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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
No particular order:

SkeletonBoss - known him for like as long as I can remember, he's amazing with a bow and great at sneaky attacking

Teovald - fought him once, he put up an amazing fight.

Kony - we fight all the time on mcswish, amazing at fishing rod stunning and strafing

Minialan9 - great at sword skills, we play together sometimes, always beats me at the deathmatch.

Elgoldo - fight him occasionally, he's good at pretty much everything. Not afraid of leaving a game when it's not a map he's good at though.

This was my top 5 might add another 5 lately.


Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score










this is my 100th post


Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
ChadtheDJ - Fought him on a PMC Server, I was just walking around and started fisting me, and me and him just had the most intense battle I've ever had, then some guy butted in and killed him :(

nate252 - Was actually on a livestream of his, he was teamed with Graysha, I jumped in, killed graysha, got nate to a heart, i was all like wow, and he was all wOw, and I was like WoW, and everyone else was like Wow.

finsgrahics - Fought him on SG4, he killed me, but it was a good fight. The end

Do I have to put 10? lol I dont have 10


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
1. Egrodo - We were friends kind of because I was being nice to him, but then we decided to fight. I had Full chain, he had full iron. We both had stone swords and we started the fight. Of course, he landed almost every hit, but I still managed to kill him with 1/2 heart left. But, of course, Tacoface the vulture swooped in and killed me.

2. Blamph - Everyone knows he clicks fast... I stand by that statement.

3. BomBashious - That charge, then last second turn around. Fell for it every single time.

4. Elisha - I had a teammate and he STILL dominated us.

5. Lil_Chamona - One of the fastest clickers I've fought (Besides Blamph)

6. Devon_Mines - I never thought Devon was good, For some reason I compared him to JoeyGraceffa... Until he killed me on Sg 5 and I realized he was good.

7. Aeruner - Never thought an Admin would out snipe me.

8. SumBoDeee - He doesn't have many wins, but he could still take down anyone on the list above.

9. Brandon6895 - For some reason his voice made a fool out of me. I heard him speak and thought 'Pssht, easy' 5 seconds later I was sitting on top of the Corn, regretting what I said.

10. LeafyGreenTea - Obvious lag is Obvious.


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. Egrodo - We were friends kind of because I was being nice to him, but then we decided to fight. I had Full chain, he had full iron. We both had stone swords and we started the fight. Of course, he landed almost every hit, but I still managed to kill him with 1/2 heart left. But, of course, Tacoface the vulture swooped in and killed me.

2. Blamph - Everyone knows he clicks fast... I stand by that statement.

3. BomBashious - That charge, then last second turn around. Fell for it every single time.

4. Elisha - I had a teammate and he STILL dominated us.

5. Lil_Chamona - One of the fastest clickers I've fought (Besides Blamph)

6. Devon_Mines - I never thought Devon was good, For some reason I compared him to JoeyGraceffa... Until he killed me on Sg 5 and I realized he was good.

7. Aeruner - Never thought an Admin would out snipe me.

8. SumBoDeee - He doesn't have many wins, but he could still take down anyone on the list above.

9. Brandon6895 - For some reason his voice made a fool out of me. I heard him speak and thought 'Pssht, easy' 5 seconds later I was sitting on top of the Corn, regretting what I said.

10. LeafyGreenTea - Obvious lag is Obvious.

Obvious necro is obvious.


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
In no order

Egrodo - An all round great player, plays smart and his turn around bow shot is just way too fast and accurate. Fought him in his 500 sub video or his latest one in DM.

G33ke - He plays the game tactically and smart, avoiding straight on sword fights rather trying to get the player low before so, and his fishing rod is just hard to get pass. Only managed to beat him twice out of like 8 fights.

Blamph - Clicking is too fast :p ... Beat him once but that was when he just came back to Minecraft after his break.

JustAHotDog - Had a couple good fights with JustAHotDog, it's no doubt he has a lot of skill in PvP

SixzoSeven - Haven't really had a proper fight but I still struggled to fight him, his sword skills are one of the best that I have seen

Antster360 - One of the best PvP'ers I've fought, he's a all round great player to fight

Nate252 - We're about even in fights but he is a great player and hard to beat

Aeruner - Sword skills are great, beat him once before but he gets insane crits xD

LinkDude1997 - Haven't fought him in awhile now but has good sword skills and a pretty decent strafe :p

Tomahawk - Blockhitting is OP xD , he can blockhit fairly well and his turn around Flint and steel is quite quick


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
1. G33ke - Really smart PvPer, I think someone else already said that he doesn't just rely on his swordsmanship. 'Dat fishing rod.

2. SixZoSeven - Like G33ke, he's really smart, and is amazing with the sword. I don't think I've ever beat him in a fair 1v1.

3. snoopyk9 - Really underrated player. Great overall.

4. BomBashious - Lands almost every hit, amazing PvPer.

5. Egrodo - I know his tactics, but he uses them so randomly. He's hard to predict.

6. OMGjustin - One of the best PvPers out there. He goes pretty hardcore with everything.

7. Blamph - 'Dem clicking skills.

8. MaxStormz (The_Great_Tito) - Gets his hits from insanely far away, pretty hard to land one on him.

9. xExtract - This guy's a beast. Pretty hard to kill.

10. HarborSealPuP - Fights a lot like BomBashious. Pretty underrated as well.


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
1. gcb99 - Good jumping skills, very hard to kill and also extremely good with the bow. He also puts hard work into his pvp and the effort is shown in his battles!

2. Elgoldo - All all-round amazing pvper, in my opinion hes one of the top 3 pvpers, good with strategies and just overall fantastic.

3. _zeX99_ - He is incredible with the sword and at getting combos, he outperforms most pvpers in a 1v1 battle, he can also take down teams very easily, as he showed in his most recent video ;)

4. CharlesYummyegg - He is amazing with strategies and also the fishing rod, he can trick you very easily and is a tough fight, he is good at everything to do with pvp.

5. brynemannen8 - A defensive pvper, very good with bow and flint and steel , especially in quickly turning around and spam shooting xP

6. edtheg - He is also an amazing bow pvper and defensive player, but I think his skills have gotten a bit worse recently.

7. Gravey4rd - I think hes an all-round amazing pvper, he is good at bow, sword and flint and steel...he has good minecraft knowledge and is very strategic in his pvp.

8. xXApachiSkyXx - He is good with the bow and getting combos with the sword, he is also good at turning around quickly and shooting, he can also surprise you and plays defensively.

9. METI0023 - He was one of the beasts at pvp until he stopped playing :(, but yeah he had good minecraft knowledge and was extremely good with the bow and flint and steel.

10. ExKing - He is an all-round amazing swordsman, can really put you off sometimes and he is amazing at getting combos.


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Lol idk :p. reven86, MegaDani, Canziano, Noahsailer, MinecraftBrutal, ferno. Can't explain why, but they always destroy me. Cant name 10 though xD
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