber-banded, any farther down and who knows what kind of hacks will get through? Every little bit we turn it down, it's just that much more pressure on the staff to ban hackers, and people are already still, to this day, complaining about how there are too many. (which seems odd to me since I see one every 3 games at least, usually more, and they aren't all that overpowered or hard to defeat most times. Maybe that's just US...I die to a hacker for the reason that they are hacking like every 30 games at least...this was even true when I wasn't a mod just the other week.)

There used to be a time where NCP was far more sensitive for far too long a while back as well. During this period...there were so few hackers it was amazing...but fighting was just impossible unless you knew how to avoid it. After the fix, fighting was far, far better...but there were so many hackers compared to before. Dealing with these hackers was certainly still far better than dealing with NCP...but it still shocked quite a few people just how many were waiting for that day so they could hack again. This is the same thing...the moment we turn it down, it's hacker central, and keeping up with it is simply too much work at the moment, as they're between like 200+ servers.

There are two sides to this argument: It needs to be more sensitive to almost nullify hackers, or it needs to be less sensitive so we don't get screwed over by it...but we can only have one of these. Right now, we do have to deal with both, but at least they are both infrequent enough that they can be dealt with by properly "training" yourself to avoid it. That, from my knowledge, until some breakthrough is made with NCP or something, is all we can really do. It can only be so good. And again...as awesome as it would be to have a dev changing stuff with NCP so it works perfectly, it's simply far too much work and it's a really sensitive plugin. The moment they step into that territory, they might not be back for a while. We need them in other places first. After all, NCP is still being updated by it's devs...


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
It's been a while, yes...it'd be really nice if there were just no NCP issues.
I'm not a dev here, so I have no idea what kind of workload they have or what they're being told to do, but I do know one thing: Fixing NCP isn't always as easy as changing some numbers. Put simply...yes, it is that easy, but not without causing other issues as well.

When they change a value in NCP's config, there is no way for them to immediately tell if the change was enough or not...maybe even too much. They are so busy developing other important features/fixing bugs that they can't always test this stuff themselves...the solution? Push it as an update and wait for feedback. Still too sensitive? Turn it down a notch. Too lenient? Turn it up a notch.

The major problem here is that there is more than one hack client out there, and all the hack clients are being constantly updated to get around NCP in odd ways. With every little change, with every different client, we need NCP to block it while also keeping the experience great for users...but this isn't the easiest thing.

Changing a value would fix the problem, yes, but it will, in turn, cause another problem: Those using a certain hack client might far more easily get away with, well hacking. Then we turn it up just a tiny notch, and users are getting rubber-banded again...As frustrating as it is to get rubber-banded, any farther down and who knows what kind of hacks will get through? Every little bit we turn it down, it's just that much more pressure on the staff to ban hackers, and people are already still, to this day, complaining about how there are too many. (which seems odd to me since I see one every 3 games at least, usually more, and they aren't all that overpowered or hard to defeat most times. Maybe that's just US...I die to a hacker for the reason that they are hacking like every 30 games at least...this was even true when I wasn't a mod just the other week.)

There used to be a time where NCP was far more sensitive for far too long a while back as well. During this period...there were so few hackers it was amazing...but fighting was just impossible unless you knew how to avoid it. After the fix, fighting was far, far better...but there were so many hackers compared to before. Dealing with these hackers was certainly still far better than dealing with NCP...but it still shocked quite a few people just how many were waiting for that day so they could hack again. This is the same thing...the moment we turn it down, it's hacker central, and keeping up with it is simply too much work at the moment, as they're between like 200+ servers.

There are two sides to this argument: It needs to be more sensitive to almost nullify hackers, or it needs to be less sensitive so we don't get screwed over by it...but we can only have one of these. Right now, we do have to deal with both, but at least they are both infrequent enough that they can be dealt with by properly "training" yourself to avoid it. That, from my knowledge, until some breakthrough is made with NCP or something, is all we can really do. It can only be so good. And again...as awesome as it would be to have a dev changing stuff with NCP so it works perfectly, it's simply far too much work and it's a really sensitive plugin. The moment they step into that territory, they might not be back for a while. We need them in other places first. After all, NCP is still being updated by it's devs...
Give this man a trophy, well said :).


Apr 30, 2013
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I personally don't have any issues. I never get no cheated, well once in like 50 battles NoCheat+ Interferes but most of the time I find it doesn't affect me. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I play on the CA servers? I don't know though.....

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