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Top 10 Maps?


Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
For me, I would say...

  1. ValleySide University
  • Yah yah, it's overplayed but hey, it's a great map for pvp + great routes + lots of chests.
  • The round won't excede 20+ minutes because of diverse and well thought-out terrain.
2. SG4
  • Used to be my favourite, now my second. Reason? 90% of the time, I cannot make a full route. This is because of overplay and how everyone knows where the tier's are. I know they have made updates to switch up the tier's but I still wouldn't expect to make a full route on that map.
  • Still, great pvp. Amazing thought out terrain for running/fighting.
3. MoonBase9
  • If you haven't found out yet, there is a totally op route which leads outside the "1" at corn. If you are lucky enough to take this full route, you would pretty much be opped with full iron + sword. I admit, this needs to be removed but hey, I got 95% of my wins there so I'm not complaining.
  • Game takes a bit too long, corn is all tier 1's, great pvp terrain where bow comes in handy.
4. Solar Frost
  • Don't have a route? Your dead my friend. Map is so small that you need to have a specific place to go every round because every chest will be taken in the first 5 minutes.
  • I like this map for the quick game. I've actually finished a full-24 server round in 1:54 minutes. Wonder if that's a record...
5. Avaricia
  • Ermahgawd, this map is coolio! Should be my favorite but guess what, it's not! Why does it take 100 minutes to finish the game!? Replace that bottom canyon where noobs and baccas go with lava pl0x!
  • I was surprised how great this map was thought out. The circular radius was a great idea. Also a great place for noobs to run for the whole game!

6th. Icarus
7th. Breeze Island
8th. Demon's Breeze
9th. Moonlight Lake
10th. Teweran Survival 2

I dislike the new maps =.= Though they would be better but this is just targeting people and fisting them off the spawn for an easy kill.

Disagree? Fine, be like that. Let's see your top 5.


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
  1. Holiday Resort: This arena is vibrant, colorful, and full of life. Every direction you go is interesting not only to the eyes, but the intellect as well. This map is full of strategies and paths, and makes extremely good use of all the available items in the MCSG. Also, the cornucopia is genius, even if it's been somewhat done before.
  2. Treacherous Heights: In my opinion, this is the most beautifully terraformed map on the MCSG that is also balanced and fun. Not Too big, and the cornucopia is amazing! No other map can pull it off. It just works. And LOTs of chests in the houses and buildings. :D
  3. Valleyside University: Extremely popular. Sword in a trapped chest at the beginning. Lots of buildings to explore. PLENTY of tier 2 goodness, some hard, some easy. The harder ones are always more rewarding. Also, follows my biggest rule for survival games maps; If something is big and cool looking, you should be able to get up there.
  4. Origins: For me, definitely the coolest map that has ever been on the MCSG. Just the fact that there are winding paths Everywhere and you have to find your way up to them makes me want to explore everything. And this was built by ONE PERSON? Props, @Guinessis. Props.
  5. Survival Games Highway: This is what I would call the perfect survival games map. Lots of little places to explore right at the start, flat ways to run away from and towards spawn (should you choose to), and the option to climb through trees to get to better chests located farther from spawn. Really great building on the vehicles and houses, and much attention to detail on the small things.
  6. Fortune Island: Boats! I love this map because boats give you a huge advantage, and there are tier two chests on every island! I especially love the little sand islands that drop down into the depths of the earth to three of my favorite chests. There are just so many fun places to go, like the giant statue, the ship, the sub, the village, the lava parkour, undergroud, underwater...
  7. Fortress Pyke: Castles. Towers. Dangerous jumps, traps galore...I feel that this map is underplayed. I just really appreciate the true survival feeling that this map gives off, even though I'm more partial to the fun maps that look really colorful and shiny and new. This one stands out to me as a very well-made arena.
  8. (newest) Survival Games 1: I remember when Survival Games 1 first came out, and I would go on Planet Minecraft looking for servers to play on with those pre-filled chests and real game-makers and OH MAN the nostalgia. But over time, this map has been forced to undergo some changes. Most places that people play are now automated, and this map was created to be manually run. The the bedrock/glass waiting area was removed, the building for starting the games went through SEVERAL changes (my favorite of which is being filled with cake), and some new versions started popping up. It has been on the market the longest, after all. And now I feel that with the new cornucopia, totally revamped for 48 players, it is finally perfected. :)
  9. Survival Games 4: There is a lot that could be said for SG4. However, I would just like to say that although most of my favorite chest routes are on this map, they are also VERY easy to spot, so everyone knows about them. Which in my opinion, puts this map at number 9. But still one of the best.
  10. Wyvern's Wake: O Wyvern's wake, how beautiful thou art. Thy Dragons doth chill the very marrow in my bones. The blood in my heart beats for thee. The chests thou hast hidden hath overtaken my whole soul, and thine terraforming and structures shall never have rivals.
Runners up:
-Kharmunrah (love the complexity)
-Solar Frost
-Tewaran Survival Games
-Hungry Hills
-Rugged Lands

