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Top 10 Things That Need Fixing (Bug thread)


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tip one isnt from intrnet connection.....
Correct. It is due to the new NCP, I think. When players use forcefiel, NCP makes it so the hacker cannot hit any player. NCP thinks legit players are using hacks , and it puts that "no hit" in place.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
My opinions :
  1. Remove MCSG Ruins, but not Overgrown. At least it has structure and terraforming into it. It would be a shame to remove it because its a huge map and must've taken a long time to create.
  2. Spam feature is stupid, I get kicked just for typing really fast.
  3. Hearing spectator footsteps will be fixed in 1.4, I think.. Its not a Bukkit bug, its rather a Minecraft bug.
  4. The forever Map 4 situation is not a bug. It'll stay there until a new TeamVareide map pops out. Chad mentioned that voting would be : [Latest TeamVareide Map] [Community or Vareide] [Community or Vareide]. Such example of combinations are : Survival Games 4, Survival Games 2, Survival Games. (Or) : Survival Games 4, Breeze Island, Fortress Pyke
  5. Items disappearing from your inventory. I'm not sure but this is a bugged Chuck Testa. The 'Chuck Testa' feature were supposed to remove only one, two or more things. Although, it seems to be removing all items. Basically, the server sends you packets of data on the chest contents. Your router sends packets of data of what you took to the server, that's good. Although, lag can instead make it like this : Server sends you packets of data on the chest contents. Your router sends packets of data a few milliseconds too fast, the server thinks its inventory hacks, and refuses the data. Also, an another point to this, if two people are looking at the chest, if A took all of the items before B, the items can seem to be still there to B. This means that the server rather sent the data too late, and your router receives it at the condition.
  6. The first one you mentioned is a bug with NoCheatPlus thinking you are using forcefield hacks, therefore preventing you from hitting anyone and shooting bows.
  7. Glitchy ladder bug is a #BlameMojang bug.
Remember, 3/4 of this is just my opinion and 1/4 of it is fact.

Big Mike 4

Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Correct. It is due to the new NCP, I think. When players use forcefiel, NCP makes it so the hacker cannot hit any player. NCP thinks legit players are using hacks , and it puts that "no hit" in place.
I am pretty sure that is wrong also. But idk.

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