Runners Down:
-Moonlight Lake
-Vida Cova (although very well made)
-Breeze Island
-Destiny's Shiver (cool looking, not a great sg map at all)
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
  1. Holiday Resort: This arena is vibrant, colorful, and full of life. Every direction you go is interesting not only to the eyes, but the intellect as well. This map is full of strategies and paths, and makes extremely good use of all the available items in the MCSG. Also, the cornucopia is genius, even if it's been somewhat done before.
  2. Treacherous Heights: In my opinion, this is the most beautifully terraformed map on the MCSG that is also balanced and fun. Not Too big, and the cornucopia is amazing! No other map can pull it off. It just works. And LOTs of chests in the houses and buildings. :D
  3. Valleyside University: Extremely popular. Sword in a trapped chest at the beginning. Lots of buildings to explore. PLENTY of tier 2 goodness, some hard, some easy. The harder ones are always more rewarding. Also, follows my biggest rule for survival games maps; If something is big and cool looking, you should be able to get up there.
  4. Origins: For me, definitely the coolest map that has ever been on the MCSG. Just the fact that there are winding paths Everywhere and you have to find your way up to them makes me want to explore everything. And this was built by ONE PERSON? Props, @Guinessis. Props.
  5. Survival Games Highway: This is what I would call the perfect survival games map. Lots of little places to explore right at the start, flat ways to run away from and towards spawn (should you choose to), and the option to climb through trees to get to better chests located farther from spawn. Really great building on the vehicles and houses, and much attention to detail on the small things.
  6. Fortune Island: Boats! I love this map because boats give you a huge advantage, and there are tier two chests on every island! I especially love the little sand islands that drop down into the depths of the earth to three of my favorite chests. There are just so many fun places to go, like the giant statue, the ship, the sub, the village, the lava parkour, undergroud, underwater...
  7. Fortress Pyke: Castles. Towers. Dangerous jumps, traps galore...I feel that this map is underplayed. I just really appreciate the true survival feeling that this map gives off, even though I'm more partial to the fun maps that look really colorful and shiny and new. This one stands out to me as a very well-made arena.
  8. (newest) Survival Games 1: I remember when Survival Games 1 first came out, and I would go on Planet Minecraft looking for servers to play on with those pre-filled chests and real game-makers and OH MAN the nostalgia. But over time, this map has been forced to undergo some changes. Most places that people play are now automated, and this map was created to be manually run. The the bedrock/glass waiting area was removed, the building for starting the games went through SEVERAL changes (my favorite of which is being filled with cake), and some new versions started popping up. It has been on the market the longest, after all. And now I feel that with the new cornucopia, totally revamped for 48 players, it is finally perfected. :)
  9. Survival Games 4: There is a lot that could be said for SG4. However, I would just like to say that although most of my favorite chest routes are on this map, they are also VERY easy to spot, so everyone knows about them. Which in my opinion, puts this map at number 9. But still one of the best.
  10. Wyvern's Wake: O Wyvern's wake, how beautiful thou art. Thy Dragons doth chill the very marrow in my bones. The blood in my heart beats for thee. The chests thou hast hidden hath overtaken my whole soul, and thine terraforming and structures shall never have rivals.
Runners up:
-Kharmunrah (love the complexity)
-Solar Frost
-Tewaran Survival Games
-Hungry Hills
-Rugged Lands

Runners Down:
-Moonlight Lake
-Vida Cova (although very well made)
-Breeze Island
-Destiny's Shiver (cool looking, not a great sg map at all) (also, is it removed now?)
Your favorite maps are the worst maps.

DJ Kitty

Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
1. Solar Frost: You get relatively fast games which you can get a lot of kills on which I like

2. SG4: Nuff said

3. Vida da coe (I belive that's how it's spelt): Not much people will agree with me here but I LOVE how the spawn is messed up except if the guy has df -.- but the map is beautiful if you make it out of corn alive it is amazing but the con is all the cliffs it just ruins your day if your looking off a cliff and a noob with his fists come and punch you off

4. SG highway: its on a highway nuff said

5 Breeze island: the first map made by the community and it is still being played regularly don't know why I like it I just do

6. Moonlight lake: I am good at parkour nuff said

7.MB9: This map is my troll map I just stay behind a person shifting and when they turn around they don't see me because it's so dark and when they finally find a chest I just kill them

8. Avarica: Teir Twos nuff said

9 Vallyside: I don't really like this map but its ok bcause of all the teir twos

10. Treacherous Heights: Too big and not enough chests but a nice lookin map


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
K, this is just a quick list. LOADS of amazing maps.

Valleyside - well built and good pvp.
Wyverns wake - perfect sg map and dem dragons.
Ts3 - would be perfect but kinda lag at corn because of beacons.
Sg 4 - so many fun times on this map.
Ts2 - Amazing (plus my op route)
Rugged lands - smexiest map out there.
Avaricia - good pvp and littered with chests. Guaranteed a fun game on this map.
Solar Frost - love the quick game. I finished a game in 14 secs. But it had 5 people in and I got a stone sword.
Sg 2 - no reason needed.
Sg 1 - nostalgia, too many fun times on this map!


Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
I'm picky, so here are my top 3

sg1 - An origanal and amazing map with awesome gameplay.
sg4 - Cool buildings. Great variety of chests, and just amazing gameplay
Moonlight Lake - Best corn in my opinion, and awesome layout

In my opinion, the newest maps like VidaCova and origins arenèt the best at all.


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
I like typing so I will try to make this as long as possible! :p

1) Holiday Resort
  • This map is builded very neatly and nicely! It has super good terraforming and buildings!
  • I love the beach because I always go there and the flat terrian over there makes it good for pvp!
  • The time taken for this game won't usually take very long
  • I have a good chest route that has some Tier 2s and it gives me good stuffs!
2) Valleyside University
  • The time taken for this map is usually 20 mins even though the map is big!
  • I have a good chest route that quite less people would go for
  • I love the stadium because of its flat terrian and I usually fight here
3) Survival Games 4
  • The corn is awesome to fight in deathmatch!
  • I have a chest route with 1 Tier 2 but almost nobody will go to this route
  • The train station and train tracks are always the meeting place to meet!
4) Teweran Survival Games 2
  • A game will take very long to finish here but this map is awesome and cool!
  • The corn is the best to fight in deathmatch because its easy to set fire
  • My chest route has 1 Tier 2 but very less people will go to this rotue
  • The entire map is awesome and nice to fight
5) Avaricia
  • I have to set Tiny render distance to accumulate good FPS
  • The chests are placed fairly and it is quite easy to find them!
  • I like my chest route but some people also come for this chest route too
  • It would be better if the glowstone in corn were replaced by torches because of invisible fire
6) Solar Frost
  • A game usually does not take long
  • The deathmatch arena should not be used and instead changed to the normal cornucopia
  • There should be more chests placed fairly at all passageways
  • But this is an awesome and cool map to play because of its small size
7) Rugged Lands
  • I have a good chest route with few Tier 2s but there are always people coming for this route
  • I like how the spawn is made and I can go up and camp!
  • Bad thing is when getting tryharded there's almost no way to escape
8) MoonBase9
  • The cornucopia and structures are built for convienent fighting!
  • The map should contain glowstone so we can see outside in the dark
  • I would say the cornucopia of this map is very nice to fight
  • This map have room for improvements and overall it is awesome map!
9) Breeze Island
  • Structures are built nicely and have good chests in it!
  • There should be some chests added in the underground of the water
  • The corn should have some leaf pads placed because of the possibility to camp in deathmatch
  • I had fun when playing with friends in this map!
10) Freeze Island
  • The structures are awesome and cool
  • I like to run on ice it makes you like having speed effect which is nice!
  • I have probably the worst chest route with just only 1 Tier 2 lol
  • The corn is awesome to fight and escape because of many ice surrounding it!
In my opinion, I dun really like the new maps at all. The gameplay is not really suitable and the map just are not good for fighting and all those stuffs.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I like and dislike specific things about each and every map. But my top ten in order would have to be:

1. Teweran Survival Games 2
2. Survival Games 4
3. Survival Games 5
4. Teweran Survival Games
5. Breeze Island
6. Avaricia
7. Survival Games 3
8. Survival Games 2
9. Holiday Resort
10. Teweran Survival Games 3

I strongly dislike Moonlight Lake and Solar Frost for the only reasons being that they are very cramped and the games are often WAY too short.
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
In no particular order, my favourite MCSG Maps of all time:

Freeze Island
Demon's Breeze
Solar Frost
Valleyside University
SG Highway
Fortress Pyke

They are all stacked with tier 2's and that's why I like them!



Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
1. Valleyside University
2. SG4
3.Drybones (teweran 2)
4. Breeze
5.Fortress Pyke
6.Solar Frost
7.Holiday Resort
8. Avaracia? O_O
9.Hungry Hills


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
1) Solar frost
2) Origins
3) Moon base9
4) Fortune island
5) Valleyside university
6) Teweran Sg2
7) Holiday resort
8) Sg4
9) demon's breeze
10) Sg2{only for buildings[I can't play it so well(bad pc)]}

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